Sunday, April 13, 2008

Tint film with safety and security features

Most people in Malaysia has installed tint film for their car to battle against the hot sun. My car is installed with Armorcoat security tint film for RM1xxx by the Tint Shop.

This tint film is comparable to V-Kool standard in terms of heat repellent, also comes with 5 years warranty, and is quite transparent to also meets the JPJ's light penetration requirement.

If you are considering tinting your car, it is wise to consider for the additional safety and security feature too. With the security tint film, people can only break the window in certain way using certain type of device. Your windows will be pretty robust and unbreakable by helmet, hammer, throwing stone, etc. And with its safety feature, even if the window glass is broken, the pieces will remain sticking on the film, instead of scattering all over and might injure people sitting in the car.

The minimum acceptable robustness of car security film is 4 mil (100 micron). An 8 mil (200 micron) security film can withstand most kind of impacts. If it is 20 mil and above, your windows can be bulletproof.

Tint film that makes your windows cannot be seen through from outside

If you are looking for a solution to make your windows can't be seen through from outside, both during daytime and at night, you might want to consider the solution I installed for my house here.

I found this solution in Care Kool Tint Shop. It is a kind of solar window film for building which can reject heat, infrared and ultraviolet from the sun. It price is not too expensive, compared with the solar window film for car. I mean, I have many windows and glass doors in my house, especially downstairs, and the installation for all the windows and glass doors downstairs costed me RM8xx only.

This solar film really works to repel heat from sunlight. I installed it before the installation of turbine ventilators. However, the turbine ventilators are greater solution to keep the house cool, because the solar film does not block the heat dissipated from roof top and then down the ceiling.

The solar film has many combinations of tint colour which come in pairs, one colour for its outer layer, another for inner layer. The colour combination that plays the trick to make your windows can't be see through from outside is silver/gray. This combination will make your window looks like a mirror from outside. People will only see their own image when looking at your window from outside, and you can look out clearly from inside. This is true during daytime or night time, with or without light on inside your house.

Another colour combination which has less mirroring effect is silver/blue. However, this combination enables people from outside to slightly see through during night time when light is on inside your house.

RadioShack telephone answering device

I have a RadioShack telephone answering device with speakerphone upstairs, using the same splitted phone line with the Panasonic cordless phone downstairs. This phone also not expensive, costed me for RM1xx only.

It looks like a normal phone with LCD display. Nothing special in appearance, so I decided not to include its photo here.

With its price, I'd say it is valued for money, because it has all the neccessary features including CLIP display, address book, memory dial, hands-free speaker, connectable to headset, answering machine features, voice memo recording, remote dial-in control, etc.

It operates on AC electric supply, and also includes a 9 volts backup battery to cater for power failure.

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