Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Sleeping on good quality mattress

Most of us spend approximately 1/3 of our life sleeping on our bed. Therefore, a durable good quality mattress makes a good investment to our comfort, sleep quality, body relaxation and spinal health.

What makes a good quality mattress then?
  • you feel relax and comfortable sleeping on it.

  • it should be firm and rigid enough to support our body evenly. There should be very little gap, if any, between our body and the mattress when we sleep on it. Mattress without enough support for our spine can lead to muscle fatigue, backbone problem, poor night sleep and even insomnia. Mattress which is too firm until we're feeling like sleeping on plywood or piece of rock is discomfort and brings the same problems too.

  • its inner material (usually pocket springs) will not damage or deformed, even when a 100 kg adult jumping on it. This should be true for all parts of the mattress, including its central part, and its edges.

  • you should feel its heaviness to lift and/or carry.

  • it should come with at least 10 years of warranty period.

My mattress comes with 15 years warranty

When you purchase your new mattress, the shop should allow you to:

  • sleep your whole body on the mattress to experience your comfort level with it.
  • jump on the mattress or throw heavy object on it to test its quality.

Well, not all shops allow you to do that. The shop which I bought all the mattresses in my house, encouraged us to try that though. The name of the shop is called Debono Design, located at 1st floor of M.E.I. Furniture Fair in Desa Petaling.

1 comment:

  1. Just think about how much time you spend asleep in your life. Taking an average of 8 hours per night, that's 56 hours a week and 2912 hours per year! You should think of a mattress as an investment, and buy the best you can afford - that's why I've just bought a memory foam mattress
