Sunday, June 29, 2008

The 2 strollers in my home - why their price are so much different

There are 2 strollers in my home. The left-hand-side one is a Sweet Cherry, cost RM150 (after 50% discount), and the right-hand-side one is Combi Super Mechacal DX, cost RM7xx (after 35% discount).

They have similar parts and functionalities, such as:
  • Reversible handle
  • Foldable
  • Double wheel with suspension on each side
  • Front swivel wheels with lock
  • 3-points seat belt
  • With canopy
  • Removable front guard
  • With storage basket
  • 3 levels of reclination
  • Footrest for toddler

But the Combi stroller is about 5 times the price of the Sweet Cherry. What make the different then? Here are the features of the Combi stroller that justify its higher price:

  • It is very light weight. The metal material is different.
  • The fabric material is different too. The baby can stay in it for hours without feeling hot or unconfortable. My son used to sleep in it during daytime.
  • The seat cushion is more soft and comfortable.
  • The seat cushion is fully removeable and washable.
  • The suspension is pretty good. It is not so bumpy when going through uneven lands.
  • It is more compact when folded.
  • Its seat belt can hold the baby better and more comfortable.
  • Its front guard is soft. Not made by hard plastic.
  • It comes with shoulder strap for convenient carrying when folded.
  • Its canopy has sufficient ventilation windows, and can fully cover until the front guard.

All in all, I find the Combi Super Mechacal DX well worth for its price. If you plan to buy a stroller for your baby/toddler, although price is a major consideration, convenience (to you) and comfortability (to the baby/toddler) are also important considerations that should not be neglected.

1 comment:

  1. if u ever plan to sell either one of ur strollers, let me know.
