Wednesday, February 17, 2010

My Takada ISB-889 Air Master 4-in-1 air cooler

The weather during this Chinese New Year time is freaking hot, and it is so uncomfortable to stay indoor without air-cond, not to mention sleeping in the hot night with only ceiling fan blowing at the maximum speed.

Therefore, I decided to hunt for an air cooler to be used in my hometown.

There are 2 brands of air cooler selling at Tesco for RM2xx, namely Takada and Global, but it seems that others have also hunted for the same thing like me, and they've run out of stock.

Finally, managed to buy a Takada ISB-889 Air Master 4-in-1 air cooler at the cost of RM3xx in Parkson. The size of this unit is bigger than the air coolers sold in Tesco, with a stronger blower and larger water tank. Functionality wise is the same though.

Its so-called 4-in-1 functions are:
  • Cooler - with water and ice box
  • Purifier - with its filter and ozone release
  • Ionizer - with its oxygen bar releasing negative ion
  • Humidifier - damping with water curtain
It comes with 2 ice boxes which need to be refrigerated before use and can last for 4 hours. I purchased an additional larger ice box which can last for 8 hours for night use. One of its beauty is that it consumes very low electricity, at 70W only.

Although not comparable with air-cond, this air cooler functions pretty well in keeping the room cool, and now we can sleep comfortably at night.


  1. Wow...this is considered relatively cheap compared to OSIM stuff. :p

  2. Hi, Happy CNY!
    Is it really help compare to aircon?

  3. Hi,

    Yes, it helps to lower down the room temperature by 1~2 degree Celcius, especially when use with the larger ice box plus the original ice box.

    You cannot compare this with air-cond because you can lower down the temperature by more than 10 degree Celcius with air-cond setting.

  4. for this price rm3xx, why dun buy a cheap brand aircond which cost around rm6xx?

  5. Hi,

    Air-cond is not able to move around the house, and who will come and install during CNY time?

  6. Hi, what's the difference between this and the one that is sold in Tesco for 2XX? Does the ionizer thingy really work. Thanks a lot.

  7. Hi Jun,

    The one sold in Tesco is of smaller size and less effective.

    If you look for a good ionizer, I would recommend Medklinn. You can read my sharing about my Medklinn mobile ionizer.

  8. I bought one of this thing (same brand) a few years back at Carrefour. It tend to short circuit - water vapour seeps into the motor.
    When I wanted to claim warranty, I found out that the address is somewhere in Chow Kit and no office...

  9. Hi,

    The service center should be here:

    35, Jalan Desa Serdang 4, Desa Serdang, Seri Kembangan, 43300 Selangor.

    Check your warranty card.

  10. hi,

    how about keruilaui air cooler? very expensive though r,6xx.but some freedback from cari that is really cooling and no water dipping problem whatever.

    and how about the round thing on the roof, i dunno what it call, turboxxx something. is it effective?


  11. Hi,

    Air cooler is more for short term solution. For long term solution, better get an air-cond.

    For one whole year, I only stay at hometown for about 20 days, so air-cooler is suitable for my family. My parents already installed air-cond in their master bedroom though. And I have 4 air-conds in my own house.

    For the wind turbine on the roof, yes, it helps. Please refer to my sharing here.

  12. hi,

    for a small bedroom, will this takada aircool col the room? will there water leaking ?


  13. Hi,

    It is not suppose to leak water. If you find any water leaking, should return and claim for warranty repair.

  14. the wind turbine is not realy helping. my house install 2 wind turbine 16inch. check the teometer, only reduce 1-3 degree only, usually is 2.

  15. hi,
    saw from lowyat forum, a malay lady complaint that got mosquito lay eggs inside the water tank, she also bought this takada 4 in 1.

    harimau, do u face this problem with your takada?


  16. Hi,

    Dry out the tank if not in use.

  17. Hi, how about the filter? any rusty/smelly problem?

  18. able to reduce few celcius in afternoon?
    at least do help bit?

  19. whick shop this u buy this air cooler in penang?
    i've asked a few shops, they dont know about this "takada" brand....

  20. Hello... is it working smoothly until now?

  21. hi, where the shop I can buy the air cooler ?
    and the price is ?


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  23. good review (Y) btw anyone knows where to gt cheaper alternative for aircond? been trying to survey for cheap ones for my sister's new hse, finally 23 yrs can buy own hse is a good thing la but alot of things also dont hv. all money spent on the hse d, so i was thinking to give it as a gift. but dont want too exp also la.

  24. @John Liew

    Just went to the courts aircond fair over the weekend, maybe u can check there. they're hving some sort of massive promotion for all airconds. up to 50% which actually most of them also 50% -_- hahaha. i bet it wont be a waste of a visit la

  25. i heard the cooling fair courts promotion already ended? correct ah?

  26. @HalleyLeong

    Promotion fair?? wont it be like those typical old models kind of clearance?? i've been to alot of those, nth nice there one for sure.. I'm looking for newer models of aircond cos i heard old models all eat alot electricity wor

  27. @John Liew

    Its not like those clearance thingy la bro. There's like 16 brands there and all also big players brand in aircond like daikin, samsung all etc. and i saw all brands also got hot models, not much of old models, so its defo not clearance type. somemore u buy now only need to pay RM1 installation fee hahah so cheap

  28. @kaki skodeng

    hey bro, the promotion havent end yet, u can still go. its until 20th sept. tmr last day! better hurry cos last week i went got alot of ppl man, all there buying as if its FOC man hahaha. dont miss out the good deal


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