Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Top 10s in Universities Ranking on the Web (Jan 2010 Edition) by Webometrics

By now, results of SPM, STPM, GCE, UEC, etc. should have been released, and it is time for those secondary school graduates who want to further their study to look for university.

Tertiary education requires a lot of cost, several years of your lifespan, have material impact to your ideology, and might be an important factor for your career path. Therefore, it is important to choose the university wisely, and a worldwide universities ranking can be a good indicator for you.

The Webometrics World Universities' Ranking has coverage to more than 18,000 Higher Education Institutions worldwide. It summarizes the global performance of the university, provides information for candidate students and scholars, and reflects the commitment to the dissemination of scientific knowledge.

It is an initiative of the Cybermetrics Lab, a research group of the Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales (CCHS), part of the National Research Council (CSIC), the largest public research body in Spain.

Now, let's see some of the Top 10s from the results of Webometrics' Jan 2010 Edition of Universities Ranking.
Top 10 country/political region for tertiary education:
  • 1. United States
  • 2. United Kingdom
  • 3. Germany
  • 4. Canada
  • 5. Taiwan
  • 6. Sweden
  • 7. Spain
  • 8. Japan
  • 9. Brazil
  • 10. Netherlands
Click here to see the Top 45 ranking and more information about the Webometrics Country Scoreboard.

So, if you are Human Resource or manager in your company going to interview candidates graduated from one of the country/political region above, go ahead and challenge them with tougher questions. If they passed, offer them a higher pay.

World's Top 10 Universities:
  • 1. Harvard University
  • 2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
  • 3. Stanford University
  • 4. University of California Berkeley
  • 5. Cornell University
  • 6. University of Washington
  • 7. University of Minnesota
  • 8. Johns Hopkins University
  • 9. University of Michigan
  • 10. University of Wisconsin Madison
All in the Top 10 are from the United States.

Click here to see the Top 8000 Universities of the world.

Top 10 Universities in Asia:
  • 1. University of Tokyo, Japan (38)
  • 2. Kyoto University, Japan (52)
  • 3. National Taiwan University, Taiwan (63) 
  • 4. University of Hong Kong (128)
  • 5. Chinese University of Hong Kong (130)
  • 6. Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel (133)
  • 7. Keio University, Japan (136)
  • 8. National University of Singapore (146)
  • 9. National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan (153)
  • 10. Nagoya University, Japan (161)
The number in the brackets above is their respective World Ranking.

Click here to see the Top 100 Universities in Asia.

Top 10 Universities in South East Asia:
  • 1. National University of Singapore (146)
  • 2. Kasetsart University, Thailand (229)
  • 3. Prince of Songkla University, Thailand (338)
  • 4. Mahidol University, Thailand (381)
  • 5. Chulalongkorn University, Thailand (398)
  • 6. Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (468)
  • 7. Chiang Mai University, Thailand (478)
  • 8. Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia (562)
  • 9. Khon Kaen University, Thailand (567)
  • 10. Institute of Technology Bandung, Indonesia (661)
What? None from Malaysia? Well, the 11th is Universiti Putra Malaysia (686).

Click here to see the Top 100 Universities in South East Asia.

Top 10 Universities in Malaysia:

  • 1. Universiti Putra Malaysia (686)
  • 2. Universiti Sains Malaysia (725)
  • 3. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (733)
  • 4. University of Malaya (778)
  • 5. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (985)
  • 6. Universiti Teknologi Mara (1367)
  • 7. Universiti Malaysia Perlis (1413)
  • 8. Universiti Utara Malaysia (1454)
  • 9. Multimedia University (1528)
  • 10. International Islamic University Malaysia (1576)
Click here to see the universities and colleges ranking of Malaysia

Are you graduated from one of the world class universities/colleges? Some fresh graduates find it difficult to get a job. It could be due to few years back, they've made an unwise decision and studied in a low ranking university.

While some might want to argue that university ranking like this could be subjective, the employment market, locally or globally, will eventually reflect the reference value of the ranking system.
Click here to go to the homepage of Webometrics website.


  1. thanks for sharing the list.. i dont see my former uni - inti - on it =)

  2. Yeah....where is malaysia? Ranked 600++? :/

  3. Academic researches and publishing of papers play a very important role in this ranking.

    You might realise some colleges even completely out of the list, probably because they are towards "business oriented" instead of academic oriented.

    Also, for twinning programme, look for the twinning university beside the one who conducted the course.

  4. National University of Singapore is the best in south east asia, but it only ranked 146th in the world.

  5. how about qs university ranking? does ranking matter that much in pure science, especially in postgrad level?

  6. do d ranking of university affect our future job??i think it doesn't matter whatever univrsty we r studying as long as we can constant our good result..

  7. bullsheet...just an attempt to get Malaysian out of country. Not many research paper I heard from some of these top universities you claim. Not much participation from them in international seminars. Nothing much contribution to international research. Do not know from where this ranking came from.

  8. This ranking is sorted out solely based on institutions' web performance, including web pages and electronic publication.
    You can use it as a reference but it does not reflect the actual position of a particular university in malaysia.

  9. this is my first time visit in your blog and ilike it

  10. Webometrics is not a good yardstick to measure the quality of a university. This ranking system is based on the website (How rich) of the university. A better yardstick would be:
