Sunday, March 7, 2010

Transforming my Streamyx & TM Homeline to Blockbuster Deals package

TM has recently launched their Blockbuster Deals package promotion, which seems to be attractive for us to get more at less cost.

This might be their respond to the market, after facing fierce competition from the mobile 3.5G and Wimax telcos. Like Chinese says: "you'll get improvement when you have competition" (有竞争才有进步), glad to see that over the years, TM and Streamyx has improved from their previous lousy service, in terms of broadband quality and speed, as well as better pricing for voice and Internet.

Let's see what we can get from this Blockbuster Deals package promotion:
  • Zero charge on phoneline rental
  • Free unlimited calls to TM fixed line nationwide
  • Flat rate of 10 sen/min to all mobile and other fixed line nationwide
  • Free DECT phone
  • Free WiFi modem
And here is how the pricing structure like.

Although there is a contract period of 1 year, it is still an attractive deal, isn't it?

For those that don't need Streamyx broadband service, there is also a voice-only deal with 6 months contract period. I wonder who will be interested in this, but this plan is much better than the previous Let's Talk plan.

Click here for more information about the TM Blockbuster Deals.


  1. today i went in tmpoint puchong branch for this package and it's was told customer will be charged RM88 for the upgrade! this is not a good deal, just another scam deal from Telekom Malaysia.
    how can we customer have to bear the switch terminal from 1MB to 2MB cost? those port not belong to customer and we customer have to take up the cost!
    furthermore the so call tmpoint service presentive not pro as they cant give you any answer, all they can say is..."IF YOU WANT TO COMPLAIN, GO AHEAD"
    I make up decision after 10 years with TMNut! it time to switch to others ISP!

  2. Hi,

    I applied in Cyberjaya branch and there is no additional charge at all.

  3. i upgraded mine today. they came to my house and i did not pay anything at all. well done TM.

  4. STOP People!!!! ~ Don't sign up Blockbuster plan !!! I got conned, I've paid RM 130 for 3 months (1st month & advanced payment, and the latest month) AND also monthly rental & other national calls at full charge!!! The sales person conned me high & dry, when i signed up at one of their roadshows. The first bill after I installed was a shocker, I called TMnet and the customer rep assured me the following month will be only RM130 with unlimited national calls. But the latest bill came and another shocker...another RM130 + monthly rental + national calls I've made, almost RM 200!! Oh my! When I inquired, I was told the promotion rate RM130 & package will be effective only a month after activation...which was two months ago for me (afer i had waited 1 month since I signed!) The recent customer rep insisted that all these are spelled out in the Terms & Conditions ~ I was painted a rosy picture of my immediate savings by the sales guy, blah...blah...blah.... I told him that if I had known the T&Cs, I wouldn't have signed up for such ridiculous deal. Wow... I totally regretted signing up.

    And worst, the speed is at best 1.5-1.7MB (using the speedtest shown by their installer), and double-whammy the modem isn't stable, any incoming call will cause the internet access to disconnect temporarily!

    How can I be so stupid to trust TMnet, so so very stupid!

    TMnet ~ be truthful & don't hide behind the fine print! How could you play so dirty!
