Friday, April 23, 2010

Herbs to increase milk production for breastfeeding mother

It seems to be a common topic among the mothers, especially the first time mothers, about facing inadequate milk production problem, especially during the confinement period.

My wife's experience can testify that there are some herbs which can be taken by the mother to help promote lactation to breastfeed the baby. In fact, those herbs are categorized in a family with a Greek name: "galactagogues".

If you want to look for such milk supply enhancement herbs in the pharmacy or baby/mother specialty shop, just mention "galactagogues" to the shopkeeper. If you find it difficult to remember this name, you can also mention "nursing tea" or "milkmaid tea" instead.

The herbs which are traditionally used to increase milk production including:
  • Alfalfa
  • Anise
  • Asparagus racemosus (a.k.a. Shatavari)
  • Astragalus root
  • Cnicus benedictus (a.k.a. Blessed thistle)
  • Fennel (a.k.a. Foeniculum vulgare)
  • Fenugreek
  • Orange cinnamon
  • Red raspberry leaf (a.k.a. Rubus idaeus)
  • Stinging nettle
The nursing tea products sold in the shops are normally a mixture of the above herbs. Some of the brands are Joy Angel Nursing Tea, Earth Mama Milkmaid Tea, Autumnz Organic Nursing Tea, etc.

It is said that the effectiveness of herbal galactogogues can be increased by consuming together with marshmallow root at the same time.

Mothers who have used galactagogues products before are encouraged to share your testimonial here.


  1. i've tried some of the herbs, but the results were only satisfactory for the first few months. The best way is to increase milk production is to clear the breast as often as you can. This can trigger the brain to produce more milk. It's like a demand and supply thing, the brain will trigger that there is demand and will increase the supply.

  2. I have discovered a fantastic product for nursing! it is called nonichai nursing is all herbal and works really, really well. I had difficulty nursing my first three kids and even ended up giving them formula, which I felt terrible about. But since I discovered Nonichai nursing mothers three years ago, i have had no problem nursing my last two kids for a year each. It is a fantastic product. It really works to increase breast milk and I would recommend it highly. I heard nonichai even came out recently with a product for colic babies which i plan to try as well.


  3. It's an effective post by having the info regarding the increase of breast milk production using herbs, Really nice.. Thank you.
