Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A simple course in Good Human Relations from 6 words to 1 word

The following are extracted from an article written by Tan Sri Dato' Soong Siew Hoong, a famous businessman in iron and steel industry, who is very active in business associations including FMM, ACCCIM, etc. The origin of this simple course of wisdom is anonymous.

Here is the simple course in Good Human Relations from 6 words to 1 word.

The important words:
I admit I made a mistake
You did a good job
What is your opinion
If you please
Thank you

The least important word:

The words are simple. Let's look into the deeper meaning of each line.

I Admit I Made A Mistake (6 words)
It takes wisdom to know you are wrong, and courage to admit it publicly and then take steps to correct the mistake. This means practising the concept of LEARNING is a lifelong process and there is always a better way to do things.

You Did A Good Job (5 words)
We should always give praise to someone who did a good job, say it in front of others, with sincerity. In this way, that person will not only feel happy to be recognized for good performance, but will continue to support you.

What Is Your Opinion? (4 words)
There is everything to gain and nothing to lose, to ask for others' opinions. They'll feel as part of the team to be consulted. They may even come out with better idea!

If You Please... (3 words)
Asking for help in a polite way, instead of demanding it, will likely get a positive response.

Thank You (2 words)
It is so easy to say thank you to someone for even a little favour, yet many people don't say it, and just take it for granted. Say thank you to your colleagues, friends, relatives, even to your spouse and children, and they will become your friend and be respected.

We (1 word)
Saying WE means you are partners, you share the praise or success, just as you share the responsibility. There should be no finger pointing and no individual heroes!

In practising Good Human Relations, I is the least important word. It denotes self importance, egoism, and never goes down well with others. Avoid using I, expect when accepting responsibility for a mistake done by you . Use WE more often to promote comradeship and teamwork.

Practising Good Human Relations begins with each of us. Hope that this sharing has enlighten your thought.

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