Thursday, July 1, 2010

POS Malaysia has risen domestic postage rate

POS Malaysia has, by today 1 July 2010, risen the domestic postage rate.

The new rate is as below:

If you want to send anything using the snail mail method by POS Malaysia, you have to be aware of this new tariff and paste your stamp accordingly.

Hope that this has minimal impact to the e-Commerce market, as I think most parcel in e-Commerce deals are sent using more reliable service providers rather than POS Malaysia.

1 comment:

  1. hi, i think it will have an impact. albeit minor one.

    My opinion, what's more important for e-commerce, is the reliability of the delievry service, which POS malaysia, being a monopoly, need to up its ante.

    And first step is to instill a customer-centric culture, raise the wages to a competitive level to retain good people and provide better training for the staffs. :)
