Wednesday, October 20, 2010

World Vision [Change A Life, Change Your Own] Campaign

There is a line from a well-known pop song which declares: "I've seen and met angels wearing the disguise of ordinary people living ordinary lives." How true, indeed!

For many of us, life is all the more meaningful because of some kind act, word or touch from people we come across daily, some of whom are complete strangers to us. Indeed, history is full of extraordinary events created when ordinary people act.

World Vision Malaysia's latest campaign Change A Life, Change Your Own is a tribute to the 32,000 and more Malaysians who have acted and are bringing hope and joy to children and communities in need. More importantly, this campaign is about the journey of these individuals - how their respective lives were changed (and still are!) even as they seek to change the lives of those whom they are reaching out to help.

Change A Life, Change Your Own is about ordinary Malaysians from diverse backgrounds living extraordinary lives. Truly, it only takes a spark to get a fire going.

Campaign Kick-Off Roadshow
Date: 28-31 October 2010
Time: 10am - 10pm
Venue: 1 Utama Shopping Centre, Ground Floor, Promenade (in front of T.G.I. FRIDAY's restaurant)

Sharing sessions by child sponsors:
  • 28/10 8pm: Mei Sim (云美鑫) - "More than raising my own children"
  • 29/10 8pm: William Yap (叶伟良) - "There is no law in the joy of sharing lives"
  • 30/10 2pm: Owen Yap (叶剑锋) - "People matter"
  • 30/10 8pm: Niki Cheong - "Never too young to start changing lives"
  • 31/10 12pm: Danell Lee (李桀汉) & William Lee (李威廷) - "A simple kind of happiness"
  • 31/10 4pm: Roshan & Yise (罗忆诗) - "Changing 101 + 1 lives"
Click here to download the Child Sponsorship Flyer

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