Sunday, October 23, 2011

5 main reasons why prospects will not buy from you

According to Zig Ziglar, there are 5 main reasons why your prospects will not buy from you:
  • No need - They don't feel they need what you are selling
  • No money - They don't have any (or enough) money
  • No hurry - They are just not in a hurry to buy
  • No desire - They don't really want what you are selling
  • No trust - They don't trust you
If you apply the correct tactics, you can still close the deal.

In most cases, people are going to buy what they really want, not necessarily what they need. It is your opportunity and responsibility to sell the legitimate benefits of your goods and services in a legitimate manner so that your prospect will want to buy from you, again and again.

Perhaps you can learn from the late Steve Jobs on how he could get you to buy his range of Apple products.

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