Sunday, May 19, 2013

Are we heading towards a new secular bull market?

The investment sentiment has been gaining momentum recently, especially after the general election.

Some of my chartist friends who use technical analysis in their investment mentioned that the next secular bull market is now right in our doorstep.

If you search the Internet now for the keyword "secular bull market", you will find a handful of articles supporting this bullish view in the worldwide market. You can also easily find the long term DJIA chart similar to the one below in those articles.

Meanwhile, layman investors and other who don't rely much on technical analysis in their investment are also remembering the previous super bull run which started in 1983, 1993, and 2003. So, will the history repeat again in 2013?

To me, I am more than happy to see the next secular bull market formation right now and ride on the bull for the next couple of years (if our chartist friends are correct in their analysis and prediction now).

On the other hand, if the secular bull market delays and not happening in this year or next year, I will also not be disappointed, because you and me have already survive through the past 14 years of secular bear market, aren't we?

If the secular bull market come, it will be a great bonus to all of us in the stock market. If it hasn't come yet, then it is just life as normal.

What do you think?

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