Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Auspicious dates for renovation in 2015

Here is the list of auspicious dates for renovation in year 2015, which is produced based on the Chinese almanac Tong Shu. (Click the image to enlarge)

Bear in mind that although the Tong Shu is a compilation of Chinese astrology and calendaring studies gathering wisdom of thousands of years, we should use it wisely and rationally, but not be too superstitious on it.

If you are going to renovate your house, don't forget to visit the "home idea" section of my blog to find out some of my sharing there.


  1. Dear Voyage8, Sorry for my english I studying this language;
    What do you means with Renovation?
    In that type of task you mean?

    Thank you for your response.


  2. @Daniel Patitucci

    Renovation is to repair, recondition, upkeep, makeover, remodel, and/or enhance your house, shop, factory or any other building, to make it a better place to stay in.

  3. Hi Voyager, We’re planning to move in our new house this Dec. 30 2015, may I know if it is auspicious considering my family member’s birth date below: Appreciate if you could advise also the auspicious time.
    Hubby’s: May 18,1970
    My birthday: July 31, 1990
    Mother in law: November 15, 1934
    My mother: October 03, 1962
    Hoping for your favourable response. Thank you!

  4. @Boyet Bebita

    Auspicious times for 30 December 2015:

    3am - 5am
    7am - 11am
    1pm - 3pm
    9pm - 11pm

  5. Hi voyager, we are moving on dec 20, 2015. My husbands bday is march 11 2015 and mine is augusg 27 1979. Pls advise auspicious time and pls advise if the date is auspicious. Thanks

  6. @Yogel

    Auspicious times for 20 December 2015:

    3am - 5am
    1pm - 7pm

  7. Please advise as to what date can we move past December 25. If 28 is not a good date to move then when? And what time? What should we bring first?

  8. Hi im planning to moving to my new house.. my hubby birthday is October 1968 n my is may 1971..please let me know auspicious date n time... Thank you so much....Hi my email is bluepopoho@hotmail. com..please send to this email... Thank y

  9. @Jon

    Please refer to the table in the main article of Auspicious Dates for Moving.

  10. @jane ho

    Please refer to the table in the main article of Auspicious Dates for Moving.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.
