Thursday, July 16, 2015

Do you really need an inverter water heater

Nowadays inverter technology applies to quite a lot of electrical appliances.

You can find inverter air-cond, inverter refrigerator, inverter washing machine, inverter fan, and even inverter water heater.

Inverter motors generally operate quieter than their a/c counterparts, and their warranty period is normally longer too. They are also suppose to save more electricity.

For many water heaters in the market, the inverter technology actually applies to the water pump in the water heater and not to the water heating mechanism, although some water heaters also apply the inverter technology in water heating.

If the inverter technology only applies to the water pump, and you seldom use the water pump to boost up the water flow during shower, then it would not be necessary for you to spend more in getting an inverter model of the water heater. It only make sense for you to buy a water heater with inverter technology if you turn on the pump almost every time you shower.

For you reference, below are 3 different models of Alpha brand water heater:
  • Alpha Smart 18E (without pump) - RM410
  • Alpha Smart 18EP (with pump) - RM570
  • Alpha Smart 18i (with inverter pump) - RM620

1 comment:

  1. Found your blog. It is full of really good information. Thank you for sharing
