Saturday, November 21, 2015

Register free Comexe Dynamic DNS domain name and use it in TP-Link router

Dynamic Domain Name System (DDNS) is a way for you to access to your home network from the Internet even if your ISP is assigning dynamic (non-fixed) IP address to you.

With DDNS configured in your router, you can access your home network using a domain name, regardless of what the IP address of your router has changed to.

TP-Link router provides 3 options of DDNS to setup with, namely:
  • Comexe
  • DyDNS
  • No-IP
Among the three of them, Comexe provides free DDNS service, and doesn't need periodical account confirmation.

In order to use Comexe DDNS service, you need to register an account in their website:

There are 5 fields for you to fill in:
  • The 1st field "用户名" is your preferred account name, comprises of 3 to 16 characters. For free Comexe DDNS service, your free dynamic domain name is fixed to be So, set your account name carefully.
  • The 2nd field "登录密码" is your preferred password comprises 6 to 16 characters.
  • The 3rd field "确认密码" is to reconfirm your preferred password.
  • The 4th field "电子邮箱" is your email address, which will be used to reset your password in case you forget it in the future.
  • The 5th field "验证码" is a captcha verification. Just key in the characters you see in the image.
When you are done, click on the left button "注册" below to register your account. The right button "取消" is a cancel button.

The registration might take some time. Do not refresh your browser while it is still running. You need to be a little bit patient.

If your account is successfully registered, you will reach the screen that looks like below.

Now, go to this URL directly:

You should be able to see your free DDNS domain name is ready for activation. You need to click on the "立即开通" button to activate it before it can be used.

Upon successful activation, you will see the message similar to this:

Next, login to your TP-Link router, and go to Dynamic DNS configuration section.

Select Comexe ( as your Service Provider, then enter your DDNS domain name and provide your account name (user name) and password in Comexe.

Make sure you ticked the "Enable DDNS" option, can click the Login button.

If you see the word "Succeeded!" in the Connection Status, then your dynamic domain name is up and running now. You can then proceed to click the Save button to save the DDNS configuration in the router.

In future, if you want to disable the DDNS service, just untick the "Enable DDNS" option and click the Logout button.

You can go to System Tools > Diagnostic section of your TP-Link router to ping your dynamic domain name. You should be able to see that your dynamic domain name is now bound to the current IP address of your router's WAN interface.


  1. I tried and it did not work :/ just me ?
    There is no ping to my ddns.

  2. I tried and now they want to know the cellphone number to send me a code for register but the problem is no number works

  3. @domihunter True, in fact the fifth field now asks for a phone number to send SMS (I used Google Translator to find out what it meant) and a sixth field is to enter the code sent to the cell phone. It happens that even looking for sites that offer Chinese numbers for use with confirmers, the Chinese numbers do not go through the system, as the colleague said above.

  4. Someone managed to enter the phone number in European format?
    I have not been able to find any acceptable combination.

  5. pede confirmação de sms. o q fazer?

  6. I've analyzed source code of the registration page, it contains regexp /^1[34578]\d{9}$/ for phone number check. That means that the number accepted shoud look like this: "1" followed by one of the "3,4,5,7,8" and another 9 digits, for example: 13123456789. Not useful for international registration.

  7. Can anyone help me to pass the cellphone validation? I don't have any chinese number :(
