Monday, October 14, 2019

Comparing Amaron Go / Hi-Life / Pro car batteries of NS40 NS60 NS70

We learnt about how to choose a better maintenance free car battery earlier on, and understood the various terms such as:
  • Size
  • Performance rating
  • Amp Hour (AH) value
  • Reserve Capacity (RC) value
  • Cold Cranking Amps (CCA)
With the above knowledge, now we can compare the Amaron brand car batteries, with additional information such as their respective warranty period and indicative price.

Amaron batteries sold in Malaysia are divided into 3 series: Go (economy), Hi-Life (world-renowned) and Hi-Life Pro (ultimate).

Their differences in terms of AH, RC, CCA, weight, warranty period and price are shown in the tables below.

Amaron NS40 batteries:

Amaron NS60 batteries:

Amaron NS70 batteries:

The 3 tables above are courtesy from Big

In general, if there is sufficient space in the battery compartment of your car, and your car is using an NS40 battery, it can be upgraded to NS60 battery. The same goes for cars that are using NS60 battery to upgrade to NS70 battery.

Normally, upgrading to a larger size battery will give you better AH, RC and CCA values, in exchange for heavier weight and more expensive price.

However, for the case of Amaron brand of battery, you need to also look into the different series of the battery as well. For example, the Amaron NS40 Hi-Life series is comparable to the Amaron NS60 Go series, with identical RC value and much better CCA value.

Anyhow, upgrading from Amaron NS40 to NS60, or from Amaron NS60 to NS70, of the same series (eg. NS40 Hi-Life to NS-60 Hi-Life) will give you improvement in all the AH, RC and CCA values, and the price difference between NS40 and NS60 of the same series is not much.

Hope that this piece of information is able to help you to make up your mind with which model specs of battery you want to choose the next time you want to change your car battery, and you've decided to go after the Amaron brand.

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