Saturday, May 16, 2020

15 habits of genuinely intelligent people

I've just read an article written by Jessica Wildfire about 15 habits of genuinely intelligent people.

To summarize, the mentioned 15 habits are:
  • They don’t talk about how smart they are.
  • They learn best by imitation.
  • They try to figure things out themselves.
  • They are always hunting for knowledge.
  • They don’t brag about what they know.
  • They connect the dots.
  • They are OK with cognitive dissonance.
  • They ask a lot of questions.
  • They abstract from their experiences.
  • They seek out puzzles and paradoxes.
  • They don’t get hung up on crumbs.
  • They move slow, until they hit warp speed.
  • They have no problem with failure.
  • They don’t try to sound smart.
  • They don’t always use big words.
If there is one habit that oversees all the others, it will be: empathy. Intelligent people try to think from lots of different viewpoints. They try to understand how their actions affect everyone - not just themselves, or the handful of people they care about or agree with.

You can click here to read the full article by Jessica Wildfire, and the explanation on each of the abovementioned 15 habits.

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