Sunday, March 7, 2021

Have you done your washing machine cleaning service?

Recently I engaged a washing machine cleaning professional to dismantle and perform deep clean-up to my washing machine.

I did periodically make use of washing machine cleaning powder and the tub cleaning function of the washing machine to clean it up, but I was told that was not good enough as there is much dirt inside the washing machine unable to be removed with that method.

That is really a true statement. You can see the "before" and "after" photos below for the difference The washing machine had just been treated with made-in-Taiwan washing machine cleaning powder right before the washing machine cleaning professional came to do the deep cleaning. If not, it would be even more dirtier than in the photo.

The service includes sanitization in the washing machine by using UV light to kill virus, bacteria, germs and microbes inside the washing machine, after all the parts were assembled back into the machine.

Similar to the concept of air-cond service, which we all familiar with, I think washing machines also need periodic thorough cleaning service like this. Otherwise, it is very dirty inside. Can you imagine the situation of your clothes being washed inside a dirty washing machine?

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