Friday, April 3, 2009

Free dental check-up and consultation in Oral Health Month

This April 2009, Colgate and the Malaysian Dental Association are having roadshows in major shopping complex nationwide for the Oral Health Month campaign.

During this awareness programme, free dental check-up and consultation will be given to the public in their roadshows, in-store venues as well as 560 participating dental clinics nationwide.

The road show venues are:

  • April 3-5: Sunway Pyramid, Petaling Jaya
  • April 7-12: Jusco Tebrau City, Johor
  • April 16-18: Mydin Kuala Terengganu
  • April 24-26: Sunshine Farlim, Penang

You can click here to visit to the Oral Health Month website. Complete list of locations providing the free dental check-up and consultation during this campaign is available there.

Downloadable documents, references and forms for 2008 income tax assessment

For your information, you can download the soft copy of some reference documents from the website of Inland Revenue Board (a.k.a. Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri, LHDN) to help you in assessing your income tax for year 2008.

The downloable documents including manual tax submission forms (Borang B, BE, etc.), explanatory notes to income tax items, user's guide to fill up the tax submission forms, tax assessment worksheets (helaian kerja), etc.

The exact download page is as below:

And here are the direct link to the more popular documents for you to click and download:
If you need to fill-up some worksheets (helaian kerja) for your income tax documentation, you can print them from the attachment of the user's guide. Those worksheets include:
  • HK-2 – Pengiraan Pendapatan Berkanun Penggajian
  • HK-3 – Tolakan Cukai Di Bawah Seksyen 110 Akta Cukai Pendapatan 1967 / Seksyen 51 Akta Kewangan 2007 (Dividen)
  • HK-4 – Butir-butir Harta/Aset Dan Jumlah Sewa
  • HK-5 – Pengiraan Pendapatan Berkanun Faedah/Royalti
  • HK-6 – Tolakan Cukai Di Bawah Seksyen 110 (Lain-lain)
  • HK-8 – Pendapatan Daripada Negara Perjanjian Pengelakan Pencukaian Dua Kali Dan Tuntutan Pelepasan Cukai Di Bawah Seksyen 132
  • HK-9 – Pendapatan Daripada Negara Bukan Perjanjian Pengelakan Pencukaian Dua Kali Dan Tuntutan Pelepasan Cukai Di Bawah Seksyen 133
  • HK-10 – Potongan/Ansuran Cukai Yang Telah Dijelaskan
  • HK-13 – Pelepasan Anak Bagi Anak-Anak Di Bawah Tanggungan Yang Belum Berkahwin
  • HK-14 – Premium Insurans Nyawa/Caruman Kepada Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Dan Pencen Yang Diluluskan Serta Insurans Pendidikan Dan Perubatan
Related article:
e-Filing system for 2008 income tax assessment is ready to be used

Malaysia blacklisted by G20 as tax haven?

This is a shocking news to me, as Malaysia, together with 3 other nations i.e. Philippines, Uruguay and Costa Rica, were blacklisted as uncooperative tax havens by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) at the request of the Group of 20 (G20) summit.

In my perception, Malaysia is very far from being a tax haven to its residents. People always say that if you buy a big car, or a high-end property, you will always be on the eyes of Inland Revenue Board (IRB, a.k.a. Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri, LHDN). Same will go to those who never declare for income tax, or declared very little, and buy something valuable within the nation.

After some Google findings, it seems that the cause for this blacklist is by the Labuan offshore financial centre, which is viewed as the tax haven for foreigners. Although it is "offshore", now this small little island has caused a major impact to the whole Malaysia by this OECD's no-play-play blacklist action.

Surprisingly, some well-known tax havens such as Switzerland, Singapore, Cayman Islands, Liechtenstein, Monaco are just in the "grey list", together with Luxembourg, Austria, Belgium and Chile, just because they have agreed to "improve transparency standards".

China (including Hong Kong and Macao) is even in the "white list", due to their "commitment" to implement the internationally agreed tax standards.

So, it is now clear that the blacklisting is not based on how far the nations has gone in harboring foreign tax avoiders, but how cooperative to G20 are they in implementing the demanded tax standards.

This must be the most unwanted "greeting" to Najib who just sworn in as the new prime minister of Malaysia today. How will he resolve this issue?

For your information, the G20 is made up of the finance ministers and central bank governors of 19 countries: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States of America, and also the European Union who is represented by the rotating Council presidency and the European Central Bank.

The Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the President of the World Bank, plus the chairs of the International Monetary and Financial Committee and Development Committee of the IMF and World Bank, also participate in G20 meetings on an ex-officio basis.

Hint: Click on the "Older Posts" link to continue reading, or click here for a listing of all my past 3 months articles.