Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Sleeping with natural latex pillow

Our pillow plays an equally important role for good sleep, besides the mattress. Natural latex pillow are among the type of high quality pillow that we can get for an affordable price.

Here are some of the common features of natural latex pillow:
  • Latex material is known to be uniquely supportive and comfortable.
  • It is antibacterial, mildew proof and dust mite resistant in nature.
  • It will not compress or lose its shape (contrast with feather pillow).
  • It contains cavities which keep ventilation and prevent sweating.
  • It is durable, resilient and can last for many years.

It is important to try out the hardness of the natural latex pillow when buying it. Certain natural latex pillow are quite hard, and some other are softer. My family's preference is towards the softer type.

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