Sunday, June 1, 2008

Added flag counter starting from 1 June 2008 noon

I notice this flag counter in the blog of Taryn Yap today, and decided to add one for my blog too. So you can see it also resides in the right panel of this blog from now onwards.

This flag counter is a free service provided by Inc. and is very easy to deploy. It is so easy that you don't even need to create any account to have one in your website.

The counter is counting on unique visitors, and makes use of IP address as well as browser cookie to avoid repeated counting from the same visitor. Every time a visitor from a new country visits your page, a new flag will be added to your counter. Detailed information from the Factbook of CIA about each of the country can be shown after you click on the flag counter to show more detail.

Click here to get your own flag counter from

1 comment:

  1. simple and low bandwidth use than Feedjit live traffic feed. Nice to know you ;)
