Friday, July 11, 2008

Guinness World Record for Firefox 3 downloads

Mozilla has set a new Guinness World Record for the largest number of software downloads in 24 hours.

When they released the Firefox 3 web browser on June 17 2008, which is known as the Firefox Download Day, an amount of 8,002,530 downloads were recorded.

Firefox 3 promises exciting new features, including one-click bookmarking, the smart location bar and lightning fast performance. Other features include built-in spell checking, session restore and full zoom. It also offers more than 5,000 add-ons, including Shareaholic which allows you to share, bookmark, and e-mail web pages quickly via a wide array of web 2.0 social networking sites. Shareaholic currently supports: digg,, facebook, foxiewire, friendfeed, google bookmarks, google reader, healthranker, kaboodle, magnolia, mixx, myspace, pownce, reddit, simpy, stumbleupon, streakr, truemors, tumblr, twitter, ycombinator, bzzster, etc.

To date, more than 28 million downloads for Firefox 3 were made, and the counter keeps counting. You can click here to see the counter.

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