Wednesday, December 24, 2008 Malaysia Career & Training Fair 2009

The 8th Malaysia Career & Training Fair (MCTF) to be organized by is coming in January 2009. This event is freely open for public. The previous MCTF 2008 had successfully attracted participation from more than 116,000 job seekers and over hundred of exhibitors.

The event details are as follow:

Date: 16-18 January 2009
Time: 10am ~ 7pm
Venue: Mid Valley Exhibition Centre (KL)

Job seekers are advised to bring along their C.V., and some of the exhibitors might conduct on the spot interview with suitable candidates during the event.

The 11th Post Graduate Education Fair (PGEF) 2009 will also be held at the same time and same venue together with this MCTF '09.

Click here for more information and online registration of MCTF '09.

Click here to see the exhibitors' list in MCTF '09.


  1. Great blog in highlighting beneficial events and tips to the community!

    Thanks for helping to promote our MCTF!

  2. Hi Chen Chow,

    Thanks for the visit, and thanks for the email sent to me about this event, which is my source for this info.

  3. You are most welcome!

    Hopefully you and your blog readers would benefit from it!

  4. This is like an organiser, but sharing info to the public. I'm glad I added this site as my favourite since the day you have started this blog. Thanks for the info sharing!

  5. Hi,

    You're welcomed.

    If you have a blog, consider adding my blog site to your blogroll listing, just like what I have done for the few blogs that I always visit to.

    In this way, you and your readers will be able to aware of any new postings available in your favourite blogs.

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