Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Auspicious dates for moving to new house/office in 2009

Here is the list of auspicious dates for moving to new house/office in year 2009, which is produced based on the Chinese almanac Tong Shu.

Bear in mind that although the Tong Shu is a compilation of Chinese astrology and calendaring studies gathering wisdom of thousands of years, we should use it wisely and rationally, but not be too superstitious on it.

Related articles:
Click here for auspicious dates for moving to new house/office in 2010.


  1. hi there! can you please tell me the good time to move in on 15th feb 2009?

    thanks very much! :)

  2. Hi,

    Good time for 15-Feb-2009:


  3. Hi voyager, my hub and i are planning to move house on 15th Mar 09 but we noticed that the date is not listed. our star signs are goat, dog, snake and ox. Could you advise on a better date and timing please?
    Hope to hear from you soon.
    Thank you very much.


  4. hi! i am 7 months pregnant. we are planning to move to our new house by april. i'm a rooster, my husband is a sheep. i want to move before may. when is the best time? thanks!

  5. Hi lynnus,

    15 Mar 09 is not a good day for ox.

    Please refer to the table in the main article for other dates.

  6. Hi,

    Normally it is not advisible for pregnant lady to move house. It would better to move after your confinement.

  7. Hi Voyager, thank you for your prompt reply. Seems that 12 Mar is an alternative but it is not good for my son who is a dog. Could you advise on 13 Mar or 14 Mar in that case?
    Sorry for the trouble.
    Thank you very much!


  8. Hi lynnus,

    13 Mar 2009 is a better date than 14 Mar 2009.

    Auspicious times in 13 Mar 2009:

    1am - 3am
    9am - 1pm
    7pm - 9pm

  9. hi voyager! thanks for your reply. what if i really do not have a better choice but to move even if i'm pregnant, what's your advice?


  10. Hi pregnant wife,

    If you still want to move during pregnancy, your house should follow some rules of thumb...

    Start from 1 week before you move in:
    1. no renovation
    2. no painting
    3. no nailing/screwing
    4. no moving of furniture and big objects

    and also...

    4. you can only move in after your hubby moved in (maybe on the next day)
    5. sweep and clean the house thoroughly before you move in

  11. Hi,

    May i know the good time for house moving on the dates as below?

    15th, 22nd, 27th April 2009

    Thank you.


  12. Hi Katherine,

    Auspicious times for:

    1am - 9am

    1am - 3am
    11am - 1pm
    5pm - 7pm
    9pm - 11pm

    1am - 7am

  13. Hi! thanks so much for your reply. Will try to follow your advice. If my husband will move in first, when is the best time for him to move in April? He's a sheep. Thanks!

  14. Hi thre,
    Can you tell me the good time to move into our new house on 8th or 9th of May 2009

    Thank you so much

  15. Hi pregnant wife,

    You can refer to the 3 dates selected by Katherine.

    If you prefer a weekend, can choose 12-Apr-2009. Good time will be:

    1am - 5am
    11am - 1pm
    5pm - 7pm
    9pm - 11pm

  16. Hi,

    8 or 9 May is not auspicious date for moving house.

  17. what are the auspicious dates for holidays (which means being away from the workplace) in 2009?

  18. Hi!

    I intend to move house on 6th April but this date is not in the list. Our stars are: Pig, Dragon, Rat & Tiger. Pls advise if this date is suitable & what is the prefect timing.

    Thank you very much!

  19. Hi there, may I know what is the best time to move in on 30th April 09?

    miss e

  20. Hi,

    Auspicious times for 30 Apr 2009:

    12am - 3am
    3pm - 7pm

  21. Hi!

    I intend to move house on 6th April but this date is not in the list. Our stars are: Pig, Dragon, Rat & Tiger. Pls advise if this date is suitable & what is the prefect timing.

    Thank you very much! Hear fr u soon

  22. Hi there,

    We are planning to move house between the 19th to 24th April 2009. I'm born in the year of dog and my other half is born in the year or monkey. Would you be able to advise a good date and time to move? Thanks.

  23. Hi,

    6 April is not a good day for you.

  24. Hi,

    You can pick 22 April 2009.

    Please refer to my reply to Katherine for the times.

  25. Hi, may I know is the column Exception referring to the owner of the house or the invited guests?

    Thank you.

  26. Hi Izac,

    It refers to the resident(s) to be staying in the house.

  27. Hi,

    Our household is monkey and dog. I notice that 15 Apr 09 is not a good day for monkey. Should we move in on the 12 Apr 09 instead? What is a good time?
    What is considered as moving in (ie: do we have to stay in to be considered as moving in)? Can the rest of the furniture come in later? Thanks.

  28. Hi,

    Auspicious times for 12 Apr 2009:
    1am - 5am
    11am - 1pm
    5pm - 7pm
    9pm - 11pm

    The bed in master bedroom must be in place, the master of the household must sleep in the house, then is considered moved-in.

    Traditionally there is also some moving-in ceremony on the day, like the Chinese will hang a piece of red cloth on top of the main entrance to the house. Religiously, there will be a simple ceremony to chant scripture to bless the house and family.

  29. Voyager8. Hi there. Thanks for the great blog. Can you advice me if 1st May 2009 is a good date to move to a new apartment?

    If not, what is the good time on 30th April?

  30. Hi Billy,

    Auspicious times for 30 Apr 2009:

    12am - 3am
    3pm - 7pm

  31. hi ,

    can i find out is 10 april a auspicious date to move out and what about the timing?

    We intend to shift into our new house on the 10 april between 11am to 1pm is it ok. My husband is a dragron, i am rat and daughter is rooster. and are there any procedure to follow when shifting into the new house.

    thanks alot

  32. Hi June,

    11am-1pm on 10 Apr 2009 is not a bad time nor considered auspicious.

    The auspicious times are:

    12am - 5am
    7am - 9am
    3pm - 7pm

  33. hihi...

    can i know whether is 10th of april 2009 a auspicious date to move house, waht abt the timing??

    Must i stay in the house after shifting??


  34. hi need to know that what is the auspicious date to shift out in the month of May, and the timing.
    We need to shift in before the 15 May....

    Please advice


  35. We started renovating in Feb.23 in a newly acquired house and we are about to get done by end of April or early May when will be the bets time to move house? Iss the date intended as the first day of moving furniture and things or is the date intended for the first day of sleeping in the house? Husband b-day 12.20.1971/Wife b-day 08.16.1972 / Son bday 10.07.2000....thanks!


  36. Hi,

    Can i check if 1st May a good date to move ? My Parent in law wanted us to move on that date. My hubby is OX, I am Dragon, Eldest girl is Snake, Second Son is Rooster, and youngest is PIG. Pls advise

  37. my mom, a horse, and my sister, a dragon, is planning to move in a new apartment on may 10. we've checked the calendar and it looks like a good day for them. i'm just wondering what the good time.

    thank you very much

  38. Hi,

    Good time for 10-May-2009:

    12am - 1am
    3am - 7am
    3pm - 5pm
    9pm - 11pm

  39. Hi voyager,

    Can i check whether when will it be auspicious date to shift house in the month of MAY.

    And what is the normal practise, as once i shifted over, do i need to stay on that particular nite?

    Please advice between end of april to 15 of may, the dates and time.

    thanks alot

  40. hi i saw that 10 may is a good time for house moving, can i check as the timing you stated is between3 to 5pm, does it mean we need to shift everything and finished before 5pm

  41. Hi kk,

    The "ceremony" of moving in need to happen during that time period. Different tradition, religion,... will have different style of "ceremony". Normally will involve some prayers.

    Your belongings should be shifted in before and during that time period, and finished within the time.

  42. Hello there, my fiance and I are planning to move into a new house and was wondering if you have an advice on the move in date. She is a pig and I am a dog. We want to move in May 3rd or atleast start to move in on May 3rd. My mom says that May 13th is the best day. Do you have an advice for us?

  43. Hello voyager. Im having my house built. I'd probably be moving in by September or October 2009. My birthday is June 22, 1971. What is the most auspicious date/time for me to move in?

    Thank you very much.

  44. Hi Voyager8,

    My house was finished renovation. I'd probably be moving in by May 2009. We have 4 members in my family.
    1. Rooster year 1948
    2. Rabbit year 1975
    3. Goat year 1979
    4. Dog year 2006

    Please advice which date is most suitable for us?

  45. Hi Voyager,

    Beside 10th May, is 1st May a good day to move house? My hubby, snake and I'm a ox. If it's ok what time is the best? Thank you!


  46. Hi,

    Just pick your date from the table above, based on the given information.

  47. Hi 8th Voyager,

    Could you please advice the auspicious time for house moving on the dates as below:

    15th May 2009
    16th May 2009
    22th May 2009

    Thank you.

    Best regards,

  48. Hi! We plan to move in on May 10. My husband is a monkey and I am an ox. Can we follow also the time you mentioned above for May 10? Thanks in advance and looking forward to your reply.

  49. Hi,

    Auspicious times for...

    15 May 2009:
    1am - 3am
    7am - 1pm
    3pm - 5pm

    16 May 2009:
    3am - 5am
    7am - 1pm

    22 May 2009:
    3am - 5am
    11am - 1pm

  50. Hi,

    I am a Horse and my wife is monkey.. can we move to new house on the 28th May 2009? when is the good time?

    but my father is Rabbit.. he is not staying with us permanently.. only once a while..

  51. Hi,

    Auspicious times for 28-May-2009:
    12am - 5am
    7am - 11am
    3pm - 5pm

    Its OK if your father live in different household.

  52. Hi,
    My husband and I are planning to try for a baby. I am a monkey and my husband is a monkey too. Can you please advice which is the auspicious months and dates for conceiving? Thanks.

  53. Hi,

    Our office department is scheduled to move office on the 23 May 2009, I have checked on your schedule and it is not listed inside.. Is there an exception on the certain time to move on that day? Please advise. Thanks a lot..


  54. Hi Fung,

    23 May 2009 is inauspicious for Dog.

    Times to avoid are:
    3am - 5am
    1pm - 3pm
    7pm - 11pm

  55. Hi,

    My fiance and I are planning to move to our new home on May 31st. We're both roosters. Could you pls advise the best time or time to be avoided on that day? Cheers!

  56. Hi,

    Auspicious times for 31 May 2009:

    12am - 3am
    9am - 11am
    5pm - 9pm

  57. Hello,

    When is a good time to move to new house between May 17 and June 10 2009. I am born in year of ox and my husband is tiger. I am also 6 month pregnant.

  58. Hello there! I am a horse and planning to move in on June 5, 2009. Can you please tell me the good time to move in? Thanks.

  59. Hi,

    Auspicious times for 5 June 2009:

    1am - 5am
    9am - 1pm
    7pm - 9pm

  60. I would like to move on May 30 or 31. I am also 7 months pregnant. My sign is ox and my husband is tiger. At what time do you think it is a good time?

  61. hi, my husband is a dragon, and I am a snake. Which day/time in June is good for us to move in?

    Thank you!

  62. Hi dear,

    I move into a rented house, do I need an auspicious date and times?

    If yes, what is an auspicious times for 28/6 and 5/7 ?

    Thanks !!

  63. Hi,

    Auspicious times for 28-Jun-2009:

    1am - 5am
    7am - 9am
    5pm - 7pm
    9pm - 11pm

    Auspicious times for 5-Jul-2009:

    1am - 7am
    11am - 1pm
    7pm - 9pm

  64. HI! we are planning to move on jun 4 but one of my daughter's sign is a dog and i see that it is not an auspicious date for her to move. unfortunately that is the only date my husband can be there for the move. can we do the move without my daughter (maybe she could move in the next day)? please advise and also what are the good times to move?

  65. HI,
    My partner is born in the year of the Dragon and me in the year of the Tiger. What are the good dates and times in June/July to move into our new house?

    My daughter and son-in-law are both born in year of Ram (Goat) and would like to know a couple of dates and times best for them to move into their new home in UK for the month of August please

    Thank you

  66. Hi Arlie,

    Should be OK.

    Auspicious times for 4-Jun-2009:

    1am - 5am
    7am - 1pm

  67. Hi,

    Please refer to the table in the main article to select your date.

  68. Hi there,

    I would like to seek your advice in regards to the shifting date/time.
    I am in my 7th month pregnancy (born in the year of the dragon 1976) with a daughter (born in the year of the pig 2007) and hubby (born in year of the tiger 1974).
    May I know if 28th Jun 2009 is a suitable date for us to move to our new?
    If yes, what is a good time?
    If no, appreciate your kind advice on which date/time in Jun 2009 will be a good day for my family?
    Thanks in advance.


  69. Hi Jenn,

    Auspicious times for 28 Jun 2009:

    1am - 5am
    7am - 9am
    5pm - 7pm
    9pm - 11pm

  70. Hi,

    I am born in a year of the Monkey and my husband is born in the year of the Goat. We planned to move in to our new home on the 04th of July 2009. Could you please advise a good time for us to move in?
    Thank you!

    Best Regards,

  71. Hihi,

    Thank you so much for your kind advice.
    I had selected another date i.e 22nd June 2009 as I am due anytime from Jul 2009 onwards.
    Once again, thanks for your reply and you take care.


  72. Dear Voyager,

    My mom once told me it's ok to move even a little something on an auspicious day (instead of the big move), is that true? I would like to move this Saturday, June 6th, but it's not listed, however June 5th is. Any advice on what times for those two days?

    Thanks in advnance!

  73. Also, referring to my earlier post about moving on June 5th or 6th, I am the year of the Rooster.

    Thanks again!

  74. Hi,

    Auspicious times for:

    1am - 5am
    9am - 1pm
    7pm - 9pm

    1am - 3am
    5am - 7am
    11am - 1pm
    3pm - 5pm

    1am - 3am
    11am - 1pm
    3pm - 5pm

  75. I think I'll be moving on June 6th now, in the morning. Is that unlucky?

    Also, should i move something to my apartment on Friday?

  76. Hi,

    Please advise the best date and time to shift house before 21 Jul'09.

    My daughter born in year of rooster, my son in goat year, my husband in ox year and me in year of snake.

    Can I with the family bring some valuable things to go to the new house first on the good dates and major shift on other day.

    Thank you.


  77. Hi

    Can you please let me Best time to move into new house on 28th June.

    I am a Rabit.
    My wife is a rabbit.
    My son is Pig.
    My daughter is Rooster.
    And my sister in law who is staying with us is OX.


  78. Hi,

    Auspicious times for 28-June-2009:

    1am - 5am
    7am - 9am
    5pm - 7pm
    9pm - 11pm

  79. Hi

    Can you please let me Best time to move into new house on 22nd June.

    I am a Rabit.
    My wife is a rabbit.
    My son is Pig.
    My daughter is Rooster.
    And my sister in law who is staying with us is OX.


  80. Hi,

    Auspicious times for 22-June-2009:
    1am - 3am
    5am - 7am
    11am - 1pm
    3pm - 5pm

  81. It seems that many of the readers here haven't join as my Follower.

    Feel free to click on the [Follow] button on the right of this blog to join as my Follower.

    Thank you.

  82. Hi,

    I am Sandy which have send you the mail on 2 Jun'09 and I have just signed up as a fellower that need your advice.

    Could you please let me know when was the best time and date to shift house from 4 Jul to 21 Jul'09.

    My husband is born in ox, me in snake year, my son is goat year and my daughter is in rooster.

    Could we just shift some valuable with the whole family present and shift other major things in at a little dates. Please advise.

    Thank you.

  83. Hi sandy,

    Just select your date by refering to the table in the main article.

    Yes, you can move in your belongings before you move into the house.

  84. Hi there,

    My Husband is born in the year of dog (1958) and I am born in the year of rooster (1957), was wondering if 4th July 2009 would be a good date to shift into our new home ?

    Hope to receive some reply...Appreciate the help ! Thanks :-)

  85. Hi,

    My family consists of Tiger, House, Goat & Pig. We're looking at shifting to new flat around 10/07/09 - 16/07/09. Pls advise the best date & time. As well as what are the procedure. Tks.

  86. Hi..

    I was advised to move house on 26 Jun 09. Is it a good date?

    Both me and my boyfriend is moving into a new house. I'm born in the year of rat (1984) and he is born in the year of snake (1977).

    Please advise. Thanks a million!!
    Please provide auspicious time to0...

  87. Hi,

    Please refer to the table in the main article to select your auspicious date.

  88. Hi..

    I was advised to move house on 26 Jun 09. Is it a good date? I didn't seem to see it in the table above.

    Both me and my boyfriend is moving into a new house. I'm born in the year of rat (1984) and he is born in the year of snake (1977).

    Would 28th Jun be a better date?

    Please advise. Thanks a million!!
    Please provide auspicious time to0..

  89. Hi Voyager,

    I am moving apartment on the 29 Jun 2009. What are the best times.

    Husband dragon
    Wife tiger
    son rooster
    son rat

    Thank you very much.
    Look forward to hear from you.


  90. Hi Carena,

    Auspicious times for 29-Jun-2009:

    1am - 3am
    3pm - 9pm

  91. Thank you very much for your promt reply. :D


  92. Hi Voyager8,

    I am looking to move house with my family in Aug 09.

    My father is Rabbit, Mum is Goat, Wife is Rat and myself a Tiger.

    Pls help to advise the best date and time of the move. Thanks! :)

  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. hi,I moving house in dec,what is the good time to move in? me in the year of rat, my husband is goat,eldest daughter is goat, elder son is rooster, youngest son is ox and youngest daughter is rabbit. For the auspicious date move in does it include the altar to move in also or different date?should the altar move in 1st or ppl move in 1st?

  95. hello, I am an ox and plan to move during end of july 09. Which date and time is suitable for me? Thanx! :)

  96. Hi,
    my husband & I are both monkeys. Is it suitable for us to move to a new house on 15th Aug? If yes, what's the recommended time?

    Thank you.

  97. Hello, May I know what is the auspicious day in September or October for moving house? We are moving to a rented apartment. Kindly also advise the timing.


  98. Ni Hao Voyager8, greetings.

    We are about to move in our new home on July 8, 2009.

    Me and my wife are both water dogs, my son's a rooster and my daughter is born under the sign of rat.

    Please give us advice on auspicious moving in hours on July 8, 2009 and what ritual should be done and what to avoid. However, Our house (main door) faces the northeast.

    Looking forward and please shed some light.

    Thank you.

    Lin Yin Long,

  99. Hi Lin,

    Auspicious times for 8 July 2009:

    3am - 5am
    7am - 9am
    5pm - 9pm

  100. Hi Nee,

    15 August 2009 is not a particular auspicious day for moving.

  101. Hi Voyager8,
    We planned to move in to our new home on this coming Saturday 04th July.
    I am born in a year of monkey & my husband is born in a goat year.

    Could you please advise a good time? We were thinking of moving in, in the morning 9am, is it ok? Please advise. Thank you in advance.

  102. Hi,

    Auspicious times for 4 July 2009:

    1am - 3am
    11am - 1pm
    3pm - 5pm

  103. Hi, intend to move in on 1st Aug 09, pls can give good time? Husband - horse, wife - goat, son - dog. Am in my 7th month. Thanks

  104. Hi San,

    Auspicious times for 1 August 2009:

    5am - 1pm

  105. Hi,

    Can you please tell me the good time to move in on the 9 July'09.

    Thank you & regards

  106. Hi,

    Auspicious times for 9 July 2009:

    12am - 1am
    3am - 7am
    3pm - 5pm
    7pm - 11pm

  107. Hi when is a good time to move in on 29 jul?

  108. Hi, I hope you can tell me the good time to move in on 07-Aug-09. Besides, May I know what is the exception means?

    Thank You

  109. Hi voyager, I notice in your table there is a list of dates that fall under the lunar 7th month, which is the Chinese belief of the ghost month. Does that mean there is no clash? What time on 20-Sep-09 is good for moving house? Thank you.

  110. Hi anyas,

    Auspicious times for 29 July 2009:

    12am - 1am
    3am - 7am
    3pm - 5pm

  111. Hi,

    Auspicious times for 7 August 2009:

    12am - 1am
    7am - 11am
    3pm - 7pm

    That day is not auspicious for people born in year of tiger.

  112. Hi,

    Traditionally, there is no prohibition to move house during the 7th lunar month.

    There was prohibition for marriage in the 7th lunar month, because there was worry that the person you marry with is not a human. This is because in ancient time, marriage was arranged by parents. Most couple didn't know each other before the day they got married.

    In today's world of free love, I believe you are very sure who you are getting married with, and you suppose to have know the person for some times before your proposal and marriage. There will be no doubt the person you are marrying with is human or not, so getting marry in the 7th month also not a big problem nowadays.

    Auspicious times for 20 September 2009 are:

    1am - 3am
    9am - 11am
    3pm - 7pm

  113. Voyager8,

    I'm a rabbit, my husband is a snake.
    We plan to move our office on July 21-- what are the auspicious times?

    thanks you and more power to you!

  114. Hi,

    Auspicious times for 21 July 2009:

    3am - 5am
    11am - 1pm
    9pm - 11pm

  115. Hi,Me is rat, my husband is goat, my 2 daughters are goat and rabbit and my 2 sons are ox and rooster. we decide to move house in 1st week of dec. May I know when is the best day and the best timing? Thank You!

  116. Hi!

    I am a Sheep and planning to move house on July 26. Is this a good day to move, and if so, what are the auspicious times? Thanks in advance.

  117. good day. just want to know when is the best day to move in to our new house this july. im a monkey(1969) and my husband is a horse(1967). thank you.

  118. Hi Voyager8,
    may I know which is the suitable date & time to move house in August? My wife & myself are Monkeys (1980).
    Thanks in advance.

  119. Hi

    Need your advice on date to move into my new house before lunar 7th mth. My hubby is a dragon I am a tiger.
    Also my in law want to use the charcoal stove during move in, is this right? When should we use the stove?


  120. Hello, Can you please tell the good times to move in on 20th Sept 2009? Our signs are Monkey, Rabbit and Goat. Thanks very much.

  121. Hi Utama,

    Auspicious times for 20 Sept 2009:

    1am - 3am
    9am - 11am
    3pm - 7pm

  122. Hi

    I am planning to move house on 15 Aug. I am a dragon tail n snake head and my wife is a tiger. Is this date ok? Wat will be the best time? If not can you suggest a better date.



  123. Hi Henry,

    15 August 2009 is not a particular auspicious date for moving house.

    Pick your date from the table in the main article.

  124. hi Voyager! Can you tell me auspicious times to move on aug 10th to a new house? I was born year of the horse. My birthday is on aug 11. Thanks!

  125. sorry voyager, can i also have auspicious time for aug 21st? aug 10 might be too soon for me. unless u can suggest a better date. thanks again!

  126. Hi laida,

    Auspicious times for 10 August 2009:

    1am - 3am
    11am - 1pm
    5pm - 11pm

  127. Hi laida,

    Auspicious times for 21 August 2009:

    1am - 3am
    5am - 7am
    11am - 1pm
    3pm - 5pm

  128. Thanks very much Voyager! :)

  129. Hi,

    Can i find out what is the auspicious time for 8 Aug 09 for Rooster & Horse?

    Thank you v much.

    Also can we follow the dates here? Any comments or feedback on the website below?

  130. Hi,

    Need to shift hse between 27 sep to 2 Oct.

    Our family star sign are:
    1) Daddy - Snake
    2) Mummy - Dragon
    3) Elder Daughter - Dog
    4) Younger Daughter - Rat

    But from the list the we noticed there is no suitable date. Can you pls advise on a better date and timing. Thank you very much.


  131. Hi There,

    I would be Moving into my rented apartment on 20th Sept 09 I saw the time you stated For Another of your reader I was just wondering if It's the Same Timing for Rabbit and Snake. ?

  132. Hi Hedge Fund,

    Auspicious times for 8 August 2009:

    12am - 3am
    7am - 9am
    3pm - 7pm

  133. Hi there!

    We would like to know when will be the good date and time to move in in Oct'09? My husband is born in the year of rabbit and I'm born in the year of goat.

    Thank you so much.

  134. Hi Voyager8

    Thanks for the table. I was originally meant to move into my new place on 29th Aug(which is a gd day on your table), but my mum pointed out that it's the 7th lunar month. I've read your comment about this. Still I would like to play it safe by choosing the most auspicious time and doing the right thing(rice, charcoal, vinegar those things). I'm a dragon.
    Could you please suggest good times and what "procedures" to perform?
    Another question is: when is the person condidered to have moved in? When he/she steps through the door? When the lights are turned on?


  135. Hi Voyager8

    Could you please advise me the good time to move in on these dates :

    2 Nov 09
    11 Nov 09
    15 Nov 09
    17 Nov09

    Do we need to pick one of the auspicious dates as per your table for visiting the house for the 1st time to perform a simple ritual like rolling a pineapple into the house, sprinkling rice at all corners, etc? What else should we do at the first visit before reno starts?

    Thank you for your advice.

    rgds, Ping

  136. Hi poppy,

    Auspicious times for 29 August 2009:

    12am - 1am
    7am - 11am
    3pm - 7pm

    You are considered move in when the house master bring the luggage in and sleep in his master bedroom during that night, and assume normal lifestyle activities in that house from that day onwards.

  137. Hi ping,

    Can you choose only one date, because there are too many to check out...

  138. Hi Voyager8

    Sorry for the various dates. Maybe pls narrow down to 11 Nov as it should be the earliest we could move in view of the minor reno we wanted to do... pls advise on the ritual to perform on 1st opening of the door too. TIA.

    rgds, Ping

  139. Hi Voyager8

    I'm planning to shift to my new house around mid/end Oct'09 and would like to seek your advise on the Auspicious move-in date.

    I'm born in the year of Goat, my hubby in the year of Rabbit, my daugher in the year of Rat and my son in the year of Dragon.

    Thank you and have a great day!


  140. Hi, can you advise the auspicious time to move house on 26th Sept 2009?

    Thank you!

  141. Hi,

    Auspicious times for 11-Nov-2009:

    1am - 3am
    7am - 9am
    11am - 1pm
    3pm - 5pm

  142. Hi,

    Auspicious times for 26-Sep-2009:

    1am - 5am
    9am - 11am

  143. Hi Voyager8

    I have the firm date now for my shifting which will be on 31st Oct'09 and would like to seek your advise on the Auspicious move-in time.

    I'm born in the year of Goat, my hubby in the year of Rabbit, my daugher in the year of Rat and my son in the year of Dragon.

    Thank you and hope to hear from you soon.


  144. Hi lesser,

    31 Oct 2009 is not a particular auspicious date for moving. Please refer to the table in the main article for auspicious dates.

    31 Oct 2009 is also inauspicious for people born in year of Rabbit.

  145. Hi Voyager8

    Thank you for your reply. What about 1st Nov'09. May I know whether this will be an auspisious date and what time will be the best timing to move in.

    Really appreciate your advise.

    Thank you

  146. Hi lesser,

    Auspicious times for 1 Nov 2009:

    1am - 3am
    11am - 1pm
    3pm - 5pm

    That day is inauspicious for Dragon.

  147. We, tiger and rooster, are looking at moving office on 14 September. Is there a timing that we have to follow. Thanks.

  148. Hi,

    Auspicious times for 14-Sep-2009:

    3am - 5am
    9am - 11am
    7pm - 11pm

  149. Hi Voyager8,

    I live in Bali and looking at officially sleeping in the house on either the 31st of Aug, 4th Sept or 8th Sept. I am a Metal OX and my husband is a Dragon..can you kindly advise..Much appreciated

  150. Hi,
    Can you please tell me the good time to move in on the 21/9/09? There will be Snake, Dragon, Monkey and occasionally Goat and Rooster (my sisters). Thanks a lot for your help.

  151. Hi Lin,

    Auspicious times for 21-Sep-2009:

    12am - 1am
    3am - 5am
    11am - 1pm
    3pm - 5pm

  152. Hi voyager,

    I have a plan to move into a house on September 9, 2009. Just want to know if that is the best date and in case what is the best time for that.

    I was born on July 21, 1977 under the sign of snake.

    Appreciate your response.

  153. Hi,

    Auspicious times for 9-9-2009:

    1am - 3am
    9am - 1pm
    5pm - 9pm

  154. hi! we are planning to move house and choosing the dates (based on your table) my sign is Earth Horse and my husband Metal Rooster...can you tell us good time to move...

    here are the dates:

    Sept. 26, Oct 2, Oct 3, Oct 9...

    thank you very much for helping...

  155. hi voyager
    thanks for your last reply. I am unable to move in on the 29th as originally planned, so now it has to be on the 4th September. Can you please advise of the auspicious time for that day? I am a dragon.


  156. Hi poppy,

    Auspicious times for 4-Sep-2009:

    12am - 3am
    5am - 11am

  157. hi voyager can you tell me when is a good time on 31st Aug to move into our new house? Monkey and Dragon will be living there.

    thank you very much.

  158. hii, i want to shift my house tomorrow, on 29th aug 2009. can u kindly give me the good hrs i can move into :)

  159. Hi,

    Auspicious times for 31 Aug 2009:

    1am - 3am
    7am - 11am
    3pm - 5pm

  160. Hi indira,

    Auspicious times for 29-Aug-2009:

    9am - 1pm
    3pm - 11pm

  161. Hello... my husband and I are born in year of Dragon and will have to move in October.

    What are the good dates and time to move to new house?

    Appreciate your help.

  162. Hi Voyaver

    May i know the auspicious time to move-in on 18th Oct'09 and 25th Oct'09 :

    me = goat
    my husband = rabbit
    kids = rat & dragon

    thank you so much

  163. Hi,

    My husband was born in the year of the pig and I was born in the year of the rooster. We plan to move into our house on 9/8/09. Is this a good date and what is an auspicious time to move in? Thanks!

  164. Hi Lim,

    Auspicious times for 18 Oct 2009:

    12am - 3am
    9am - 11am
    3pm - 11pm

    Auspicious times for 25 Oct 2009:

    12am - 1am
    3am - 7am
    7pm - 9pm

  165. Hi,

    Auspicious times for 8 Sept 2009:

    9am - 11am
    3pm - 7pm
    9pm - 11pm

  166. can you pls advise good time for 20 sept and 21 sept for moving house. I am a rooster. thanks.

  167. Hi,

    Auspicious times for 20 Sept 2009:

    1am - 3am
    9am - 11am
    3pm - 7pm

    Auspicious times for 21 Sept 2009:

    12am - 1am
    3am - 5am
    11am - 1pm
    3pm - 5pm

  168. Hi, is it a good day to move office on 23/9/09? Can you advise on good time? In fact the good time is it when we reach the new office, or the good time is we in the midst of moving office because moving will take few hours also.

  169. Hi, when is the good day to move office between 17/9, 18/9, 22/9 to 25/9/09, 28/9 to 30/9/09?

  170. Hi,

    Please refer to the main article for the list of dates.

    There are all in the table.

  171. Hi
    I am planning to move house on 29th sept 2009? could you please advise if this is good day for moving? i am born in the year of monkey. and what will be the best time?

  172. Hello, Voyager. I am moving to my new house first week of October 2009. I see list of dates on ur table, u mean its ok to move in to a new house on those dates? My sign is Dog. Whats the best date and time? Thank you.

  173. Dear Voyager8

    Understand that your table applies to moving house/office. Does it apply to opening of door for the 1st time? If not, would opening door on 3 Nov or 4 Nov be inauspicious? My hubby is born in yr of Rooster while I am born in yr of Dog. Thank u.

    regards, Mdm Yeo

  174. Hi,

    29 Sept 2009 is not a particular auspicious date for moving.

  175. Hi Mdm Yeo,

    The Tong Shu does not have any item specific to "opening door".

  176. Dear Voyager8,

    I'm a rat and my wife is a tiger. What is the good time for me to move into my new house on 21 Sept 09 (Monday)?

    Many Thanks

  177. Hi cCy,

    Auspicious times for 21 Sept 2009:

    12am - 1am
    3am - 5am
    11am - 1pm
    3pm - 5pm

  178. Hi,

    My hubby has ordered bedroom furniture for our upcoming wedding on 3rd Oct, bed will be delivered to his house, dressing table + wardrobe will be delivered to my house.

    Would like you to advice which are best two dates to deliver the furniture to both our houses.

    Preferably between 22/Sep/09 to 27/Sep/09.

    Hubby's a Dragon, I'm Ox.

    Thanks in advance!

  179. Hi sylvaz,

    26 & 27 Sept 2009 are auspicious dates for 安床, but 26 is inauspicious for Dragon, so left with 27.

  180. Hi Voyager8,

    Besides 27/Sep/09, what is the 2nd auspicious date? As we are intending to arrange the delivery in 2 separate dates.

    FYI, our 安床 will be on 29/Sep/09.


  181. Hi Voyager,

    What if I have to move on the 24th or 25th of Sept, but the date is not listed in the Auspicious Moving Table?

    The Zodiacs will be Ox and Rat

    Thanks for helping.

  182. Hi sylvaz,

    29 Sept 2009 is also a good date for 安床.

  183. Hi Bernard,

    Between the 2 dates, 24 is a better one.

    25 is actually quite inauspicious for moving.

  184. Hi there,

    I'm planning to move house on 26/9/2009.

    Could you please advise when is the auspicious time for Ox and Snake to move-in on this date?

    Many Thanks

  185. Hi Dave,

    Auspicious times for 26 Sept 2009:

    1am - 5am
    11am - 1pm
    3pm - 7pm

  186. Hi Voyager,

    Would like to get your advise,
    1. Is delivery of furniture to our new hse considered date of moving house? Or the date we move from one house to another? Or the date we stay in the new house when everything is ready?
    cuz we plan to received all the ordered furniture only move house.


  187. Hi Yvonne,

    Yes, you can move in the furnitures before the actual moving date.

  188. thanks. is 4th or 10th of Oct a good date for Bore and Chicken to move in?

    Is not in your list :)

    THanks a lot

  189. Hi Yvonne,

    10 Oct 2009 is an inauspicious day for Boar.

    4 Oct 2009 should be OK.

  190. Hi thanks. So any good time for 4th Oct?
    and house warming on 10th Oct izit ok? although is not good for move in.


  191. Hi Yvonne,

    Auspicious times for 4 Oct 2009:

    1am - 5am
    9am - 11am
    9pm - 11pm

    Good dates for house warming around that will be:

    9 Oct 2009
    12 Oct 2009
    13 Oct 2009
    16 Oct 2009
    18 Oct 2009
    25 Oct 2009
    28 Oct 2009
    30 Oct 2009

  192. Hi,

    I would just like to ask what is the best time to transfer my business on Oct. 2, 2009.



  193. Hi Ryan,

    2 Oct 2009 is an auspicious date for making a deal, making a move, and/or opening a business.

    You have picked a good date.

    Auspicious times (during day time):

    7am - 1pm

  194. Voyager,

    The date 3rd Oct is inauspicious for all boar or certain boar borned in different year? pls advice.


  195. Hi 8th Voyager,

    I would also like to ask if Oct. 3, 2009 is an auspicious date, and what is the best time to transfer.


  196. Hi Ryan,

    3 Oct 2009 is a good date too.

    Auspicious times (during day time):

    9am - 1pm

  197. Hi there, Can you please tell me the good time to move into our new house on 3 Oct 09 and 6 Oct 09? Our animal signs are monkey, monkey and rabit.

    Thank you,

