In Malaysia, the various income tax related forms are:
- BE - For residents who are employed with no business ownership, or who run business with no income source
- B - For residents who run business with source of income
- M - Return form for non-resident
- P - Partnership business statement form
- E - Return form for employer
- C - Return form for company
- R - Statement of company's revised 108 balance
The deadline to file in the BE Form is on 30 April 2009, and the deadline for B Form is on 30 June 2009. You can either use the e-Filing system to submit the form, or fill up the related paper form and send to Inland Revenue Board before the deadline.
The online e-Filing system has been introduced to tax payers in Malaysia since 2006, and had been found buggy and problemistic in the recent years. Nevertheless, improvement has been seen, especially on last year. Hopefully, the system will be better this year.
Here are some related links:
- Homepage of e-Filing system (English)
- Homepage of e-Filing system (Malay)
- User guides for e-Filing (English)
- User guides for e-Filing (Malay)
- Website of Inland Revenue Board (English)
- Website of Inland Revenue Board (Malay)
Downloadable documents, references and forms for 2008 income tax assessment
昨天我就在LHDN网站的e-daftar登记了我的资料和上传了IC副本。接下来我不知道该怎办,好像没有下文了... ...是不是要给LHDN一点时间去process呢?
可以打电话去 check:
hi,i made a simple spreadsheet for borang BE2008. Feel free to check it out at my site. cheers.
要填什么FORM?dividend voucher and R50?我已经有点混乱了。
Dividend 应该填 HK-3.
ReplyDeleteHK-3 在 Buku Panduan 有附上.
ReplyDeleteR50 是公司通过 seksyen 108 拿到股息的情况之下用的。
ReplyDeleteHK3 则是个人通过 seksyen 110 拿到股息的情况之下用的。
ReplyDelete不好意思再请问一下,Taxsaya 和Bizztax 那一个比较好用?
ReplyDelete我都没有用过这些模拟器,直接用 e-Filing。
ReplyDeletebizztax 的比较好用啦!~