Saturday, March 21, 2009

International Multilateral Partnership Against Cyber-Threats launched HQ in Cyberjaya

The International Multilateral Partnership Against Cyber Threats (IMPACT), backed by the United Nations (UN) International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol), which is known as the world’s first global public-private partnership against cyber-threats has launched its global headquarters in Cyberjaya on 20 March 2009.

Key partners of IMPACT from the private sector includes Cisco, F-Secure, Kaspersky Lab, Microsoft, Symantec Corp, Trend Micro, etc.

The IMPACT nerve-center in Cyberjaya has a built-up of 58,000 square feet on a 7.8-acre land. Malaysia government has provided a grant of $13 million (about RM43 million) as initial funding to build the facilities. This IMPACT HQ will host the ITU's Global Cybersecurity Agenda (GCA), which promotes international cooperation to make cyberspace more secure in an increasingly networked information society.

IMPACT has 4 key divisions:
  • Global response centre
  • Training and skills development centre
  • Centre for security assurance and research
  • Centre for policy and international cooperation

It will act as a centralized anti-cyber-terrorism intelligence centre which allows its 191 member countries to be alerted on cyber-terrorism threats such as attacks against the global financial system, power grids, nuclear plants, air traffic control systems, etc.

The establishment of IMPACT HQ in the heart of MSC Malaysia is expected to attract the attentions of worldwide cyber-security people, both from the bright side as well as the dark side. How well will this IMPACT facility in Malaysia operationalize, perform and contribute to the global cyber-security? Time will tell.

Meanwhile, if you are an expert in the related field, you might probably be interested to work for this interesting global non-profit organization.


  1. Hello. Thanks for these info about IMPACT. Can u tell me where is IMPACT located? I want the address, please... U can reply to me at and thank you so much again.. ;-)

  2. Hi,

    Please call this number:


  3. thank you.. ingat nak apply if keje kosong dalam ni, leh ker? ;-)

  4. Betul ke? Aku pun nak keje kat situ. Macam mana nak apply? Tapi kelulusan SPM aje boleh ke?
