Tuesday, October 6, 2009

My ACM card wallet with money clip

Do you realize that nowadays we have to carry so many cards with us -- ATM cards, credit cards, member cards, petrol cards, discount cards, Touch 'n Go card, medical card, ... you name it.

I have been wondering is there a stylish and nice looking card wallet for me to keep my cards in my pocket, without cramping them into my money wallet, and I've found the patented ACM card wallet with money clip from the internet.

This Auto Card Manager (ACM) card wallet has a special compartment that can store up to 6 cards in a well organized manner. There is another model which can store up to 12 cards, but could be too bulky to carry in pant's pocket.

The cards can easily be slotted into the wallet. There is spacing between each of the cards, a feature said to be able to prevent card demagnetization, scratching and premature magnetic strip failure.

This is how it looks like with all the cards slotted in completely. Once slotted in, the cards are held firmly in the wallet and will not slide out by themselves. The cards are easily retrievable by pushing the button corresponding to their slot.

There is a money clip at the back of the ACM card wallet, which can be used to clip bank notes, receipts, name cards, etc.

And the money clip is easily detachable.

This ACM card wallet comes with 18 interchangeable button icons pads and a leather pouch. Its casing is made of metal meterial, which is pretty durable. Despite that, it only weighs about 90g with 6 cards installed.


  1. Hey that so nice. And your efforts are so appreciable. Carry on with your work. For the more information visit on www(dot)bankcardempire(dot)com.
    Bankcard Empire

  2. Very nice.Looking for with a touch of a my heart.Great work.Comes in the other popular colors to match ACM Wallet.
    Stylish and dependable Front Pocket Wallet
