Monday, October 26, 2009

What would you do with 10 million dollar?

This question "What would you do with 10 million dollar?" stroke my mind when it flashed out from the presentation slide of David Axmark during his talk about “Persevering in a FOSS business valued at USD$1 billion” in 2009 conference.

David Axmark is the co-founder of MySQL, the great database management system in used by many websites and applications nowadays. Somebody asked him this question few years back, before MySQL was sold to Sun Microsystems for US$1 billion.

David Axmark told us, by the time he was asked the question, he had no idea, though he sensed the investor might expect the answer something like "grow it to 100 million or more".

So, if you were asked the same question, what would be your answer?

Some of the possible answers might be...
  • Employee: retire immediately and enjoy your life
  • Businessman: grow it to 100 million or more
  • Investor: possibly the same answer as businessman above
  • Kind person: charity and social welfare, eg. build a school, setup a charity fund, help the unfortunate, etc...
  • Traveller: go around the world, take a lot of pictures and videos, then produce books, films, etc. to share with the whole world about your discoveries
  • Scientist: fund research to bring a better life to mankind
  • Environmentalist: fund for activities to save the mother earth!
  • Politician: fund for contesting in election
  • Movie director: well, that's probably not enough to make a great movie. Too bad.
  • many many more possibilities of answer (put in my comment page if you are generous to share with my readers...)