Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I have just won RM15,000 cash! (scam SMS)

Just received an SMS from a number +60145512667 (a Celcom number huh!) saying that I've won RM15,000 cash. I wonder how they got my number, or they just send by random?

Well, this is it...

It is a very obvious scam SMS which trap their ignorance and greedy victims.
  • From the commercial point of view, no company will give you large amount of money for no reason. Do you notice that those genuine commercial contests will require you to buy something from them, or read their advertisement, or do something for them (such as promoting them, etc.) or at least fill up a form (and thus... give your detail to their marketing department), before you can even join the contest and have a very limited chance to win?
  • This SMS is full of spelling, grammar, punctuation mistakes. If want to scam also write properly lah!
  • If a company requires you to call a number, it is always either a toll-free line, or a fixed line. You must get very suspicious if they ask you to call a mobile line, and don't even provide a name of the person at the other end.
  • If they make use of some commonly known company name, such as Power Root, you can always call their office to check. Obtain their office number from their official website or trusted printed media, instead of the one provided in the SMS.
  • If you still believe that you are so lucky to win, you can call in the number, but remember not to bank in even a single cent of money to them, not to disclose too much personal detail, especially not to disclose any of your bank number. If you want to accept the prize, make preference to walk in their office and receive a cheque, or receive by Paypal.


  1. the scam sms that i always get is from indonesia with long2 number 1

  2. is they any way to block the advertisements and this kind of sms-es?

  3. Hi KimberlyMay,

    If you are using SmartPhone, can install SMS filtering software in your phone.

    Eg. SMS Firewall, Magic Message Manager, ...
