Monday, March 15, 2010

Are you born to be a billionaire?

The Sunday Star dated 14 March 2010 reveiled an interesting finding from their "So you want to be a millionaire?" survey with YouthSays and Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR), which polled 1,678 people below the age of 30 thoughout Malaysia.

The finding: 96% of the respondents aspire to become millionaires, and 75% of them believe that they can achieve it by the age of 35! Wow!

If you haven't read about the report, here is the online version:
Anyhow, the first question to all millionaire wannabes is: Are you willing to pay the price to make millions (or even billions).  

Here is a list of 13 self-assessment questions in a Forbes' article:
  • Why Go Big at All? - What and where are your long-term goals?
  • Can You See Around Corners? - What and where are your visions?
  • Can You Tolerate and Manage Ambiguity? - Are you able to see through a jungle of conflicting data?
  • Do You Prize Independence?
  • Do You Have the Guts to Double-Down?
  • Are You Inspired by Creativity or More Process-Oriented?
  • Are You Willing to Make Tough Decisions For the Growth of the Company?
  • Do You Like Speaking in Public?
  • Are You a Consensus-Builder?
  • Can You Delegate?
  • If You Say You Need it On Your Desk By 9am, Will it Get Done? 
  • Can You Work on Christmas?
  • Can You Deal with Isolation? 
    For more explanation of each of the items above, please click here to read about the "Are You Born To Be A Billionaire?" article in Forbes' website.


    1. Nah...I think I am be...well...I don't know. :p But everyone wants to be rich right?

    2. Hi Tekkaus,

      If you want something, you have to take some action, else you will never get it.

      For example, if you see a beautiful charming girl, you want her to be your life partner. So how?

    3. That's a pretty inspiring quesiton...Hmm, I think most of the time i will just walk away...

      If I am interested to invest in a timber company in KLSE, which company should I pay more attention?

      Java, Taann, Jtiasa, Subur, Evergreen, Cymao, Lingui?
