Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Travel to outer space at no cost in NASA shuttle

Do you want to fly into the space? Now, at least your photo can reach the orbit, and it is free.

NASA is currently inviting the public to send their portrait into space aboard one of the two remaining space shuttle flights - STS-133 and STS-134.

It is very easy to participate. Just upload your picture to NASA Face in Space website: Another option, you can also just fly your name without a photo.

You can select which space shuttle to fly - Discovery in September 2010 or Endeavor, targeted for November 2010.

Upon successful registration, you can print and save the confirmation page with your flight information.

After the flight and shuttle landed on earth, you can return to the website to print your Flight Certificate - a commemorative certificate signed by the Mission Commander.

You can also check on mission status, view mission photographs, link to various NASA educational resources and follow the commander and crew on Twitter or Facebook.

Let's fly together!


  1. if some aliens look at the photos and get interested, will they come to hunt some human back to their planet...... heeheehee....maybe think too much

  2. You should suggest to Malaysian government so that they stop sending "astronaut" tumpangan (this is a real tumpangan case).
