Friday, January 7, 2011

Online checking your election voting area registered in electoral roll database

This is not something new to Malaysian, but just a reminder for voting citizen who has already registered with the Election Commission (Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya, SPR) that you can check your election voting area registered in the electoral roll database online.

The latest URL for the electoral roll checking website is

Just key in your IC number, and the system will show your basic information, registered locality, polling district, state assembly,  parliamentary and state info.

This online checking is useful for you to confirm your area, and in case you wish to change your voting area, now might still have the opportunity to get it done before the next election come.

Sadly, there is no privacy measure in that website, and if you know any IC number, you can actually find out the person's name, gender, birth date and electoral roll information as well.

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