Saturday, April 23, 2011

Cleaning camera lens with LensPen miniPro II

How do you normally clean the dirt, dust, grease, fingerprint, etc. on the camera lens of your digital camera and/or handphone? Using special cleaning fluid? Using brush? Wiping with microfibre? Wiping with cloth? Wiping with tissue paper? Wiping with your shirt? Never clean and let it be?

Regardless how you do the cleaning, I believe the bottom line is:
  • The glass surface, as well as other parts of the device, won't be hurt or scratched
  • The cleaning must be effective
I use a Canadian product called LensPen miniPro II to clean the camera lens of my digital camera as well as my handphone. It is very effective and inexpensive (selling at RM23 only).

LensPen miniPro II contains 2 cleaning parts. At one end, there is a retractable ultra fine brush to brush away dust and other particles deposited on the lens. At the other end, it has a special cleaning tip to wipe the lens. It is claimed that this special tip can do more than 500 times cleaning.

LensPen miniPro II has a compact size, easy to carry around or put in the camera bag. Its cleaning tip is small enough to be used for compact digital camera and the handphone camera lens. There are also LensPen products with larger cleaning tip for bigger DSLR lens. There is also LensPen MicroPro to clean even smaller lens surface.

To let you have a better picture of its length and size, here is my LensPen miniPro II putting together with my Canon PowerShot S95 digital camera.

1 comment:

  1. hey thanks! i was wondering what type of cleaning pen is suitable for my s95 actually..
