Thursday, June 9, 2011

Solution for Samsung Galaxy Tab unable to turn on problem

If you own a Samsung Galaxy Tab, have you ever encountered the problem of unable to turn it on after you off or reboot it?

The symptom could be:
  • You press the Power button. No matter how long you pressed and how many times you pressed it, nothing happen. Your Samsung Galaxy Tab remains dead with a black screen.
  • You press the Power button. It vibrates. But then it is dead again.
  • You press the Power button while charging. It shows the battery charging icon for a while, then it is dead again. 
  • You press the Power button. It freezes during boot up.
If you encounter this kind of problem, don't give up yet! Try this:

Touch any part of the screen with one finger, at the same time press the Power button. Wait for a while (and pray - might take up to 2 minutes). Your Samsung Galaxy Tab might come back to life again.


  1. This worked for me!
    Big fat thanks!

  2. bro... thanks... work for my tab... big thanks

  3. Try above method including with power and - volume also + volume few times I would say about 4 times still No result but after I connect to charger voila it came back, by the way mine is tablet 7.7. Thanks for the info

  4. tq very much. it works for mine too

  5. Fantastic. Thank you so so much. I panicked for a very long while. It worked! Its alive! Thanks again.
