Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Auspicious dates for renovation in 2013

Here is the list of auspicious dates for renovation in year 2013, which is produced based on the Chinese almanac Tong Shu. (Click the image to enlarge)

Bear in mind that although the Tong Shu is a compilation of Chinese astrology and calendaring studies gathering wisdom of thousands of years, we should use it wisely and rationally, but not be too superstitious on it.

If you are going to renovate your house, don't forget to visit the "home idea" section of my blog to find out some of my sharing there.


  1. Hello, we plan to do renovation on 2nd Jan (SOUTHEAST sector). Please advise the best timing.

    Also, does the good dates completely negate the negative effects?


  2. @Jasmine

    Auspicious times for 2 January 2013:

    12am - 5am
    7am - 9am
    1pm - 5pm

    There are always positive and negative effects coexist at the same time. The auspicious periods have much more positive effects than the negative.

  3. Hi , if I choose the following 3 dates for renovation what r d time?
    a) 27/2/13 ( is this date good for reno)
    b) 6/3/13
    c) 7/3/13
    Tks n gong xi fa cai


  4. @Treasure what u have

    Auspicious times for 27 Feb 2013:

    12am - 5am
    7am - 9am
    1pm - 3pm

    Auspicious times for 6 Mar 2013:

    3am - 7am
    9am - 1pm
    3pm - 5pm

    Auspicious times for 7 Mar 2013:

    12am - 3am
    5am - 11am
    1pm - 3pm

  5. May I know the auspicious time to start renovation on the 12 march? And which part of the house should I start with? Btw, my house is facing west.

  6. @jacqueline toolseram

    Auspicious times for 12 March 2013:

    12am - 1am
    9am - 1pm

  7. Please advise the auspicious time to start renovation job on 19 March 2013. Thank you.

  8. @Liew

    Auspicious times for 19 March 2013:

    12am - 3am
    7am - 11am
    1pm - 5pm

  9. Hi. I'm planning to renovate the basement in April-May 2013. Please advice on good date and time to renovate. Thanks Sylvia

  10. @Sylvia Lim
    Btw, my house is facing south. and I'm a horse

  11. Hi, my house facing north. We are cow and pig. Please advise on the date and timing.


  12. Hi, may I know the auspicious time for renovation on 26 aug2013

    For dragon, snake n monkey


  13. @Jacqueline Lee

    Auspicious times for 26 Aug 2013:

    12am - 3am
    7am - 9am
    1pm - 5pm

  14. Hi, can reno work be done during 7th Lunar mth? I heard if as long as reno work starts before start of 7th lunar mth, reno work can continue throughout reno mth. Pls advise. Tks.

  15. Hi Voyager,

    What is the auspicious day to start renovation on August or September for house owners who are Tiger and Rat? Thanks in advance for your reply.

  16. Hi Voyager,

    What is the auspicious day to start renovation on August or September for house owners who are Tiger and Rat? Thanks in advance for your reply.

  17. Hi... May I know the best date and time for Rabbit and Roaster to start renovation work and grand opening of business?

  18. Hi Voyager8,
    May I know the auspicious time for renovation on 4 November 2013 for rabbit and goat?

    Thank you.

  19. @Angelina Ng

    Auspicious times for 4 November 2013:

    1am - 7am
    9am - 11am
    1pm - 3pm

  20. Hi Voyager8,
    Thank you. May I know the auspicious time for renovation on 5 November 2013 for rabbit and goat instead? Sorry to trouble you again as the contractor cannot start work on 4 November.

  21. @Angelina Ng

    Auspicious times for 5 November 2013:

    12am - 7am
    1pm - 3pm

  22. May I know the renovation good time on 6/11/2013. TQ.

  23. @siewboon79

    Auspicious times for 6 November 2013:

    12am - 3am
    9am - 11am
    5pm - 9pm

  24. Hi Voyager 8 may I know the auspicious time for renovation on 7 Dec? Thank you

  25. @kimtee

    Auspicious times for 7 December 2013:

    9am - 11am
    1pm - 3pm
    5pm - 7pm
