Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Rodger 7-point plan and Munro 5-fold grading system

Attention job interviewers and interviewees, the information below could be useful to you to successfully get the right person (for interviewers) or win your dream job (for interviewees).

Many HR adopts 2 important person specification models by Alec Rodger and John Munro Fraser respectively to match a job description with the ideal candidate to fill the job. Each of them gives certain headings under which the attributes of the ideal person can be classified.

Person specification is a profile of the personal skills and characteristics to look for in the recruitment and selection process.

Rodger's 7-point plan:
  • Physical make-up: health, appearance, bearing, speech and manner.
  • Attainments: education, qualifications, experience.
  • General intelligence: ability to define and solve problems.
  • Special aptitudes: skills, attributes or competencies relevant to the job.
  • Interests: work related or leisure pursuits that may have a bearing on the job.
  • Disposition: influence over others, steadiness, dependability, self-reliance.
  • Circumstances: any special demands of the job, such as ability to work unsocial hours, travel abroad, etc.

Munro's 5-fold grading system:
  • Impact on others people: similar to Rodger's "physical make-up" specification.
  • Qualifications and experience: similar to Rodger's "attainments" specification.
  • Innate abilities and aptitude: quickness of comprehension and aptitude for learning.
  • Motivation: individual goals, consistency and determination to succeed in the workplace.
  • Adjustment: emotional stability, ability to stand up to stress and ability to get on with people.

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