Thursday, December 21, 2017

Auspicious dates in 2018 for getting a baby or childbirth

Here is the list of auspicious dates in 2018 (year of Dog) for getting a baby (求嗣), which is produced based on the Chinese almanac Tong Shu.

The dates have good element(s) to embro/faetus. Traditionally, the dates are referred for conception planning (making love and expecting a baby to the family). Nowadays, people also make reference to them for Caesarian delivery of new born. (Click the image to enlarge)

Bear in mind that although the Tong Shu is a compilation of Chinese astrology and calendaring studies gathering wisdom of thousands of years, we should use it wisely and rationally, but not be too superstitious on it.


  1. Hi Voyager8,

    Can you help me check if 23rd and 31st March are inauspicious dates for caesarian delivery? Thank you.

  2. @Wilson And Cesca

    23 March 2018 is inauspicious for Monkey.

    31 March 2018 is inauspicious for Dragon.

    Both the dates are not inauspicious for baby delivery.

  3. Hi Voyager8,
    Can i ask if 31st jan 2018 is auspicious for csect? Thanks alot...

  4. @Linda Yeo

    Please refer to the table in the main article above.

  5. Hi voyager8!

    Which is better date for csect from 25th to 28th of april? Thank you so much!

  6. Hi Voyager, what is the best date for childbirth between May 1-5 2018?

  7. @hhhhonda

    1 May 2018 is auspicious for hospitalization.

  8. Please reply urgently... April ,30th 2018 auspucios timings for twins cesirian deluvery

  9. @mohana rao Alubilli

    Auspicious times for 30 April 2018:

    1am - 7am
    9am - 11am
    5pm - 7pm
    9pm - 11pm

  10. Please tell me the right time for c section on 9th may 2018.

  11. @vinod

    Auspicious times for 9 May 2018:

    1am - 7am
    9am - 1pm
    3pm - 5pm

  12. Hi Voyager, what are the best dates and time from 7 May to 13 of May. My zodiac sign is pig sep 1983 born and my husband’s is rat Mar 1984. The baby girl would be dog.

  13. @purva

    Please refer to the table in the main article above.

  14. What is the best timing for c sec on 15th May and 17th May?

  15. @Unknown

    Auspicious times for 15 May 2018:

    9am - 3pm
    5pm - 7pm

    Auspicious times for 17 May 2018:

    12am - 1am
    9am - 5pm

  16. Hi, Kindly advise auspicious date and time for c-section between November 9-20, 2018. Thank you

  17. @Unknown

    Please refer to the table in the main article above.

  18. Hi Voyager, what are the best dates and time from 20 Sep to 27 Sep for C- Sect. Intending 24 Sep.
    My zodiac sign is pig mar 2 1983 born and my husband’s is pig Sep 4 1983. The baby girl would be dog this year. EDD 27 Sep :)

  19. @rez

    You can pick 26 September 2018:

    3am - 5am
    9am - 1pm

    1. Looks like baby may come out earlier? In lab put ward now. 22 September? Is that ok


  20. Hi Voyager, what are the best dates and time from 6 Nov 2018 to 10 Nov 2018 for c-sect?

    My husband’s and my zodiac signs are both dragons, born in 1988 and 1976. Our elder daughter is born in 2014 (horse) and my upcoming son’s EDD is 20 Nov 2018 but doctor is suggesting c-sect 10-14 days in advance.

    Thanks in advance! :)

  21. Hi Voyager8, please tell me urgent which is the best date and timings to child birth in between 9th to 11th September 2018. Thanking you

  22. Plz suggest auspicious time for cesarean birth on 3rd and 8th oct 2018

  23. @Unknown

    Auspicious times for 3 October 2018:

    1am - 3am
    9am - 11am
    1pm - 7pm

    Auspicious times for 8 October 2018:

    12am - 5am
    9am - 11am
    3pm - 5pm

  24. Hi Voyager, can you advise me what are the best dates and time from 6 Nov 2018 to 10 Nov 2018 for c-sect for my son?

    My husband: Dragon (1976)
    Me: Dragon (1988)
    Elder daughter: Horse (2014)

    Thanks in advance! :)

  25. @ling

    Your best date will be 7 November 2018.

    Auspicious times are:

    12am - 1am
    3am - 7am
    7pm - 9pm

    Please consider making some donation to me (without obligation) through Paypal by clicking the orange Donate button on the right panel.

  26. @rez

    22 September 2018 is an inauspicious day for Boar.

  27. Please suggest auspicious time for cesarean oct5 2018

  28. @Unknown

    Auspicious times for 5 October 2018:

    1am - 5am
    11am - 7pm

  29. please suggest auspicious date and time for cesarean in between 27 Sep to 5 Oct 2018.

  30. @Ajay Pratap

    Please refer to the table in the main article above.

  31. Hi voyager8,please suggest auspicious date and time for child birth in November.My husband's DOB is 13/04/79 and my DOB is 07/11/85.


  32. @Sonal

    Please refer to the table in the main article above.


  33. Hi Voyager, what are the best dates and time from 11 Nov 2018 to 19 Nov 2018 for c-sect?

    My husband’s and my zodiac signs are both dragons, born in 1988 and 1976. Our elder daughter is born in 2014 (horse) and my upcoming son’s EDD is 19 Nov 2018.

    Thanks in advance! :)

  34. @ling

    Auspicious times for 13 November 2018:

    12am - 1am
    11am - 5pm

  35. Hej Voyager

    i can see that november 13 is an auspicious day to get a baby but not for a rabbit. i am rabbit and i have my c-section planned that day. can you explain why is it not goid day for rabbit? thank you

  36. @Leja

    It is a day of Rooster, which is in opposite position to Rabbit in the Bagua.

  37. Does it mean so that its not good to give a birth during a wholw day? or just during the specific periods of time?

  38. @Leja

    Your best possible time will be 11am - 1pm.

    1. can you please say 11am-1pm time interval in which time zone does it lie?

  39. May I know which date is better to deliver baby. 18 nov or 19 nov 2018? And what is the good timing on the day. My zodiac is rooster and my Husband’s is dog. Her sibling’s zodiac are horse and rooster. Thank you

  40. @Cynthia

    19 November 2018 is a better day between the 2 dates, but it is not a good day for rooster.

    18 November 2018 has one inauspicious star for baby delivery, namely 游祸. At the same time, it also has auspicious stars for baby delivery namely 月德, 四相, 时德.

    Auspicious times for 18 November 2018:

    3am - 5am
    1pm - 3pm
    5pm - 9pm

  41. what is the best time in the daytime for c-sect on 19th Nov,

  42. @Arun Kumar

    Auspicious times for 19 November 2018:

    3am - 7am
    1pm - 5pm
    7pm - 11pm

  43. Dear Sir,

    Mother DOB: 14-Sep-1987 at 9.05PM
    Father DOB: 09-Jul-1980 at 4.35PM

    C-sect has been planned on 19-Nov-2018, so would like to which exact time will give birth of "baby BOY". Please help me with good time for it to make it happen.

    Appreciate your timely response !!!

    Thanks well in advance :)

    Arunkumar Durai

  44. @Arun Kumar

    Auspicious times for 19 November 2018, excluding inauspicious times for Monkey and Rabbit:

    5am - 7am
    1pm - 5pm
    7pm - 11pm

  45. Dear Sir,

    I'm blessed with baby Girl at 1.41pm on 19-Nov-2018, Would like to know some interesting points about her future, Please could you list out about her charateristics and how her future would be, also how it would make our family in future.

    Thanks and Regards,
    Arunkumar Durai

  46. @Arun Kumar

    She is charming and graceful, easy-going and friendly, and has a bleakness of contentment. A gentle character with a strong, not contending with people, indifferent to fame and fortune, excellent popularity. Ideal for quiet and warm life.

    Suitable future: teacher, researcher, academic, cultural, government post.

  47. Dear Sir,
    Would like to know about naming my new born Baby girl ,Please suggest me which alphabet the name should start with ,so that her future would be most successful.

    DOB : Baby Girl at 1.41pm on 19-Nov-2018

    Thanks and Regards,
    Arunkumar Durai

  48. Dear Sir,
    My younger brother has good job in central goverment, but still his marriage process is in searching.
    Kindly analysis his DOB and let us know When his marriage would happen as per his horoscope.

    Brother Name : Anandharaj
    DOB : 2-Sep-1982 at 12:45AM

    Thanks and Regards,
    Arunkumar Durai

  49. @Arun Kumar

    She belongs to Earth in the 5 elements. She is a female which is Ying.

    Earth is strengthen by Fire. The choice of starting alphabet shall be Yang Fire: C, M, W.

  50. @Arun Kumar

    According to Zi Wei Dou Shu, he will have better luck in the Spouse Palace at the following age: 15, 27, 39, 51, 63, 75.

    Having better luck does not mean no need to put in effort to get what you want. Having less luck also does not mean it would not happen.

  51. Hi sir may i ask?, what is the best date in dec for csection? Im choosing 14 or 15?

  52. Hi Sir, My baby girl was born on 15th november.please tell me something about this date.
