Friday, December 10, 2021

K8 body temperature infra-red thermometer powered by USB

Nowadays, infra-red thermometers are widely used in a lot of places to capture our body temperature, especially for COVID-19 preventive measure at the entrance of most commercial premises.

Infra-red thermometer has the following advantages:

  • Non-contact way of measuring body temperature
  • Fast measurement time of around 1 second
  • Pretty accurate if there is no other infra-red source around that might interfere with its signal receiver
  • Affordable price
For home and personal use, if we want to buy an infra-red thermometer, we might want to look for the following features:
  • Small and lightweight, easy to carry along, and save storage space
  • Accurate reading
  • Non-battery powered, since we are not going to use it frequently
  • Cheap price
I found the K8 body temperature infra-red thermometer that operates with DC 5V and powered by USB, cost slightly above RM10, is an ideal one to be used.

This small little device actually has 3 variants of power source connector: USB-C, micro-USB and lightning connector. If you want a future proof one, choose the one with USB-C connector.

It can be powered by the USB port of handphone...

or powered by the USB port of other devices, such as a laptop.

There is a button at its back to switch its reading between Celsius and Fahrenheit.

It will beep when it captured a new temperature reading in the rage between 32 °C to 42 °C. You will most probably get the same temperature when placing your forehead or palm in front of it.

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