Thursday, May 12, 2011

Dynaquest Monthly Digest will stop publishing by August 2011

I have been subscribing to Dynaquest's Monthly Digest for years, and have been using it to shortlist and analyse my stock picks. It is sad to know that this publication will come to an end.
Founded by Dr Neoh Soon Kean (梁孙健), Dynaquest has been publishing precious fundamental analysis information of the Malaysian stock market, including the Stock Performance Guide (SPG), the Second Board Guide (SBG, which has ceased publication few years ago), Monthly Digest and the expensive Stockbase.

Contents of Monthly Digest includes:
  • Summary of marketwide information
  • Ranking of companies by PER & DY
  • Ranking by discount to NAB/Share
  • Ranking by Market Capitalisation
  • Ranking by combination of PER, DY, PX/NAB and ROE
  • Valuation of TSR and warrant
  • Valuation of REITs
  • Dynaquest's selected stocks
  • EMAS index vs Sectoral indices
  • EMAS index vs Major Global indices
  • Entitlements information
  • Summary of updates for the month
  • Financial statistics
  • Weekly price charts
Although there are a few competitors to this publication, those competitors are yet to close up the gap in getting close to Monthly Digest's comprehensiveness, up-to-date info, detail and usefulness.

Existing subscribers of Monthly Digest are given 3 options to:
  • Get a refund for remaining subscription paid
  • Continue receiving Financial Statistics part of Monthly Digest in PDF format
  • Convert to Stockbase subscription
Stockbase is a set of updated KLSE public listed companies' information and fundamentals, selling at a few thousand ringgit per year. This will be too expensive for retail investors.


  1. i m surprised to receive the notification. it's sad that they have to stop a good publication. which option are you choosing?

  2. @chienyiing

    If I manage to get 10 people to share the cost of Stockbase with me, I'll go for Stockbase :)

  3. what is actually the "Stockbase subscription"?

    if so good, then I am interested to share 1/10 with you.

  4. @Ong Pang Wei

    You can get more information about Stockbase here:

  5. I see, looks like "stock performance guide" in deeper details. Do they have ranking for list of stocks worth to invest?

    what is the actual price they are selling?

    Have you found 10 person yet?

  6. Stockbase product comprises 600 selected listed
    companies listed on the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia. It can be accessed through an IBM PC (or compatible i.e., Office 2003/Window XP) system, using the Microsoft Excel Programme. The total data size is about 300 megabytes.
    It is sold by annual subscription. The annual subscription payment covers a complete initial set of the reports plus the subsequent 11 months of updating.
    For corporate customers, the annual subscription fee is RM8,000.00 but for individual customers, it is RM4,000.00.
