Thursday, January 8, 2009

Auspicious dates for wedding/marriage in 2009

Here is the list of auspicious dates for wedding/marriage in year 2009, which is produced based on the Chinese almanac Tong Shu.

The dates highlighted in red are considered even more auspicious. Note that for year 2009, there is a lunar 5th month in the Chinese calendar.

You might aware that the mid-autumn festival (3 October 2009) is again in the list for year 2009. Another interesting date is 9 September 2009, which can be written as 09-09-09, and "nine" pronounces the same as "eternity" in Chinese.

Bear in mind that although the Tong Shu is a compilation of Chinese astrology and calendaring studies gathering wisdom of thousands of years, we should use it wisely and rationally, but not be too superstitious on it.

Related articles:
Click here for auspicious dates for wedding/marriage in 2010.


  1. Hi, am planning a wedding for 4 July 2009. It's the second fifth lunar month... is that ok/auspicious?

  2. Hey! I love that you are helping engaged couples like me from pulling my hair out! My parents won't think of dates for us to get married in 2010 and I was hoping you might do a post for 2010 please? It would really help since my fiancee is american and he's trying to please my chinese parents but they're just not going to have it!

  3. Hi,

    The complete table for 2010 will be posted by the end of this year.

    There is a hot auspicious date in 2010, which is 10 October 2010. If none of you born in the year of boar, can choose that date.

  4. I am looking for an auspicious date for a wedding during January or February 2010 (befor Chinese New Year).The couples borned in the year of rooster and dog. Parents in the year of monkey and rat. Hope to get your advice very soon. Thank you very much.
    Rgds, Ellen E.

  5. Hi there!

    Hope you coud help me. WOuld you know if 08 Sept or 10 Sept next year are auspicious dates to get married

    Thanks in advance.

  6. Hi, please help us to check if 30January 2010 is an auspicious date for our wedding? We born in the years of rooster and dog. Our parents in the years of monkey, rat, dog and rabbit. We need to confirm the date now in order to book a church wedding 6 months in advance. Would be very much appreciated if you can reply us soon. Thank you.

  7. Hi,

    30 January 2010 is not an auspicious day for people born in year of dog.

  8. you guys are sad losers, organising your date by the moon.

    Lunatics, in fact!

  9. Hello - I am sorry if this is posted twice. I am trying to pick a birthdate for my baby as I will be having a scheduled c-section. The date can be between Oct. 13th and Oct. 16th of this year. What would be the best day? Thank you very much - Ruth-Anne

  10. Hi Rute-Anne,

    13 Oct 2009 is an auspicious day for 求嗣, which can also be apply for baby birth date.

    However, that day is inauspicious for people born in year of Rooster.

  11. Hi, i'm planning to ve my wedding day next yr 26/06/2010, is it a good day? My animal is rabbit n my gf's animal is pig.

    or wat others date u can recommand for june 2010 weekend next yr?

  12. Hi,

    Yes, 26/06/2010 is a good date for your wedding.


  13. Hi there! Please help me out... I'm looking for an auspicious wedding date in december of this year (2009). My boyfriend and I are both born in August, in the year of the boar (1983). My birthday is Aug 14 while my bf's birthday is Aug 25. When is the best wedding date for us in December? I'm really looking forward to your response. Thank you very much!

  14. Hi ice,

    Please refer to the table in the main article.

  15. Hi, I am looking for wedding date on 19 Sept 2010, my fiance is rat and for me is rooster, can help me check if is a gd date?

    Appreciate your speedy response :)

  16. Hi Sherlyn,

    19 Sept 2010 is an auspicious day for your wedding.


  17. Hi
    My fiance and I are both troubled with the dates for our wedding next year. He's born in the year of horse and me in the year of ox. We were hoping there's auspicious dates in the month of November 2010. Hope you cn help us out. Thanks!

  18. Hi Choco Fantasy,

    You can probably pick from these dates:

    3 Nov 2010
    4 Nov 2010
    6 Nov 2010
    7 Nov 2010
    8 Nov 2010
    14 Nov 2010
    28 Nov 2010

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. hi, my fiance (year of rat - 1984) and i (year of dog - 1982) are planning to get married on 14 August 2010. i'm just wondering if that date is good for us. if not, are there any good dates around august/september?

    i truly appreciate your help! thanks

  21. Hi Teh,

    Yes. 14 August 2010 seems to be an auspicious date for your wedding.

  22. Hi, I am an ox and my fiance is a goat. The date of Friday, November25 2009 is not listed as inauspicious nor auspicious for a marriage. Does this mean it is nuetral?

  23. Hi Karen,


    It is neither auspicious nor inauspicious day for wedding/marriage.

  24. hi, my fiance (year of rooster - 1981) and i (year of monkey - 1980) are planning to get married on 12 sept 2010. i'm just wondering if that date is good for us.,pls advice

  25. Hi Voyager,

    I'm wondering if I can ask some advise from you..
    Do you think 25/09/2010 or 02/10/2010 is okay for wedding?

    Here are our zodiac:
    Bride & Groom: Rat
    Bride's Mom: Rabbit
    Bride's Dad: Dragon
    Groom's Mom: Dog
    Groom's Dad: Tiger

    Thanks Heaps!

  26. Hi Voyager8,

    I'm planning a wedding in July 2010. The bride is born in the year of the dog, while the groom is born in the year of the boar.

    What do you advise to be a good date?

  27. Hi Tan,

    Please refer to my reply to milara above.

  28. Hi,I'm born in Dog 1982 and my partner 1980 are planning to Register Of Marriege in midyear 2010.Can u give me a few of auspicious date for us ?

