Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Managers, are you prepared for your next position?

Dr. Arthur Langer who is the senior director of the Center for Technology, Innovation and Community Engagement at Columbia Uniersity has thrown out several analytic questions for managers and/or senior management people to assess how prepared they are to continue moving on to their next position, either inside or outside their current organization.

Here are the questions:
  • Do you spend enough time with the business? (beside your own domain such as technical...)
  • Who is your replacement? (are you trapped in your job because you do it too well?)
  • Do you know your individual weaknesses? (do you have good staff that compliment your weaknesses?)
  • Where is your organization vulnerable? (are you serious in continuous improvement?)
  • Are you involved with corporate social causes? (which you can get more attention and value to the management)
  • Are you involved with getting new clients? (are you playing a key role in driving major business opportunies?)
With these strategical questions entered your mind, you are more prepared to move on for your next higher position in your career.

1 comment:

  1. i have this but i am not a manager... sad rite?
