Thursday, July 21, 2011

The 2nd Integrated Content Development Programme (ICON2) by MDEC

If you are a Malaysian and wanna enter into mobile apps development for iPhone/iPad or Android, or you want to setup a content/knowledge website, you should know about ICON2 which can provide you training, financial and facility support to bring your dream to reality.

The Integrated Content Development Programme (ICON) commenced in 2009 was aimed for MDEC to provide support and assistance to Malaysian content developers in creating quality web and mobile apps. 96 projects has already benefited from this programme.

ICON2 just launched earlier this month (July 2011), is an extension of ICON, and initiated under the Communications Content and Infrastructure sector, identified by ETP as one of the growth engine in the 12 NKEA. This round, it is targetted for iPhone/iPad and Android apps development projects.

There are 3 components under ICON2.

ICONapps is a mobile apps development programme for team of 2-4 Malaysian developers. It provide funding assistance through reimbursement for training in iOS or Android development, any purchase of development platform and devices, purchase or license of 3rd party SDK, and also reimbursements for any 1st year developer registration fee.

In short, you can start up your mobile apps development by getting free training, free computer, free development phone, free development tools, etc. from MDEC by applying to this ICONapps programme. I believe this is a perfect programme for university/college students and/or free graduates and/or any Malaysian who would like to develop mobile apps to kick start with.

ICONdap is a developer assistance programme that provides funding assistance for those who have innovative ideas and concepts to come out with POC and prototype. The funding covers all direct costs incurred for the proposed project. At the final stage, MDEC will also assist you for Business/VC/Angel matching.

ICONeX is a digital content hosting and exchange facility targeted at SMI/SME and individuals which require bandwidth for online content, applications and services. This is a datacenter server hosting and/or co-location facility at a competitive price.

Click here for more information and application form download of ICON2.

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