Monday, July 18, 2011

Android game: Strategy to play Pirates and Traders

Pirates and Traders is a single-player strategic role-play game for Android phones and tablets. It is developed by MicaByte Systems,  surprisingly just a 1-person company based in Norway.

As informed by its developer, Pirates and Traders is a homage to Sid Meier's classic PC game, Pirates! It would be remiss, however, not to mention other influences on the game - most notably Pieter Spronck's "Space Trader" (for PalmOS), David Braben and Ian Bell's "Elite", and the Richard Berg boardgame "Blackbeard".

The game started by bringing you back to year 1650 in the Carribean sea, where you'll start your adventure.

Here is the strategy I found out, after playing with this game for a few hours:
  • Befriend with British, Dutch and French. Get the Letter of Marque from their Governors and only attack the Spanish ships and ports.

  • In the beginning of the game, borrow money from the Governor and use the money to upgrade your ship as soon as possible.
  • Make sure to repay back your loan as soon as possible once you are able to earn more than 10,000 doubloons (gold coins) , otherwise your debt will grow with interest.
  • You will be able to attack and win the combat with larger warship once your ship got all the necessary upgrades. Seize the larger warship and upgrade it again. With larger warship, you have higher chance to win battles, and you'll have enough capacity to carry more crew for port attack.

  • Remember to recruit specialist crew (Master) found on the ship you captured. You have higher chance to encounter them when you play the game in easier game levels, and harder to find them in harder levels.
  • The fastest way to gain a lot of doubloons is to attack and plunder enemy ports. Start your attack to ports with smaller army. If you are outnumbered, use the "cunning" attack strategy. You'll also need a high cunning skill.

  • The types of ship in this game, and their capacity before any upgrade, are listed as below. Once you acquired the Flag Galleon and fully upgrade it, you'll be quite invincible, especially in easier game levels.

  • When you start feeling boring due to no comparable opponent, click the Retire button to end the game.


  1. What is the best way to attack a port in detail please. I'm having trouble beating the easiest ports.

  2. @InfestedSnake

    Get a big galleon, recruit the maximum people, push the spirit to highest, the select a port with weaker defense.

    If you can't defeat it in 1 go, apply the hit-and-run strategy. The port will become weaker and weaker on each attack. Eventually you'll succeed.

  3. I have been playing p&t for quite some time and have not encountered a flag galleon. Is there a time or place to find one? No matter how hard I try I can't defeat 500 with 360. Stupid clog wearing Dutch.

    1. Treasure fleet storyline. I believe the ships protecting the fleet are flag galleons.

  4. @pjfirechaser

    You will be able to defeat 500 with 360 by having sufficient mods and upgraded battle skills.

  5. I can beat any ship in the game with a frigate, and quite easily most of the time. Aim your guns for midships and take out the sails and rigging on the larger ships. Once those hit 0 (and it won't take long since they only have 6-8 points in each), they surrender without a fight. Very easy to compensate for the slightly smaller size this way. I pretty much don't lose any ship battles with the frigate just with that strategy.

  6. I have the gold version and captured a french warship which i didnt know existed until now and i was wondering if the galleonManila exists and can be encountered/captured

    1. The Manila Galleon is only encountered during the Spanish treasure fleet story arc. If you get the chance, capture it. The crew capacity can be upgraded to 600. By 1700,i had conquered every port for the British except San Augustin and Maracaibo because the Brits and Spaniards were at peace for the last 15 years of game play.

    2. Which ship did you use to catch the manila galleon

    3. I honestly am not positive (been a long time), but it was probably a large frigate. I would have used the superior sails and rigging to stay at range and take out their sails.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hello there, how to get to the Spanish Treasure Arc Story?
    Small Tip from me: I captured a Spanish Treasure Ship.. very good, close to the flag Galleon.
    Hull 25
    Sails 12
    Rigging 10
    Crew 250 (pushed up to 360)
    Canons: 40
    Cargo: 100+ (with some extras, still 80 left)

    Despite it is a little bit slow, it is nice ship. :)

  9. flag galleon is superior and it says when you engage that you have to kill a flag galleon. i met all the ships in the game . i captured cities also . this game is awesome. with a fregate things are easier to capture cities with the help of the natives.
