Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Auspicious dates for wedding/marriage in 2010

Here is the list of auspicious dates for wedding/marriage in year 2010 (year of Tiger), which is produced based on the Chinese almanac Tong Shu. (Click the image to enlarge)

The dates highlighted in pink are considered even more auspicious.

You might aware that 10 October 2010, which can be written as 10-10-10, is among the auspicious dates. Another interesting date is the Saint Valentine's day which fall on 14 February 2010 and is a Sunday. That day is also the 1st day of Chinese New Year. You can expect many couples will get married on that auspicious day.

Bear in mind that although the Tong Shu is a compilation of Chinese astrology and calendaring studies gathering wisdom of thousands of years, we should use it wisely and rationally, but not be too superstitious on it.

Related articles:


  1. hi there. thanks for posting the auspicious dates for wedding in yr 2010.

    we are planning to get married in 2010. i am not sure whether there is any clashes between us for the auspicious date that we choose.

    I was born in year of horse(1978), while my spouse was born in the year of goat(1979).

    can you help me to find the good date for wedding day? preferably include sat & sun. or do u need details of our birth date?

    Thank u for helping.

  2. Hi junitha,

    Just refer to the table above.

    Exclude the dates with "exception" of horse & goat.

  3. hi, thanks for yr reply.

    Just want to ask whether the exception on the table also applicable to the parents & siblings? or only for the couple who are getting married? the date that we want to choose, have exception for tiger (19 sept 2010, which is my father sign. now i have to re-consider the date again.

    Btw, if the date not listed in the auspicious date neither in the inauspicious date, what does it mean? for example 17 May 2010 (lunar:04/04). is it a good date for us? (me: horse, my spouse:goat)

    many thanks for ur help.

  4. Hi June,

    The date is most important for the bride, follow by the groom, and less important to other family members.

  5. Hi Voyager,
    Thank you for sharing so many useful pieces of information.
    I have booked my wedding dinner on 19/6/2010 (Sat). I wonder if I should have my traditional wedding ceremony on 18/6/2010 or 19/6/2010. Is one date definitely better than the other?

    I was born in the year of the dog and my fiance was born in the year of the boar.
    I would be most grateful for you advice. Thanks alot.

  6. Hi P,

    17 June 2010 and 20 June 2010 are auspicious dates for wedding.

    18 June 2010 is a good date to register for marriage.

    19 June 2010 is an inauspicious date for almost everything, because that day 日时相冲, 诸事不宜.

  7. Its great that you post this kind of article. But in planning a marriage not only the date you shall plan but also the gown, the church, the food and the flowers
    that you should used. There are websites
    that you woll learn the different arrangement and flowers that will be used for different occasions.

  8. i wld like to register marriage either on 26 feb or 20 mar. Pls give auspicious time for both dates. We r rooster n monkey. Tq.

  9. Hi Cosina,

    Auspicious times for 26 Feb 2010:

    9am - 3pm
    5pm - 7pm
    9pm - 11pm

    Auspicious times for 20 Mar 2010:

    12am - 1am
    3am - 5am
    11am - 3pm

  10. We would like to do out tea ceremony on 10-10-10. Would you be able to provide auspicious times for our day? We are a rabbitt and goat. Thank you

  11. Hi Sarah,

    Auspicious times for 10 October 2010:

    12am - 1am
    5am - 7am
    9am - 11am
    7pm - 9pm

  12. hi...just wanna ask the auspicious time for wedding on sept 18 2010.

  13. Hi,

    Auspicious times for 18 September 2010:

    3am - 5am
    9am - 1pm

  14. Hi we'd like to get married on April 14, 2010.

    I'm year of the dog and my husband-to-be is year of the sheep/goat I think, because he was born Feb 6, 1980.

    Thank you so much!

  15. Hi MingMing,


    14 April 2010 is an auspicious date to meet up with relatives and friends, although it is not in the auspicious list for marriage.

  16. Hi frends, I and my fiancee would like to get married on 26 Jun 2010. I'm the year of dog/boar while my fiancee is born in the year of boar.We are not sure whether the date 26 Jun is good for ROM (register of marriage)? Can we have some advice?

  17. Hi,

    You might want to pick a date which appears in both the tables here (auspicious date for marriage) and Auspicious dates for signing contract, register for marriage, etc. in 2010.

  18. Thank you for taking time to answer :)

    We've already booked that date, April 14, 2010, and I hope it'll be auspicious for us.

    Any suggestions? Thanks again!



  20. Hola Capricornio,

    Felicidades por tu matrimonio.

    Por favor refiérase a la tabla en el artículo principal sobre las fechas auspiciosas.

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    visit my portfolio at www.shafeex.com.
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  22. Hi,

    We would like to have our ROM on 18-06-10. Would you be able to provide auspicious times for our day? We are a boar and horse. Thank you


  23. Hi Jess,

    Auspicious times for 18 June 2010:

    3am - 7am
    11am - 3pm

  24. Hello Voyager8,

    I would just like to know the auspicious times for 26th March.


  25. Hi Marnie,

    Auspicious times for 26 March 2010:

    12am - 7am
    1pm - 3pm

  26. Hi there I'm ox n my hubby is goat. Can u advise us good dates 4 e both of us for

    1. ROM
    2. Guo da li
    3. An chuang
    4. Customary.

    Do we need to tk into acct of our parents n grandparents who wil be attending the ROM as well?

    Thanks for your advise.


  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Hi there does it means that if the date is not reflected in either of the tables, we can still go ahead with the date?

    if the date is reflected in the wedding dates but not in the ROM dates can we actually still go ahead?

    do we need to take into consideration let's say the day that we want to ROM/marriage clash with our parent's zodiac?

    sorry for the long post.

    thanks in advance!

  29. Hi Dumbo Jumbo,

    It would be best if appears in both tables.

    Else, look for those in the auspicious dates for wedding/marriage table.

    The marriage auspicious date has most significant effect to the bride, followed by the groom. Not so significant to parents.

  30. Hi der many thx 4 ur reply. We r nw choosing an rom date. Thx for the advice.

  31. Thanks, Voyager:)


  32. hie... we had our rom on 14th of feb this year and we are looking for an auspicious date and time for our wedding ceremony,wedding reception,Guo da li and An chuang . can please give us some advise? my husband is boar and i am rat. we wish to have it on weekends and if can around november and december. thank you.

  33. Hi,

    For wedding date, please refer to the table in the main article above.

    For 安床 date, give me the month you planned for, and I can list out some auspicious dates for that month.

  34. hie... we plan around october for the An Chuang...so when is the auspicious dated for the month ...
    can u pls explain further how to read the table? thank you...

    your sincerely,

  35. Hi shirley,

    Auspicious dates for 安床 in October 2010:

    3 Oct 2010 (Sun) except Dragon
    4 Oct 2010 (Mon) except Snake
    6 Oct 2010 (Wed) except Goat
    10 Oct 2010 (Sun) except Boar
    11 Oct 2010 (Mon) except Rat
    26 Oct 2010 (Tue) except Rabbit
    28 Oct 2010 (Thu) except Snake

    The listed dates are generally auspicious, except explicitly stated in the exception column.

  36. Hi, can you help me to find a good date and time for Caesarian delivery of new born. I am a 72 rat and my husband is a 65 snake. This baby is our 3rd child. Anyday from June 24 - 30.
    Await for your kind reply.


  37. Thanks Voyager8 for your reply.

    What about the auspicious time for June 24 and June 26.. I think I like these 2 days... I need to do the caesarian in the morning, anytime from 8.30am to 10am is good to do the operation... So the auspicious time can help me to finalize the date June 24 or June 26!



  38. Hi Jackhee,

    Auspicious times for 24 June 2010:

    1am - 3am
    5pm - 9pm

    Auspicious times for 26 June 2010:

    9am - 3pm
    5pm - 7pm
    9pm - 11pm

  39. Hi,
    May i know what is the auspicious time for wedding on 18/12/2010?
    From X

  40. Hi,

    Auspicious times for 18 December 2010:

    1am - 7am
    1pm - 3pm
    7pm - 9pm

  41. hi!

    i would like to ask the Auspicious date and times for 2011 wedding.

    Thank you.


  42. Hi cai,

    Need some time to come out the list.

    If you have any particular date in mind, I can check for you.

  43. Hi,

    Can you tell me if August 27, 2011 is an auspicious date for a wedding? I am a 1980 monkey, and the groom is a 1979 sheep.

    Thank you,

  44. Hi T,

    27 August 2011 is not an auspicious date, especially to Monkey.

    Some auspicious wedding dates around that time are:

    August 2011: 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 13, 16, 17, 19, 20, 29, 31.
    September 2011: 6, 10, 12, 14, 24, 26, 28.

  45. Hello, I was suppose to have the legal marriage today April 22, but a friend of ours had their mother die earlier this morning. We could've still had the legal marriage and gone to the wake all in a timely manner, but it just didn't seem to be the right thing to do, so we canceled it.

    We really wanted to get married now and have the ceremony to make his family happy June 26, but now I fear we wont get too... I really don't want to wait till June to get married, but I fear that's our only option.

    Are any of the other auspicious days particularly lucky before June? I really liked the idea of getting married the peak day of the Lyrid Meteor Shower. Is anything else that special going to happen before our ceremony day?

    Please help!

  46. Oh, I forgot to mention above that I'm a snake and he's a rabbit.

  47. Hi, just curious... Since the person above wants to have the wedding ceremony on June 26, is that really a lucky day? I mean, is getting married during a lunar eclipse lucky?


  48. Hi Kay,

    The partial lunar eclipse on 26 June 2010 will affect the most in pacific ocean, including eastern part of Australia, and New Zealand. Majority part of that area is just ocean, not much human habitated land.

    There is no eclipse on the other side of the earth: Africa, Europe, Middle East, etc.

    Eclipse does not happen the whole day. Its only for a short period of time.

    In fact, 26 June 2010 is an auspicious date for marriage. The auspicious factors are having a stronger force instead.

  49. Alright then, what exactly about that day makes it auspicious? I thought it was high lighted cuz of the eclipse...


  50. Hi Kay,

    We have 天愿,守日,吉期,六合 on that day.

  51. I can't read it. It just shows up as numbered squares on my computer...


  52. Hi Kay,

    The 4 auspicious elements are:

    Tian Yuan - heavenly will
    Shou Ri - day watch
    Ji Qi - day for happy event (such as wedding)
    Liu He - six harmonies

  53. May I ask what source are you using to determine the auspicious dates for 2011 since the Tong Sho book has not been published yet?

    Thanks you.

  54. hi voyager,

    i have read that the tiger year is not suitable for the monkey to get married. is this true?

    i am a goat and the groom to be is a monkey. we have planned the wedding to be on Oct 3 and ROM to be on June 26 this year.


  55. Hi lk,

    The Monkeys will face some big changes in their life during the Tiger year.

    Getting married is also considered a big change, and is a good one.

    It is better to let a good change happen, rather than letting some other changes to happen by fate.

  56. Hi voyager,

    is August 7, 2010 a bad day for snake and rooster (groom) to get married? We already booked a hall but is it better to change it? I didn't see it on the lucky days. Is there a hour we can marry to make it better?


  57. Hi,

    My DOB is 14-08-1981 Rooster. Am Gal.
    His DOB is 30-03-1982 Dog.

    We are planning to marry this year.

    What you think of this match?
    What are the possible dates this year for marriage?

  58. Hi Sandy,

    7 August 2010 is an inauspicious date as these inauspicious elements are around: 月破, 大耗, 四击, 月刑, 九空, 朱雀, 复日. That date is only good for demolishing building, and not other activity.

  59. Hi sun,

    I don't have much knowledge on matching, but below is an online service to check for your matching.


    According to that website, your index will be:

    A. Fate of marriage: 18%
    B. Chance of getting married: 28%
    C. Sexual harmony: 95%
    D. Relationship: 25%
    E. Health: 45%
    F. Wealth: 32%

  60. Hi I m thinking of marrying on 08012011. Both groom n I r born in d year of dog. Is it ok? Pls advice. Thk u so much!

  61. hi,

    can i have the auspicious wedding dates for 2011? me and my hubby are born under the rat sign.. both on the month of december 1984... we are planning to get married on april 2011..


  62. hi how can i get the auspicious wedding dates for 2011? we are planning either 30th apr / 1st may / 7th may / 14th may

    we are both monkey 1980
    male : 30th Oct
    female : 15th Apr

  63. Hello Sir,

    Can you please help us Urgently. My wife has to undergo C-section, I would request you to please provide us an auspicious date and time for our child birth based on C-section. The dates advised by the Doctor for C-section is from May 3rd 2010 to 8th May 2010. Please suggest us 2 or 3 Dates option and also give us the auspicious time. Thanks.
    My DOB is 30 Mar 1980.
    My wife DOB is 09 April 1986.

  64. Hello Sir,

    Can you please help us Urgently. My wife has to undergo C-section, I would request you to please provide us an auspicious date and time for our child birth based on C-section. The dates advised by the Doctor for C-section is from May 3rd 2010 to 8th May 2010. Please suggest us 2 or 3 Dates option and also give us the auspicious time. Thanks.
    My DOB is 30 Mar 1980.
    My wife DOB is 09 April 1986.

  65. Hi Tan,

    8 Jan 2011 is an inauspicious date for wedding/marriage.

    You may want to choose these dates in Jan 2011:

    12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 24, 26, 27, 29.

  66. Hi,

    Auspicious dates for wedding/marriage in April 2011:

    1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 12, 17, 18, 21, 29.

    Only 21 Apr 2011 is inauspicious for Rat.

  67. Hi,

    Auspicious dates for wedding/marriage in May 2011:

    3, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 24, 25.

    Only 11 May 2011 is inauspicious for Monkey.

  68. Hi Voyager,

    Thanks for your reply.

    I just want to know what is the auspicious day for wedding in month of aug-sept 2010.

    Girl : 14-08-1981
    Boy : 30-03-1982

  69. Hi sun,

    Please refer to the table in the main article above.

  70. Hi Voyager,
    We are trying to find an auspicious day for our wedding and are hoping Jan 28th 2011 is a good day.
    Im born 20th july 1980, partner 16 April 1979

    Thank you kindly

  71. Hi Michelle,

    28 Jan 2011 is an inauspicious date.

    However, 26, 27 and 29 Jan 2011 are auspicious dates.

  72. Hi Voyager!

    We were looking to get married next year, maybe May 7 or May 28. Will those be good choices for us?


    Male: Apr 07 77
    Female: Feb 06 78

  73. Hi,

    7 May 2011 is an auspicious date for wedding, but inauspicious for Dragon.

    28 May 2011 is not a particular auspicious date for wedding, but is auspicious for meeting friends and relatives, not too bad.

  74. Thanks for the reply. She has her heart set on May 28 for our wedding. If it's not a real good auspicious date, what can we do to make it turn out good?

    Do we use good luck charms or some other items to bring in the good stuff on that wedding date?

    Many thanks!

  75. Hi,

    Don't worry. Although that day does not have particular auspicious element for wedding, it does not have inauspicious element either.

    So should be OK.

  76. Ok, that's very good to know!

    Many, many thanks!

  77. Hi Voyager!

    What date would be an auspicious wedding date for us? We were looking into getting married April 30th or May 7th 2011. I'm dog (June 30, 1982) and partner is pig (July 22, 1983).

    I very much look forward to your reply! Thanks!

  78. Hi Ani,

    7 May 2011 is in auspicious date for wedding.

  79. i'm a snake and my wife is a horse.What is auspicious date in giving birth this June 2010?

  80. Hi Voyager,

    Thank you very much for your help with finding an auspicious date. As 28th January was inauspicious we have tried to shift the date and can get the 6th Feb is this an auspicious date for bride 20th july 1980, and groom 16 April 1979?

    Thank you very kindly,


  81. Hi Michelle,

    5 February 2011 is an auspicious date for wedding, 6 February 2011 should be neutral.

  82. hi voyager,

    could u pls tell me what is the auspicious date and time for me who's a goat and my fiance a pig to get the registration of marriage?we plan to have our wedding 18th december 2010...let me know of ur answer pls..tnx a lot.

  83. Hi Voyager,

    I've been looking at sites because my fiance and I want to get married this 2010. But I am getting confused as the lucky dates mentioned in your picture doesn't exactly match those in www.chinesefortunecalendar.com, and they also differ from a Chinese almanac I obtained from a fortune teller. For example, our original date, November 13 was lucky for weddings in that almanac (but contrary to my mom's sign, a rooster), but it doesn't appear on your list. Could you tell me what the differences are? My fiance is a Pig, while I am a Dog. His parents are a Dog and a Snake; while my parents are a Sheep/Goat and a Rooster. Which dates - October 27, November 4 - 6, 2010 would be good for us to get married in? Thanks so much! - C

  84. Hi Catherine,

    The dates are pretty subjective. It depends on which reference you use. The dates here are based on the Chinese almanac Tong Shu.

    If you base on something else, you might possibly get different set of dates.

  85. Hi Voyager!
    It's so wonderful to be able to get your advice! I heard October 9th, 2011 is an auspicious wedding date. Does this also run for a couple where the bride is dog and the groom pig?

  86. Hi Isabel,

    Yes, 9 October 2011 is an auspicious day for wedding, except for the Rabbit.

  87. Hi Voyager,
    My fiancee and I are choosing between 2 wedding dates. aug 13, 2011 and aug 27, 2011.
    I am august 1982 Dog
    He is July 1980 Monkey.
    any quick advise you can give would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks! J

  88. Hi,

    13 August 2011 is an auspicious date for wedding.

    27 August 2011 is an inauspicious date.

  89. Hi there,

    Can you tell me auspicious times for 10/20/10?
    My fiancee and I are both Boars, we wanted 10/10/10 but that seems like not a good day for us.

  90. Hi there,

    We would like to have our ROM on 18/9/2010. I'm not sure whether it is a auspicious date. Because there is one bridal magazine stated that day is suitable for wedding.

    My fiancee was born on the year of Monkey (1980) & I was born in the year of Boar (1983).

    Please advice. Thanks.


  91. Hi Alya,

    Auspicious times for 20 October 2010:

    12am - 1am
    3am - 7am
    7pm - 9pm

  92. Hi WEI WEI,

    Look for the link "Auspicious dates for signing contract, register for marriage, etc. in 2010" in the main article above.

  93. Hi Voyager,

    Can you please tell me when is a good day & time for me to get registration of marriage in 2010?
    Bride: Dog 1982
    Groom: Pig 1971

    Thanks a lot!


  94. Hi Mandy,

    Refer to reply to WEI WEI.

  95. Hi, can u plz tell me auspecious timing on 14th august 2010 so that i can marry with my spouse.
    please reply me soon

  96. Hi,

    Auspicious times for 15 August 2010:

    12am - 3am
    9am - 11am
    1pm - 3pm
    5pm - 11pm

  97. Hello,

    I was born in 1983(PIG)and my spouse was born in the year 1982(DOG)..We are planning to travel abroad on October 7th,2010..Can u pls tell me if its a good day to travel abroad to settle down there..Can u also give me the auspicious timings for Oct 7th..Plz reply me asap..Thanks

  98. Hi,
    Can you please tell me auspicious times for to do tea ceremony and pick up my fiancee on 10/10/10?
    My fiancee and I are both rat 1984

    Thanks a lot


  99. Hi Frederick,

    Auspicious times for 10 October 2010:

    12am - 1am
    5am - 7am
    9am - 11am
    7pm - 9pm

  100. Hi,

    Please can you advise me on an auspicious date and time to get married in June/July 2011. i like 2 June 2011 or 2 July 2011. I am a dog(1982) and my fiance is rat (1984).

    Thanks very much

  101. Hi,

    2 June 2011 is an auspicious date for wedding/marriage.

  102. Thanks very much! 2 June 2011 booked! ;)

  103. Hi,

    Please advise if March 26, 2011 is or is not an auspicious day for marriage for 2 horses (me and my fiance are both horses - 1978)


  104. Hi,

    26 March 2011 is an inauspicious day.

    However, 25 March 2011 or 28 March 2011 are auspicious days for marriage around that.

  105. Hi ,

    Please advise what's the best wedding date and time for us couples who are born under Rat and Boar Sign for October 2010.

    Your advice will be greatly appreciated.

  106. Hi Voyager-

    My fiance and I are planning to get married in August of 2011 and wanted to seek your advice.

    My birthday: 06.28.1981
    His birthday: 03.16.1983

    Many thanks in advance!

  107. I also forgot to mention that we are in the United States in the Eastern Standard time zone.

  108. Hi Van,

    It takes time to prepare for the 2011 listing. Will be available in this blog in the future. Stay tuned.

  109. Hi, is 11.11.11 an auspicious dates for wedding/marriage? TQ

  110. Hi,

    11 November 2011 is neutral to wedding/marriage. Not a particular auspicious date for it.

  111. We are planning to get married on 08 or 18 Dec this year 2010. Pls can you advise me which date would be more auspicious and pls advise also the time to get married in Dec 2010. I am born in the yr of tiger(08 Jun 1974) and my fiance is the year of pig(14 Jun 1971).

    Thank you so much.

  112. hi! my fiance and I are planning to get married December this year (2010).I was born 07.18.78 year of the horse.My fiance was born 05.29.79 year of the sheep.Could you please advise us of the auspicious dates and time for December?thank you

  113. Hi,

    Please refer to the table in the main article above.

  114. Hi Voyager8,

    Can you please tell me auspicious times for to do tea ceremony and pick up my fiancee on 18Dec 2010?

    Male - 1971 (Boar)
    Female - 1974 (Tiger)

    Thank you very much.

  115. Hi,

    Auspicious times for 18 December 2010:

    1am - 7am
    1pm - 3pm
    7pm - 9pm

  116. hi! can you please advise me of the uaspicious times for December 8,2010?

  117. Hi,

    Auspicious times for 8 December 2010:

    1am - 7am
    9am - 11am
    5pm - 7pm
    9pm - 11pm

  118. Hi can you advise me on auspicious time for 6-Nov-2010 and 7-Nov-2010.

  119. Hi Cosina,

    Auspicious times for 6 November 2010:

    1am - 3am
    9am - 3pm

    Auspicious times for 7 November 2010:

    3am - 5am
    9am - 1pm

  120. Hi Voyager8,

    May I check with you whether the 5th March 2011 is an auspicious day for our wedding?

    Bride - 1983 Jan 19
    Groom - 1982 May 8

    Bride's mum - Snake
    Bride's dad - tiger

    Groom's mum - pig
    Groom's dad - goat (passed away)

    Thanks in advance :)

  121. Hi
    I would like to know auspicious time for 5-Nov-2010. Thank you.

  122. Hi Cosina,

    Auspicious times for 5 November 2010:

    3am - 7am
    9am - 3pm

  123. I will like to choose a wedding date, can you help me. Thanks.

    Bride : 07/06/1972
    Groom : 06/07/1965

  124. Hi, Voyager 8,

    May I check with you whether the 6th November 2011 is an auspicious day for our wedding?

    Bride - 1962 Nov 8 (Tiger)
    Groom - 1964 Oct 01 (Dragon)

    Thanks in advance

  125. Hi,

    6 November 2011 is inauspicious for wedding.

    However, 9 November 2011 is auspicious for wedding.

  126. Hi Voyager,

    could we trouble you to advise
    if 08Oct2011 is an suitable date for
    our wedding please? Are the 4 auspicious
    elements found on this date?
    Kindly advise the timings too
    Groom - Mar73 
    Bride - Dec79 

    Thank you in advance

  127. Hi,

    8 October 2011 is an auspicious date for wedding.

    Auspicious times are:

    12am - 3am
    9am - 11am
    1pm - 5pm
    7pm - 11pm

  128. Hi Voyager,

    Could you please also confirm that 08Oct2011 has the 4 elements too?


    Thank you

  129. Hi,

    Elements in 8 October 2011:

    Good: 天德, 月德, 王日, 金堂, 除神, 驿马, 天后, 金匮, 时阳, 鸣犬, 生气, 六仪

    Bad: 招摇, 厌对, 五离

  130. Hi Voyager,

    Is there a difference between auspicious dates for wedding/marriage & register for marriage?

  131. Hi,

    If it happen on the same day, then refer to the table here.

    If only ROM, refer to the table in http://voyager8.blogspot.com/2009/11/auspicious-dates-for-signing-contract.html

  132. Please check the article posted on 8 December 2010 for auspicious dates for wedding/marriage in 2011.

  133. Hi Voyager 8,

    May I check with you whether 18th December 2010 is an auspicious day for register of marriage.

    Bride : 1962 November 8 (Tiger)

    Bridegroom : 1964 October 01 (Dragon)

    Thanks in advance.

  134. Auspicious dates for wedding/marriage in 2011 and 2012 have been posted in December 2010. You can look for them in Blog Archive section.

  135. Hi, I'm due to deliver anytime soon. I noticed 29 Dec 2010 is an auspicious day with the exception of goat and I happen to be a goat. Since I have missed the 23rd, is there another day remaining in Dec which is neutral/suitable for me to deliver the baby? I'd appreciate your advise on this. Thanks!


  136. @Anonymous

    Other days in the same week are neutral.
