Monday, December 13, 2010

Auspicious dates for wedding/marriage in 2012

Many couples plan for their wedding more than 1 year ahead in order to have sufficient preparation time.

Here is the list of auspicious dates for wedding/marriage in year 2012 (year of Dragon), which is produced based on the Chinese almanac Tong Shu. (Click the image to enlarge)

Note that there are 2 forth month (润四月) in the lunar year during 2012.

You might aware that the mid-autumn day which fall on 30 September 2012 is among the auspicious dates. That day will have the brightest and biggest full moon of the year and is a Sunday.

Bear in mind that although the Tong Shu is a compilation of Chinese astrology and calendaring studies gathering wisdom of thousands of years, we should use it wisely and rationally, but not be too superstitious on it.

Related articles:


    1. is it true that 2012 is not a good year for wedding for ox?

    2. is january 21 2012 good date for wedding for the year of dog?

    3. what is/are the auspicious time for jan 21 2012? thank you.

    4. Can you provide the "extra" auspicious days like you did for 2011 with the pink highlight?

    5. My fiance and I were both born on the year of the Rat (1985), and we're thinking of having our wedding on February 12, 2012, which is also my birthday... :) Is this a good date?

    6. @Anonymous

      Please refer to the table in the main article above.

    7. hi., i just wanna thank you for your very informative article is such a great help. 12TH FEB, 2012 my chosen date.. I am also planning to consult fengshui expert about my big day if u know someone pls. inform me ANEIGHT882@YAHOO.COM! THANKS & MORE POWER TO YOU!!!

    8. Hi, my husband is born in the year of the horse and me in the year of the pig. Would you be able to advise auspicious time if our wedding is held on 17 Mar or 25 Feb 2012? Thank you very much for your help.

    9. @Qin'er

      I don't have the auspicious times for 2012 yet at the moment.

    10. I am born aug 30,1988 (dragon) and my husband is born on Jan 20, 1985 (rat) we are planning on getting married Sept 30, 2012. Even though this says that the exception is the rat - would this be alright??

    11. @Jessica

      For marriage, the dates are 1st match with the bride, then the groom.

    12. Dear Voyager,

      To what extent does the exception apply to family members such as the parents?

      For example, my fiance and I are looking for a date in December, but both desired weekends are either listed exceptions for Rabbit(Bride's Father) and Goat (Groom's father). Please advice.

    13. @d-sky

      The consideration is in accordance to the following:

      1. the bride
      2. the groom
      3. the bride's siblings
      4. the groom's siblings
      5. the bridesmaid
      6. the groom's parents
      7. the bride's parents
      8. the best man
      9. the wedding car driver
      10. the little boy who roll/jump the bed

    14. Hello Voyager8,

      Thanks for the great information! When the calendar says "exception", does that mean that it is a auspicious day to get married for everyone but "the exception"?

      Thanks for your help!

    15. Hi Voyager8,

      Thanks for providing these lists in your blog!!

      I have 2 important questions:

      1. I am considering 21 October 2012 as my wedding date. However that date is not listed either in the 2012 auspicious list, or the 2012 inauspicious list. How can that be possible? If that's the case, does it mean the date is good, bad, or neutral? Is it a good idea to go for it?

      2. Looks like the Chinese are not the only one believing in the significance of dates when it comes to marriages. The Indians apparently do too. I find that certain dates can be auspicious according to the Indians, but inauspicious according to the Chinese, and vice versa. I think the universe should treat us the same no matter our which is more accurate, the Chinese or Indian system?

    16. @Frank

      21 October 2012 is a good date for funeral and not a good date for other matters.

      Auspicious elements: 六合, 圣心, 五合, 鸣犬.
      Inauspicious elements: 大时, 大败, 咸池, 小耗, 四废, 五虚, 勾陈.

      It depends on you follow the Chinese culture or you follow the Indian culture. There are certain animals which one kind of people will never eat but is a common food for another kind of people. Fictitious animal such as dragon is very auspicious for Chinese but is evil in Western stories. So, its all about culture. "One Man's Food is Another's Poison".

    17. This comment has been removed by the author.

    18. @Voyager8:

      Wow thankfully you informed me!! If 21 October is not a good date for wedding, how come it's not listed under the 2012 inauspicious wedding date list?

      About Chinese vs Indian: yes I totally agree that it would depend on which culture we follow. But here's the thing though....suppose it's true that the wedding date affects a couple's luck.

      Let's say a Chinese couple gets married on a date that's auspicious according to the Chinese. However, let's say that that particular date is inauspicious according to the Indians.

      So that means that the Chinese will experience good things throughout their marriage, just because they are Chinese, whereas the universe will give bad luck to the Indians that got marriage on that same date, just because they are Indians.

      Don't you think the universe should treat people equally, regardless of nationalities? :)

    19. @Frank

      Those in the inauspicious wedding date list are dates that contain inauspicious element(s) particularly for wedding.

      There are a lot of elements or factors, and it depends on from which angle you see it.

      Do you know about technical analysis of stock? There are hundreds of indicators. For the same data of stock price and volume, one indicator might show bullish signal, another show neutral, and another still show bearish.

    20. Which is the best date in January 2012 for joining a new job for a person born in a Rooster year (29 - September - 1981). It should be probably a Monday as the joining process happens on Monday

    21. i was told that september 28th is a bad day (lunar date is 8/13) the calendar above says it's auspicious. i'm confused. pls clarify! thank you!!!

    22. @EMU

      Who tell you that and on what basis?

    23. Hi,
      I am a Gemini woman born under the year of the Dragon and my fiance is a Virgo born under the year of the Monkey. We are planning to set our wedding on May 19,2012. Do you think its the best day for the occasion? I am glad to hear from you.
      Thank you

    24. Which dates would be best for us to get married? I was born the year of the dog (feb. 20, 1982) and my fiance was born the year of the monkey (mar. 2, 1980).

      From my understanding, the year of the dragon will be great for monkey but not for dog. Can you help us pick a date that will be best for both of us or should we wait until 2013? Thank you!

    25. Hi

      My fiance is born in the year of the dog (17 Jul, 1982) and I am born in the year of the rat on Aug 15, 1984. Looking at Dec 15 2012 for our wedding. Is it a good day or should we wait until 2013?

      Thank you!!

    26. Hi,
      Our wedding date is on July 28, 2012 4:00pm. I'm a metal rooster born on Aug. 10, 1981 5:15 am and my husband to-be is a water dragon (Nov. 27, 1976) Do you think our chosen date is an auspicious wedding date for us? If not, could you pls. suggest a better one(preferably that falls on a saturday)? Thank you so much :)

    27. @ahwenwen

      15 December 2012 is not a good day for wedding, according to Tong Shu.

    28. @Agie

      28 July 2012 is an auspicious date for wedding. 5pm is a better time than 4pm, or you can choose between 11am-1pm.

    29. Hi,
      My fiance and I are planning to get married this August or September 2012, I was born under the sign of a pig, February 22,1983 and my fiance was under the sign of a rat, december 27,1984. We just want to ask what could be the best auspicious date for us to get married sometime in August or September? And at what time, is it in the morning or afternoon?
      I am really hoping that you would reply, because it would be a great help for us to decide when to get married.
      Thank you so much...


    30. Hi, me and my fiance are both boars and planning to look at 7th July 2012 as a date for the wedding. However, it lists boar as an exception. Does this mean this is not an ideal date? Cheers John

    31. Hi, thank you so much for this. I have a question. For medical attention like surgery is it included in the auspicious date for etc?
      Anyway you are doing a great job helping alot of people

      Thank you :)

    32. hi, I am a metal monkey and my partner is a wood rabbit. we are looking at setting our wedding date on the 18th August 2013. is this a good date for us? thank you.

    33. @delicates


      According to Tong Shu, the days with these elements are suitable for medical attention:


      However, I don't have a ready list, and it really take time to come out with one.

    34. @nicky

      18 August 2013 is an auspicious date for wedding.

    35. Is 18 nov 2012 a good wedding date for monkey n rooster?

    36. Hi! is June 29, 2013 a good day for a wedding? if so what time should we avoid.

      bride: year of the ox (wood ox)
      groom: year of the tiger (fire tiger)

    37. @kim

      29 June 2013 is not an auspicious date for wedding.

    38. oh! can i ask if what date in JUne 2013 is auspicious for us? thank you :)

    39. hey me and my htb are dragons, 1988. We are intending to have our wedding on the second half of 2013 let's say from sept to december or even jan in 2014. Is there any auspicious dates on a saturday for us? Please advise! Thanks!

    40. Auspicious wedding dates for 2013 will be posted here soon. Please stay tuned.

    41. Hi

      Im rabbit born on 9 June 1987, 0640am and my htb is ox/cow born on 15 Jan 1986. Planning to get married in year 2012.
      Someone told him that 29 July, 04 aug, and 11 Aug will be the best day for us. What do you think?as i saw according to the list above 04 aug is actually not a good day for rabbit?!

      Or is there any other date that you can suggest?

      Glad to hear more from you.


    42. Can help to advise whether 18 Nov 2012 is a good date for wedding for groom (monkey) n bride (rooster)?

    43. Hi. My fiancé (dragon, Scorpio) and I (snake, Gemini) would like to marry this year 2012 during October on a Sunday. Is there a particular Sunday that's auspicious for both of us?

    44. Hi! is January 12, 2013 a good day for a wedding? if so what time should be? couple are tigers.. bride is pisces & groom is leo.

      Or is there any other date in january 2013 that you can suggest?

      thank you..

    45. Hi, thank you for helping so many people... I'm a Wood Ox female, planning to get a cosmetic surgery, which are auspicious days in april for this? I don't know which of the categories above that would enter. Thank you!

    46. Hi i was born september 11, 1989 And my fiance is dec 3, 1981.. Is it okay to get married on september 22 or september 29? Thanks

    47. hello! I was born Dec. 3, 1985 (OX) and my partner is Jan. 12, 1989 (DRAGON)..We're planning to get married this year and we've chosen Nov. 17, 2012. Is it a good date for us?? Thank you

    48. Please refer to the table in the main article above for the dates.

    49. Hello!
      I was wondering if December 12, 2012 would be an okay day for two rats to get married? Thanks!! Also, which one is the date that counts the day you sign the paper or the day you hold your reception? Thanks!

    50. Hi,

      thanks for the useful information. Are these dates "Auspicious dates for wedding/marriage in 2012" listed as date in Asia or USA? does it matter?

    51. @Sandra Lin

      The dates are in GMT+8. You can adjust accordingly for other time zones.

    52. Hi Voyager,

      Thanks for your information. Sorry, I realised I posted under the wrong section earlier on.
      I'm wondering if the Tong Shu states the auspicious hours on 16 Nov 2012 for marriage purpose?

      Thank you very much!
