Thursday, November 19, 2009

Auspicious dates for house warming, open house, party, gathering, etc. in 2010

Here is the list of auspicious dates in 2010 for organizing and hosting meet-up with friends and/or relatives (会友), which is produced based on the Chinese almanac Tong Shu.

The dates are applicable for house warming, open house, home party, gathering, and any other similar functions to meet up with friends and/or relatives.

Bear in mind that although the Tong Shu is a compilation of Chinese astrology and calendaring studies gathering wisdom of thousands of years, we should use it wisely and rationally, but not be too superstitious on it.

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  1. Hi,

    We are planning to close the house on Jan 19th 2010 and have a small ganapathi pooja on Jan 24th 2010. Is it good to perform on that date? please do let me know. thanks

  2. Hi sukanya,

    Yes, 24 Jan 2010 which you have chosen for your ganapathi pooja is an auspicious day to have prayer and chanting to god according to Tong Shu.

  3. Thanks a lot. I was just wondering that 24th is a navami day after ashtami according to hindu calendar. So, i was a bit doubtful about doing ganapathi homam that day. BTW Who is tong shu?

  4. Hi sukanya,

    Tong Shu is a Chinese almanac book normally used to determine the suitable timing for carrying out various activities in 7 categories: prayer, marriage, building construction, trade, funeral, lifestyle and agriculture.

    It evolved from the Zhou Dynasty (when I-Ching was introduced) and used by emperors of China from generation to generation, dynasty to dynasty, with more and more compilation added along the several thousands of year.

    Tong Shu is the name of the compilation version that used by general public, especially after the last emperor of the last Qing Dynasty. With Tong Shu, the privileged wisdom and knowledge that used to be accessible imperially is now made available to all of us.

    The timing advice of Tong Shu is based on complex calculation which include and not limited to the following factors:
    - time
    - position
    - location
    - the Qi of Ying & Yang of the 5 elements
    - astrological cycle of sun, moon, earth and stars

    Altogether there are hundreds over elements, which could be of either auspicious, neutral or inauspicious for that particular time period to certain activities. The strength of each of them is also different in that particular time.

    The Tong Shu determined something is auspicious when the combined strength of "auspicious" is much stronger than the combined strength of "inauspicious" for that activity during that time period. Same principle to inauspicious determination.

  5. Hi,
    I want to perform Mundan Sanskaar of my 4 month old son in feb. Plz let me know what is auspicious dates for it. I prefer first 3 weekends of Feb, 2010.

  6. Hi Rachana,

    Auspicious dates for hair cutting ritual in Feb 2010:

    1-Feb (Mon)
    4-Feb (Thu)
    7-Feb (Sun)
    10-Feb (Wed)
    18-Feb (Thu)
    22-Feb (Mon)

  7. what are auspicious dates for performing a mundan ceremony in november 2010?

  8. Hi QuizofiliQ,

    Auspicious dates for hair cutting ritual in November 2010:

    11-Nov (Thu)
    22-Nov (Mon)
    29-Nov (Mon)

  9. Hi,
    I'm i abroad, i want to open my new house in 3rd week of Nov'2010. Can you suggest an auspicious day

    Raja M

  10. Hi,

    we would like to have house warming this 16th july a good date? Please let me know appreciate your response...thank u..


  11. Hi Madhura,

    Although 16 July 2010 is not particularly auspicious for meet-up with friends, it is indeed an auspicious date generally.

    That day is also good for wedding, moving, starting business, etc.

  12. hi,

    we are planning to do a sapoorva grihapravesham on 15 july it a auspicious day ?my husband is snake and am dog

  13. We are planning to close the house between Jul 23rd 2010 and Aug 2nd 2010 and would like to have a small ganapathi pooja on the same days. Is it good to perform on any of these dates? please do let me know. thanks

  14. I do not know which animal group I belong to, Based on Year of birth I think I am Rat.

  15. Hi IndianTiger,

    Auspicious dates to have prayer and chanting to god (ganapathi pooja) for your date range:

    23 July 2010
    25 July 2010
    29 July 2010
    30 July 2010
    31 July 2010 (not suitable for Rat)
    1 August 2010

  16. hi, may I know what's the meaning of "Exception" column? Does it mean this date is not auspicious for that chinese zodiac?


  17. i would like to do house warming on July 23rd and me and my husbands animal symbol in Chinese astrology are Snake and Tiger

  18. Hi,

    Auspicious times for 23 July 2010:

    3am - 7am
    9am - 11am
    1pm - 3pm

  19. Hi, i would like to do a housewarming get-together on 08/08 and 28/08. My chinese astrology sign is Ox. Thank you.

  20. Hi pls suggest some dates un august 2010 for mundan ceremony

  21. I am buying a house and can close it on August Friday the 13th (this date has a negative connotation) or Monday the 16th. I am a single mother Ox and my 3 children are Dragon, Goat and Tiger.

    Please help?
    I want to make sure we have good luck, blessings, peace & good energy.

    Thank you so much


  22. Hi,

    Auspicious dates for mundan ceremony (baby's first hair cut) are:

    3 August 2010
    6 August 2010
    27 August 2010

  23. Hi

    Is there anyway to predict when we would conceive with our first child. Im not sure if it is the right place to post this message, but is there anyway to predict the time we will conceive. Please let me know of whatever details you need, and to which id i can send so that you can send me the answer. thanks

  24. hi, were planning to move to our new house this week kindly advice when is the best day for us. I prefer if it is ok by august 28, 2010. Me and my husband is goat and a dog sign

  25. Hi,
    We are planning to move to our new house between 1st Oct to 7th Oct.Can you pls suggest a date for the house warming


  26. I;'m planning for housewarming in November between 12the and 26th day which is best fit for that ceremony.
    Leo is my zodiac sign


  27. OX and Sheep are our chineese astrological sign, please suggest a date in November for housewarming (between 12 and 26).


  28. Hi, I am planning for a diving trip overseas on 8-10 Oct 2010.Could you kindly advice if the dates are auspicious to go for a voyage/outing ? My chineese astrological sign is rabbit.
    Thanks ! =)

  29. I would like to do house warming on 10-10-10.
    please let me know the auspicious time.

  30. I would like to do house warming on 10-10-10.
    please let me know the auspicious time.

  31. Hi,

    Auspicious times for 10 October 2010:

    12am - 1am
    5am - 7am
    9am - 11am
    7pm - 9pm

  32. Hi Voyager8,

    My wife and I would like to find out the auspicious dates and time in Nov 2010 to move into our new house.

    I'm a metal rooster and she's a metal monkey.

    Can you give us a list of days and time?


  33. hi,

    Were planning to move into our house this coming Nov 2010, Is it ok for us to move on 6th day of Nov? I'm a capricorn born Dec 27, 1973 and my husband is Cancer born June 28, 1971.

    can you suggest us a lists of days and time.

    thank you very much.

  34. hi Voyager8,
    WE are planning change our flat to a villa .Can you suggest a date with time in between 15 to 27th of nov 2010?

  35. Dear Sir,

    We are planning to move into a rental apt in Dec 2010. Is it okay for us to move on Dec 17, 2010. I'm an Arian and my husband is Sagittarian.

  36. Hi,

    what are auspicious dates for performing a mundan ceremony in December 2010 for 3years old Baby Girl born on Thursday, Oct 30 2008

    Thanks in advance

  37. Dear sir,
    we r planning to shift in the month of either JAN or FEB, which dates are advisable , kindly let us know.

  38. Dear sir, I'm planning to renovate my house in February 2011 @East area, can you let me know a good date and time to start the renovation?
    Thank you very much,

  39. @Anonymous


    The table for 2011 is expected to be posted here during this month.

  40. @Voyager8hi voyager im planning to buy a new house i want to know the auspicious dates for blessing a house in the year 2011...tnx

  41. Hi Voyager8,

    I am planning to do renovation, placement of bed and move in between 6 - 30 Jan2011.

    Do you have know when is the auspicious dates to do all these?
    I am born in the yr of dog and my partner is rat.

  42. hello voyager

    do you already have auspicious dates for house warming for 2011? please advise thanks!

  43. Hello Voyager,

    I am planning a house blessing on one of the following dates: Dec. 27, 28, 29 or 30 2010. I am a goat and I see that the 29th is not an auspicious day for my sign. Please help me by telling which other date is the most auspicious date for me. Thanks so much!

  44. Im moving in new office and office blessing on January 15,2011. My birthday is Sept. 28,1967 and my husband's birthday is October 5, 1961. Please tell me what is the best time to move in. Thank you

  45. We will be moving in to our new office on January 15,2011. My birthday is Sept 28,1967 and my husband is Octber 3,1961, what is the auspiscious time to move in? Thank you

  46. @Anonymous

    Auspicious times for 15 January 2011:

    1am - 5am
    11am - 1pm
    5pm - 7pm

  47. hi we want to know the auspicious dates in feb for grahapravesham and we are closing on the house on jan 28th 2011.also let me know the timings

  48. Hi
    We are planning to hav gananpathi homam for griha pravesh for our new home in sep 2011 pls let me know the auspicious date in first week of sep like from 1'Sep 2011 to 10'Sep 2011
