Thursday, November 12, 2009

Auspicious dates for opening business in 2010

Here is the list of auspicious dates for opening business in year 2010, which is produced based on the Chinese almanac Tong Shu. It can be applied to new business opening or reopening of business after a break/holiday.

The highlighted dates are right after the celebration of Chinese New Year.

Bear in mind that although the Tong Shu is a compilation of Chinese astrology and calendaring studies gathering wisdom of thousands of years, we should use it wisely and rationally, but not be too superstitious on it.

Related articles:


  1. Dear 8th Voyager, I am trying to view the "auspicious dates for opening business in 2010" but it is not viewable. Could you be so kind as to email me the chart at Many thanks and best regards, Joanna

  2. Dear 8th Voyager, i am trying to find a date for moving and opening of office and business. I don't really understand how to read the table, can you advice? chinese horoscope "Monkey"

  3. Hi Ng,

    For your case, look at the 2 tables, namely:
    - Auspicious dates for opening business in 2010
    - Auspicious dates for moving to new house/office in 2010

    Choose the dates that appear in both of the tables, and the "Exception" column is not Monkey.

  4. Hi,

    i can't find any information for opening of business for the year 2009. Can help?

  5. oh forget to mentio that i wish to start before 2010.

  6. Hi Ng,

    Auspicious dates for open business in Dec 2009 are:

    3, 11, 23.

    But 11 and 23 are not good date for Monkey.

  7. Dear Voyager 8, Gong Xi Fa Chai

    Is there any particular good timing for opening business after CNY on these dates:-
    18th, 19th & 22nd Feb 2010?

    Thanks in advance.

    Alvin Chow

  8. Hi Alvin,

    Auspicious times between 5am - 5pm for...

    18 Feb 2010:

    11am - 3pm

    19 Feb 2010:

    1pm - 3pm

    22 Feb 2010:

    3am - 7am

  9. hiya! you helped me to get an auspicious date/time to move into a new house and i need your help again.

    my hubby (dragon) and me (monkey) with our baby (ox) are planning to open a restaurant this year. can you please tell me the auspicious date/time to open one? also, will opening the restaurant be a good business for us?

    great job on this website! cheers.

  10. Hi,

    Please select the date from the table in the main article above.

  11. Hi Voyager,
    I plan to sign a major business agreement wherein I am buying a business. i need to know which date is best. I am born on 18/4/1966. Can you kindly suggest as this is an important turn in my career.

  12. i'm planning on launching my business in july. how do I determine which is the best date for me that month? what do I need to take into consideration? thank you!

  13. Hi cecilia,

    Please refer to the table in the main article above.

  14. hi,I was born in the year of water rat.When is the the perfect date to open a bussiness?

  15. Hi,

    I would like to know the perfect date to open my new real estate office in October. I am born in June 1982.

    We are thinking of the 23rd October (Saturday morning). Please advise if this date is good for us.

    Many thanks


  16. i'm planning to open a business in october.what is the best date and time to do it.

  17. i'm planning to open a business in october,i was born in june 16,1968.please advise me what is the best date and time for me to do it.

    thanks a lot.


  18. Any auspicious timing for Sept 9th 2010??

  19. Hi,

    Auspicious times for 9 September 2010:

    3am - 5am
    9am - 11am
    1pm - 3pm
    7pm - 11pm

  20. Thanks Voyager! I also came across another site stated these info. Let me know if you have any opinion on it. :)

    Auspicious Time of the Day:

    0500am-0700am: People born under the Rooster Zodiac (Horoscope) should avoid this timing

    0900am-1100am: People born under the Pig Zodiac (Horoscope) should avoid this timing

    1100am-1300pm: People born under the Rat Zodiac (Horoscope) should avoid this timing

    1500pm-1700pm: People born under the Tiger Zodiac (Horoscope) should avoid this timing

    1700pm-1900pm: People born under the Rabbit Zodiac (Horoscope) should avoid this timing

    Worst Time of the Day: 0700am-0900am, 1900pm-2100pm

  21. Hi,

    Those times are valid for western part of China.

  22. Oh I thought the timing is generally for all countries, didn't know there's a difference :S

  23. Hi, I need to sign a contract on one of the following dates: Sept. 27, 28, 29th. None of those dates match on the calendar you provide. Please help me pick a good date and time. I'm a tiger in western US. Thank you so much!

  24. Hi, are the auspicious times you post for a certain part of the world? Do I need to adjust for the time difference if I live some where else?

    Thanks for your help.

  25. Hi,

    For signing contract, can look into Auspicious dates for signing contract, register for marriage, etc. in 2010.

    27, 28, 29 are neutral for this kind of activity.

  26. hello,

    please help to pick the right date to open my business... we where planning to open it on oct 26, 2010... its a water refilling station..
    please help me to pick the right date...

    thanks so much,


  27. Hi Voyager 8, Can i use this chart, Dec 6th to activate a water feature I bought for my house. Whats the best time to do so? Got rat, ox dragon and dog at home. Thank you in advance. DC

  28. Hi,

    Auspicious times for 6 December 2010:

    1am - 9am
