Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Auspicious dates in 2010 for getting a baby

Here is the list of auspicious dates in 2010 for getting a baby (求嗣), which is produced based on the Chinese almanac Tong Shu.

The dates have good element(s) to embro/faetus. Traditionally, the dates are referred for conception planning (making love and expecting a baby to the family). Nowadays, people also make reference to them for Caesarian delivery of new born.

Bear in mind that although the Tong Shu is a compilation of Chinese astrology and calendaring studies gathering wisdom of thousands of years, we should use it wisely and rationally, but not be too superstitious on it.

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  1. My wife sign is a horse and i am a snake and she is giving birth on June 23, 2010 through caesarean section, do you have any auspicious time in giving birth by this date?thanks

  2. Hi,

    Auspicious times for 23 June 2010:

    1am - 3am
    7am - 9am
    1pm - 3pm
    5pm - 7pm
    9pm - 11pm

  3. thank you voyager8 our Dr. scheduled us on June 23,2010 0130PM.thanks again

  4. hi,

    i'm a tiger (1974) and my husband is a rat (1972). i will give birth to our second child, a boy, this coming October. what is the most auspicious date?


  5. Hi,

    Please look at the table above for the dates.

  6. Hi again,

    I've looked at the above table and I'd to know what the exception column means. Does it that my baby boy must not be born on October 25?

  7. Hi,

    Since this year is the Tiger year, October 25 will be inauspicious for the baby born in this year.

  8. Thank you so much and more success in your blog.

  9. Hi, I'm a horse (1978) & hubby - snake (1977), I'll give birth to my 3rd BB boy by mid August 2010 (due date is 16/08/10), Can you pls advise what's the auspicious date for my caeser? Thanks a lot ^_^

  10. Hi Catherine Yee,

    Please refer to the table in the main article above.

  11. Hi, can i ask does the colum 'exception' affect to the elder siblings?
    I'm thinking to ask for induce on the 10th august. However there's a 'exception' for DOG. My elder daughter is born in 'dog' year. Will it affect their future relationship because of this? I fully understand that i shouldn't be too superstitious but its better to prevent if there's any possibility.

    Many thanks.

  12. Hi Krissy,

    That will be an inauspicious day for your elder daughter. As long as she is not around you, should be OK.

  13. Hi, I plan to go c-section on 20th Sept. Is there any aupicious timing? I am a rabbit and my husband is a dragon. Thanks

  14. Hi.. thanks for sharing the auspicious dates. It is very helpful!

    I'm a Rooster (1981) and my husband is a Dragon (1976). I've to pick a date for a c-section in early Aug 2010 & from your table 10 Aug is the only available date. To whom does the exception refer to and do you have an auspicious time on 10 Aug please?

    Thank you.


  15. Hi,

    Your doctor allows you to pick for the time too?

    20 September 2010 is inauspicious for Rabbit.

    Anyhow, auspicious times for 20 September 2010:

    12am - 5am
    7am - 11am

  16. Hi Lynn,

    The exception will have an inauspicious moment during the day, in this case, you should except out the parents, the baby, the doctor(s) and even the nurses in the operation room.

    Auspicious times for 10 august 2010:

    1am - 3am
    5am - 7am
    9am - 11am
    5pm - 7pm
    9pm - 11pm

  17. hi,
    my husband is born in the year 1976. iam born in 1980. iam expecting a baby girl soon. can you please tell me the auspicious dates between 28th july to 12th august for c-section

  18. i am born in sep101971 and my wife 11jun1975 we r expecting 2nd baby in aug month end 2010.
    could u please let us know the auspicios date and time to schedule the Casarien section

  19. oh dear "20 September 2010 is inauspicious for Rabbit"

    Between 21 - 24 there auspicious day for Rabbit (mom) and Dragon (dad) and the auspicious time. Thanks very much

  20. this all is nonsense ... baby would come as GOD planned it to :-)

  21. hi,
    my fiance is rat (1972) and i am monkey(1980).
    we wld like to ROM during oct, nov or dec 2010.
    cld u suggest some auspicious dates for us pls?

  22. Hi Jane,

    24 September 2010 is an auspicious date.

  23. Hi

    My DOB is May 6th 1984 and My husband's DOB is Dec 9th, 1979. We are married for two and half years now. Is there any way to predict when we will conceive with our first baby? Thanks a lot.

  24. Hi,

    I think you better seek consultation from medical doctor for this.

  25. Hi,

    I am Rat (1972) and my wife is Pig (1971).
    Wife going for c-section in Sept.
    Any good date/timing for Sept, e.g. 8-Sept, time ?

    Thanks for the help

  26. Hi,

    Auspicious times for 8 September 2010:

    3am - 5am
    7am - 1pm

  27. Hi,
    Is it auspicious to deliver a baby during Pitra-Paksha(Sep 24 to Aug 07 2010). Please advise.

  28. Hi,

    Refer to the table in the main article above.

  29. Hi,

    Just curious. What is the Auspicious times for
    10 March 2010.


  30. Hi,

    Auspicious times for 10 March 2010:

    3am - 7am
    9am - 3pm

  31. Hi there,

    I'm a Horse (1 June 78) and my husband also (26 April 78).

    Any auspicious dates/times for conceiving from now - next month or so?

    Thanks in advance.

  32. hi, both of us husband and wife are dragon in 1976. doctor are estimated my due date is october 10. what is the Auspicious times for
    10 october 2010.? please help.. thanks in advance

  33. Hi,

    Auspicious times for 10 October 2010:

    12am - 1am
    5am - 7am
    9am - 11am
    7pm - 9pm

  34. Hi,
    I was born on 05-06-1982 and my wife on 30-12-1987. Please tell us auspicious time for Caesarian delivery on 22 September 2010.

  35. Hi,

    Auspicious times for 22 September 2010:

    12am - 5am
    1pm - 3pm

  36. Hi Voyager8,

    I was born in 1979(Jan 24th), husband Tiger (1974).My baby girl will be due somewhere around 28/8 to 3/sep. I saw 30th Aug is exception for Horse. Anything I can prepare/do in any event if my baby due around 30th Aug?
    Please advise.

  37. Hi,
    I was born on 22-03-1977 and my husband on 01-08-1974. Please tell us an auspicious time for Caesarian delivery on 03 Nov and 07 Nov 2010. Thanks.

  38. Hi,

    Auspicious times for 3 November 2010:

    1am - 3am
    9am - 3pm
    5pm - 9pm

    Auspicious times for 7 November 2010:

    3am - 5am
    9am - 1pm

  39. HI,

    I am from Hyderabd, India. Please let me know good time for getting delivery from 31/08/10 to 05/09/10

    Thanks in Advance

  40. Hi as i had to be induced, my earliest induce date is 6sept.. which day is good as i would like my baby`s birthday to avoid as many 7th month as possible, which date is the best? According to what i see the "nearest" is 9sept? But a fren looked for me and seem that 10sept is the best? Pls advise thanks

  41. Hello, My Date of Birth is 22.01.1982 and husband DOB not sure ........ I want to knw good time for delivery from 20 sept 2010 onwards with time .

    Will be very grateful to u.


  42. Hi,

    My wife is scheduled for c-section on 18th sept 2010, 3:30pm to 4pm.
    Is it a Good timing or Neutral timing or Bad timing?

    If not, is there any recommended dates for delivery at around 7am - 8am ??

    I'm a snake (1977), my wife is monkey (1980).

  43. Hi,

    Timing for 18 September 2010:

    12am - 1am neutral
    1am - 3am bad
    3am - 5am good
    5am - 7am bad
    7am - 9am neutral
    9am - 11am good
    11am - 1pm good
    1pm - 3pm neutral
    3pm - 5pm bad
    5pm - 7pm bad
    7pm - 9pm neutral
    9pm - 11pm neutral

  44. Hello, My Date of Birth is 22.01.1982 and husband DOB not sure ........ I want to knw good time for delivery from 18 sept 2010 to 28 sept onwards with time ( good, netural, bad )

    Will be very grateful to u.


  45. HI,

    Please help us..
    My husband and 1 have planned c-section on 12th OCT 2010.
    Could you advice what is the auspicious time during that day?

    We are both born in the year of dog (1982)


  46. Hi,

    Auspicious times for 12 October 2010:

    12am - 1am
    3am - 7am
    7pm - 11pm

  47. Hi I m expecting a girl on 27 Sept 10. I m a dragon and my husband is a tiger. May I know when would b an auspicious time for her birth. Thank you.

  48. Hi I am A goat and husband is a goat we are expecting our daughter on september 27 2010 at around 4pm for a c section can you please tell me if this is an auspicious time? or would it be better 5pm or 6pm? thank you

  49. Hi,
    I am A horse and my husband is A dragon. My 1st baby boy is a monkey.
    My c-sec is due between 27th oct to 3rd nov 2010..
    could you plese tell me the most auspisious day to deliver as it means a lot to me.
    Thank you very much.

  50. Hi,

    Auspicious times for 27 September 2010:

    1am - 5am
    7am - 3pm
    9pm - 11pm

  51. Hi,

    Very good article!
    Can you also suggest the most auspicious date and time for me? Am scheduled for CS between dec 15 - dec 29, so all the dates listed above will do.
    I am a monkey (feb 15, 1980) my husband a dragon (june 17, 1976) and my eldest-boy a rat (feb 16, 2008).

    thanks a lot and more success to your blog.

  52. Hi,

    I am born on 1-jun-71, and my husband on 27-2-70. My C-section for my 3rd boy is end Nov. Am thinking of 28th Nov or 29th Nov or even 30th Nov. Can you recommend good day and time for the C-section? Really appreciate that.

  53. Hi! Thank you so much for the info! From tiger dad & dragon mom :)

  54. My caesarian baby is due for birth between 7th October to 10th October 2010. which is the most auspicious Date and time?

  55. just to add to my earlier post, fathers DOB is 4th Sep 1976 and mothers DOB is 22nd July 1977

  56. Hi I planning to go on a caesarian giving birth to a baby boy. Im born on Jan10,1980(goat) dad is Jul14,1980(monkey). I am thinking of scheduling it either Oct28, Oct30 or Nov7. Appreciate if you could advise best date and time. Thanks! Thanks! :)

  57. Hi,
    I am A horse and my husband is A dragon. My 1st baby boy is a monkey.
    My c-sec is due between 27th oct to 3rd nov 2010..
    could you plese tell me the most auspisious day to deliver as it means a lot to me.
    Thank you very much.
    Please reply soon....

  58. Hi,
    I would be highly greatful if u could answer my above query as my last review is on the 11th of oct...
    Ill will have to inform the doctor before hand about the scheduled date...
    My above query holds all the information you require. So please do the needful.
    Thank you..

  59. Hi,

    Please refer to the table in the main article above.

  60. Hi,
    My DOB: 29/10/73, my hubby DOB:2/12/76, my first daughter DOB: 1/11/05. My second baby girl due date is in Oct. any auspicious date to deliver (from now till 26/10)? Thanks.

  61. Hi,

    What are good timing for C-section on 29th Nov? Thanks.

  62. Hi,

    Auspicious times for 29 November 2010:

    12am - 1am
    3am - 7am
    11am - 1pm
    7pm - 9pm

  63. hi my DOB is 1/11/1976 (Dragon) and my hubby is 30/9/1976(Dragon). My 1st child is 1/11/2006 (dog). my 2nd child due in Nov but doc ask me to deliver between 10-19nov . I check your table theere is no good date. Can you let me know a suitable date based on our chinese horoscope?

  64. Hi,my DOB is 7/june/79 and my hubby's 1/april/76. we are expecting our 1st baby in dec 2010.could you please help us with auspicious dates for c-section in december?we would be really grateful to you.Thanks.

  65. Hi, I'm a goat (DOB 4.11.1967) and my hubby is a dragon (12.7.1964). We had a special child (a girl born with Down Syndrome) on 23 Sept 2008. Now we are expecting our 2nd girl scheduled to have my elective C-section on 11 November 2010. We would be grateful if you could kindly advise us with the auspicious times on that day. Many thanks

  66. Hi,

    Auspicious times for 11 November 2010:

    12am - 7am
    5pm - 7pm

  67. Hi,

    I born on 22-Feb-1978 and my wife born on 14-Oct-1981.

    Doctor has suggested to go for elective section-C. Therefore need to know the best dates from Nov 22 to Nov 26th 2010. Also if possible please suggest the best time with day.

    Many Thanks

  68. i born on 12-06-1984 and my husband born on 22-10-1967 auspicious time for 22-11-2010

  69. Hi,

    Me and my wife are planning to have her c-section between 01/12/10 to 09/12/10. I understand that none of the dates are reflected in the chart above and therefore will be deeply grateful if you are able to advise us on the alternatives and auspicious dates and time frames during that period. My DOB is 13/12/1979 and my wife's 06/10/1980. Please try to help us and many thanks..

  70. Hi,

    Auspicious times for 22 November 2010:

    1am - 3am
    5pm - 11pm

  71. i am born 17-11-1986 and my wife is 16-10-1982
    any auspicious date between 22 and 27 december, and time?


  72. Hi,

    I am born 28 feb 1982 and my boyfriend is 29 oct 1976, any auspicious dates and times for us to get married this year or next year? Thanks.
