Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Auspicious dates for moving to new house/office in 2010

Here is the list of auspicious dates for moving to new house/office in year 2010, which is produced based on the Chinese almanac Tong Shu.

Bear in mind that although the Tong Shu is a compilation of Chinese astrology and calendaring studies gathering wisdom of thousands of years, we should use it wisely and rationally, but not be too superstitious on it.

If you are going to move to a new home, don't forget to visit the "home idea" section of my blog to find out my sharing on mortgage, renovation, furnitures, electrical appliances, pest control, etc.

Related articles:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi xuefen,

    With the blessing of good elements from 天愿, 天恩, 阴德, 守日, 吉期, 六合, 普护 and 宝光, 3 Jan 2010 is an auspicious day for many thing, including moving to new house.

    Auspicious times for 3 Jan 2010:

    12am - 3am
    5am - 11am
    3pm - 9pm

  3. Hi Voyager8,

    Thanks for your reply

    Best regards

  4. I'm so confused. My boyfriend and I are planning to move in together to our new home on Jan. 16 because my mom said it was a good day. Now she says it might not be good for him because he was born in the year of the goat (I was born in the year of the dog). She said Jan. 17 or 28 is a better date.

    However, because we live in Eastern Time Zone, we need to deduct 11 hours to go by China time zone? I think because we're moving in together, my mom wanted a date that is good for moving and good for two people to be together.

    Can you clear things up for me?

    Thanks in advance!

  5. Hi missdianita,

    The dates and times are based on GMT+8.

    You might want to adjust to your local time zone.

  6. Thanks Voyager8!

    We decided to go with Jan 28. So since we live in GMT -5, we should be moving between 11am on Jan.27 to 11am Jan.28 - is this correct?

  7. Hi missdanita,

    Make use of this table:

    and reference to the time in either one of: Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Beijing, Hong Kong, Taipei, Perth, Manila, Shanghai...

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hi

    I am moving my division office in Jan 2010.

    My friend told me that 21 Jan is an auspicious date. But he is not proficient in fengshui stuff.

    I wonder whether I can take his advice.

  10. Hi Voyager8,

    Currently, our house is under construction with target completion by May 2010. We plan to start moving in on certain dates, as follows (auspicious dates based on your calendar):

    18 May 2010 or
    30 May 2010 or
    11 June 2010 or
    12 June 2010.

    We are born under the years of the horse, rat, monkey and tiger.

    Did I chose the right dates for moving in? If so, may I know the auspicious time for moving in for each date?

    We live here in the Philippines.

    Thank you very much.

  11. Hi jesslee1605,

    21 Jan 2010 is an inauspicious date as you'll encounter 月破, 大耗, etc. on that day.

  12. Hi alexieighteen,

    Auspicious times for 18 May 2010:

    1am - 3am
    5am - 7am
    9am - 11am
    1pm - 3pm
    5pm - 7pm

    Auspicious times for 30 May 2010:

    1am - 5am
    7am - 3pm

    Auspicious times for 11 June 2010:

    1am - 7am
    9am - 11am
    5pm - 7pm
    9pm - 11pm

    Auspicious times for 12 June 2010:

    5am - 11am
    7pm - 9pm

  13. Hi our family consist of Dog, Tiger, Horse and Rooster.

    We are likely either getting keys on 22 Jan or 5 Feb 2010? What a the dates to start mini renovation ?

    What is a good date for moving house in Feb before CNY 2010 ? What is the respective good timing ? Thanks in advance for your advice.

  14. Hi,

    For renovation, please refer to Auspicious dates for renovation in 2010.

    You can pick the date from the table.

  15. Hello Voyager8,

    I'm thinking of moving from Seoul to New York (GMT+9 to GMT-5) on Feb 21 or maybe March 2. Because of the change in time zone, I'm not sure if this is the most auspicious day. I am a tiger.

    Thank you!


  16. Hi Ann,

    The auspicious moving date is when entering the new house (入宅).

    22 Feb is an auspicious date, which half of the day is still 21 Feb in US.

  17. According to your list, Feb 26 is an auspicious date for moving house. However, it is also a "San Niang" killing day to avoid according to Feng Shui. Can I still choose this date?

  18. Hi Voyager8:

    I'd like to know which day in January, March and April 2010 is an auspicious day for office moving and business commencement? The 3 partners are Rooster, Ox and Tiger. Thanks in asvance.

  19. Hi Eva,

    Please refer to the table in the article above.

  20. Hi Chwee Hong,

    No, that day is not a "San Niang" killing day (三娘煞).

    These 6 days are considered "San Niang" killing day:
    初三 庚午日
    初七 辛未日
    十三 戊申日
    十八 己酉日
    廿二 丙午日
    廿七 丁未日

    And 26 Feb 2010 is:
    十三 丁未日

  21. Hi,

    What is a good timing for moving house on 1 or 4 Feb ?


  22. Hi chic Lil pony,

    Auspicious times for:

    1 Feb 2010:

    1am - 7am
    9am - 11am
    9pm - 11pm

    4 Feb 2010:

    12am - 5am
    7am - 9am
    5pm - 7pm

  23. What are the auspicious times for Jan 16th ? Thanks!

  24. Hi Aniruddha,

    Auspicious times for 16 Jan 2010:

    12am - 1am
    5am - 7am
    11am - 1pm
    5pm - 7pm

  25. Hi voyager8,
    we're moving house on the 30th jan 2010 and would like to know the auspicious time to move in. we are born in the years of snake, monkey and horse. Before we move in on the 30th, we'll go into our new house on the 27th jan to spring clean and paint. Any auspicious time to look out?

  26. Hi joycellf,

    Auspicious times for 30 Jan 2010:

    1am - 5am
    7am - 1pm
    9pm - 11pm

  27. Hihi, we're moving in on 20th Jan. We're born in year of Monkey & Goat. What would be the most auspicious times of moving in?
    Many thanks in advance!!

  28. Hi jaschintaz,

    Auspicious times for 20 Jan 2010:

    1am - 5am
    11am - 1pm
    3pm - 7pm

  29. Hi

    I'm currently living in Singapore and is thinking of shifting house in Feb 2010 preferably before Chinese New Year.

    We are born in the years of rabbit, goat and dog.

    What are the dates and auspicious time for moving house?

    Thank you

  30. Hi nataliengbh,

    Please refer to the table in the main article above.

  31. Hi 8th voyager,

    what is the good time for moving in on 26 Feb and 22 Feb. we are born in the year of snake, dog and tiger. Is 22 feb better than 26 feb? Thank you very much for your advice

  32. Hi Sally Koh,

    You have these in 22 Feb 2010:
    Good elements: 官日,吉期,玉宇,五合,鸣犬对
    Bad elements: 大时, 大败, 咸池, 朱雀

    Auspicious times for 22 Feb 2010:

    12am - 1am
    3am - 7am
    7pm - 9pm

    You have these in 26 Feb 2010:
    Good elements: 天德, 四相, 敬安, 玉堂
    Bad elements: 小耗, 八专

    Auspicious times for 26 Feb 2010:

    9am - 3pm
    5pm - 7pm
    9pm - 11pm

  33. Hi Voyager8,

    Thanks for the previous reply! Due to unforseen circumstances we have had to move our date of moving in to tomorrow, 23 Jan 2010.

    Would u pls be so kind as to advise on the most auspicious times to move in? We are born in the years of the Monkey & Goat.


  34. Hi jaschintaz,

    Auspicious times for 23 Jan 2010:

    12am - 5am
    7am - 11am
    3pm - 5pm

  35. Hi Voyager8,

    I would like to know if 30 Jan 2010is a good date for us to move into the new house. My husband is born in year of rooster (1981) and i am born in year of Ox (1985), if its a good date, can you please advise the timings suitable for that date. thanks thanks alot!!!

  36. Hi lim,

    Please refer to the table in the main article above.

  37. Hi Voyager8,

    Please help. What are the auspicious time to move into office on the 1st Feb, 2010?

    Thank you.


  38. Hi Guy,

    Auspicious times for 1 Feb 2010:

    1am - 7am
    9am - 11am
    9pm - 11pm

  39. Hi Voyager8,

    May I know what will be a good timing for shifting new office on 10th & 11th Feb 2010?

    Thanks in advance.

    Alvin Chow

  40. Hi alvin,

    Auspicious times for 10 Feb 2010:

    3am - 7am
    9am - 1pm
    7pm - 9pm

    Auspicious times for 11 Feb 2010:

    1am - 7am
    9am - 11am
    5pm - 7pm
    9pm - 11pm

  41. Dear Voyager8,

    We are moving house on 1st March 2010. Our family animal horoscope are ox, rooster, rat and rabbit. Pls suggest auspicious time. If 1st march is not a gd date, pls help to suggest another date and time suitable for us. Thanks in advance!

  42. Hi evanong.ien,

    Please refer to the table in the main article above.

  43. Hi we are moving our house this month. We would like to know if 21st February is a good day? And what would be a good time to move in?

  44. We will be moving to a newly built house April/May 2010. We live in Maryland. What would be the auspicious dates for moving in. We are born year of Rat -June 73, rabbit Aug 75, monkey July 04 and pig January 08.

  45. Hi,

    For list of auspicious dates, please refer to the table in the main article above.

  46. Hi,

    we are planning to move in on 28 Feb.Would like to advise the best time to move in. Im born in year of goat(79) whilst my wife is horse(78).


  47. Hi,

    Auspicious times for 28 Feb 2010:

    12am - 1am
    7am - 3pm

  48. What would be the best time to move in on May 12, 14 and 18. Thanks.

  49. Hi, TIA for advice given, what is a good time to move on 25th Apr 2010. Rabbit.

  50. My family plans to move to a newly renovated house in april 25, 2010. However, one family member is born under the sign of boar. Can we do something and still move on that date?

    The rest of the family is Monkey, Dragon and Rooster. Thanks so much....

  51. Hi,

    Auspicious times for:

    12 May 2010:

    3am - 7am
    9am - 11am
    1pm - 3pm
    7pm - 9pm

    14 May 2010:

    12am - 5am
    7am - 9am
    1pm - 3pm

    18 May 2010:

    1am - 3am
    5am - 7am
    9am - 11am
    1pm - 3pm
    5pm - 7pm

  52. Hi Rabbit,

    Auspicious times for 25 April 2010:

    12am - 3am
    5pm - 7pm

  53. Hi,

    If the person born in year of boar is not a house master or household income contributor, then should be OK.

  54. what are the auspicious time to move to a renovated house on April 25, 2010. Thanks

  55. Hi Voyager,
    We live in Abu Dhabi and plan to shift to a new house in April first week. I am born on 18/4/66 and my wife 15/3/75 and i dont know how to find out which is my animal / year of birth. Can you please tell us which is the good day to shift after 31st March 2010. I would be greatly indebted to you for this advice as i am gearing forward in my career and I dont want any negative influences.


  56. Hi Dr Krishna,

    1966 is the year of Horse and 1975 is the year of Rabbit.

    Abi Dhabi's timezone is at GMT+4. So mostly you can refer to the table of auspicious dates above. Just need to avoid the dates with Exception of Horse or Rabbit and pick one of the rest shown in the table.

    Good luck for your new endeavor.

  57. Hi,

    Actually i plan to move into my new house by April, but we had 3 different zodiac that was pig, horse and monkey. which day and time will be good to move in? And i'm from Northern of Malaysia, Please help and advice.


  58. Hi JL,

    Just pick a date from the table above, with no clashing with the exceptional zodiac sign.

  59. What is a good time to move to a newly renovated house on April 25th? I am born under the sign of Monkey.

  60. Hi AF,

    Please refer to my reply to Rabbit above.

  61. Dear Voyager8,

    Is it the suitable to move into new house on MARCH , APRIL and MAY? Initially,i planned to move into new house on the end of MARCH, however my parents don't allowed me so as these months conflicting the CHINESE LUNAR MONTHS FESTIVAL "QING MING". So,i'm now dilemma whether move into new house by finding the auspicious date according to above table or not to? Anyway, i'm born in year of TIGER.

  62. Hi,

    Originated from ancient China more than 2500 years ago, Ching Ming is indeed the day which is suitable to start farming, as the weather become warm again, rain starts to increase, and the plants start to regrown from winter.

    Is there any reason why Ching Ming is not a good season?

  63. Dear Voyager8,

    Thanks for your prompt reply. According to my parent, CHING MING is not good for activities such as moving house is because they believe during this months, the death spirit might wondering around us.

    Anyway,i had make decision to move on this weekend which is 14 March 2010. Can i know the auspicious time for that day.

  64. Hi,

    Seems like your parent mixed up Ching Ming and the 7th lunar month. How about Chong Yang then? People in China celebrates Chong Yang with activities almost the same like Ching Ming.

    Auspicious times for 14 March 2010:

    3am - 9am
    11am - 1pm
    7pm - 11pm

  65. hello...

    What are the auspicious times for 26th March 2010?

    Thanks in advance:)

  66. Hi

    I would like to move to the new apartment on 2 Apr which is not in your auspicious date list. Please advise if I can do anything to make that date better for my moving.

    If it's really such a bad date, I probably need to shift to 3 Apr. Can you recommend what is the auspicious for moving apartment on that 3 April as well.


  67. Hi,

    Auspicious times for 26 March 2010:

    12am - 7am
    1pm - 3pm

  68. Hi chan,

    You are right. 2 April 2010 is inauspicious for moving house.

    The 3 inauspicious elements 河魁, 死神, 天吏 of that day all are capable to bring disaster. If you insist on that day, perhaps can go to donate blood to get the "disaster" to your body, and donate money to get the "disaster" to your finance.

    Auspicious times for 3 April 2010:

    12am - 1am
    3am - 7am
    9am - 1pm
    7pm - 9pm

  69. Hi there

    I'm born in year of the Snake, and living in Melbourne, Australia, and plan to move into my new place between 10th to 13th of April. The days are not listed as auspicious, and I was wondering if there is anything I can do to minimise any negativity?


  70. Hi,

    I just got my key to enter to my new house. I plan to enter the house on 25/3/2010. What is the auspicious time to open the door to enter. I am born in the rat.

    Thank you.

  71. Hi,

    Auspicious times for 25 March 2010:

    1am - 7am
    9am - 11am
    1pm - 3pm

  72. Hi,

    I am moving on March 28th and I am a Pig sign. I wonder what auspicious time within the said date shall I move to my new apartment?

    In addition to that,when you say moving to a new place, is that where you will first sleep pn the said place?

    Thank you and have a good day. :)

  73. hi,

    we are considering to move into our new house on either of these 2 dates april 22, or april 25, 2010. can you pls tell me the auspicious time to move on these days. my husband and i are both ox sign and our son is a monkey.

    and what are the first auspicious objects to bring inside the house on moving day?

    thank you in advance . . . .luavel

  74. Hi Marc,

    Auspicious times for 28 March 2010:

    12am - 1am
    9am - 1pm
    9pm - 11pm

    Yes. When you move to a new place, you settle down and stay resident there.

  75. Hi luavel,

    Auspicious times for 22 April 2010 (not a good date for Monkey):

    1am - 7am
    1pm - 3pm

    Auspicious times for 25 April 2010:

    12am - 3am
    5pm - 7pm

  76. Hi Voyager8,

    Which country is your auspicious time. I am staying in Singapore. What do you mean exception in your auspecious dates.rela

  77. Hi,

    The time is GMT+8, which applies to Singapore as well.

    The date is generally auspicious, with exception to the one explicitly specified.

  78. Hi, I intend to move house on 4th April. Which are the auspicious times for moving in? Thanks!


  79. I am sheep, wife and son rabbit and daughter rooster. I will get the new house key on Saturday 27. Can I enter the house. Which day within that week is good to move in.

  80. I live in Mumbai, India. Do we have any auspicious days in the month of April 2010 before 15th. April to shift to new house.

  81. Hi Darshan,

    Mumbai is just 2.5 hours later than GMT+8.

    Therefore, generally you can refer to the auspicious dates in the table above.

  82. hi, what are the auspicious times on april 12 and april 17, 2010. ty.


  83. Hi kimi,

    Auspicious times for 12 April 2010:

    1am - 7am
    9am - 11am
    5pm - 7pm
    9pm - 11pm

    Auspicious times for 17 April 2010:

    1am - 3am
    11am - 3pm
    5pm - 7pm
    9pm - 11pm

  84. Hello again ...

    what are the auspicious time for april 24, 2010. ty


  85. Hi kimi,

    Auspicious times for 24 April 2010:

    12am - 3am
    7am - 9am
    1pm - 3pm
    5pm - 7pm
    9pm - 11pm

  86. Dear Voyager8,

    We will be completing a purchase of our home on 2 May 2010 and judging by your moving dates (above) we should enter the house on 4 or 11 May. We are born in the years of the Tiger, Dragon (wife) and Pig (daughter). Could you please tell me the auspicious times for these dates?

    With thanks in advance.

  87. Hi,

    Auspicious times for 4 May 2010:

    3am - 5am
    7am - 9am
    1pm - 3pm
    5pm - 7pm

    Auspicious times for 11 May 2010:

    3am - 5am
    7am - 1pm

  88. Many thanks again.

  89. Hi Voyager8,

    We are planning to move in to a new house on 10th April 2010. Please let me know is it an auspicious day for myself (May 1983 - pig) and my husband (May 1982 - dog)?

    Thanks in advance.

  90. hi voyager 8,

    we're planning to move on april 8 to our new home which we bought from the previous owners. my dad was born on the year of the pig and my mom was born on the year of horse, my siblings, tiger, ox, monkey and sheep. what time and date is best for us to move? we're here in chicago. thanks a lot.



  91. Hi Voyager8,

    Thanks for the response.
    Can you tell me which day is good for moving to a new house for us?
    We live in Bangalore, India and its myself (May 1983 - pig) and my husband (May 1982 - dog).


  92. Hi Voyager8, need your kind advice on below.

    Me (snake), my dad (monkey) and mum (goat) intend to shift house on either 17 Apr, 18 Apr, 24 Apr or 25 Apr.
    Wat are the auspicious timings for us to move in? Can we move our Guan Yin over together with us at the same timing and date as well?


  93. Hi jm,

    Please refer to the table in the main article above.

  94. Hi Jiss,

    Please refer to the table in the main article above.

  95. Hi Pat,

    Auspicious times for some of your dates already replied above. Please refer to them.

  96. Hi Voyager8, many thanks for your reply. But I did not see any auspicous timings stated for 18 Apr? care to advise me ? (apologies if I had missed out the timings if u had stated before).

    For these 4 dates, 17/4, 18/4, 24/4 and 25/4, me & my parents can all move into the house together at the same time? how about if we bring in our existing Guan Yin goddess statue on either of these dates as well, any problems?

    Many thanks.

  97. Hi Pat,

    18 April is an inauspicious date, and only 25 April is particularly within the list of auspicious dates.

    Of course you can move together.

  98. Hi Voyager8,

    I'm planning to move in to a new house on May 2010. Please let me know which date is an auspicious day for me (feb 1973 - ox).
    Do I need to prepare anything to bring along like salt,rice,stove...etc


  99. Hi Voyager8, thanks.


  100. Hi Voyager8, just to ask, is there any auspicious dates/timings to follow for Xie Tu (thank the earth) in Apr? If have, pls kindly advise. thanks.


  101. Hi Pat,

    Auspicious dates for 谢土 in April and May 2010:

    4 April 2010 except Tiger
    5 April 2010 except Rabbit
    10 April 2010 except Monkey
    11 April 2010 except Rooster

    4 May 2010 except Monkey
    5 May 2010 except Rooster

  102. Hi Voyager8,
    Kindly advise the auspicious date & time for moving into new house. We are planning on the date 27Jun10 or 30Jun10 or 03Jul10 or 09Jul10.
    My husband (Monkey 1968),Me (Dog 1971), Children (Ox 1997, Rabbit 1999, Horse 2002). Appreciate your valuable advise.


  103. Hi Voyager8,

    I am thinking of moving house this coming 29th April and my house family members consists of 1 goat and 2 boars. Could you kindly let me know what are the auspicious time to move in for that day? Thanks.


  104. Hi Manny,

    Auspicious times for 29 April 2010:

    12am - 1am
    7am - 3pm

  105. Hi Voyager8,
    Kindly advise the auspicious time for moving into new house. We are planning on the date 18Jul10.
    My husband (Monkey 1968),Me (Dog 1971), Children (Ox 1997, Rabbit 1999, Horse 2002). Appreciate your valuable advise. Thanks


  106. Hi Eron,

    Auspicious times for 18 July 2010:

    12am - 1am
    3am - 5am
    11am - 3pm

  107. Hi Voyager8,

    Me (Monkey) and my partner (Boar) are wondering when is the best day to move in to the house. It appears that either April 22 or 25 is not good for one of us. Any suggestions? What should we bring when we move to a new home?

    Thanks for you help!

  108. Hi Justin,

    You can pick April 29.

  109. Hi i am born in Tiger & wanted to shift in this sunday 25 Apr as it is an auspcious date as seen on yr chart, what is the good time to shift in?
    I am born in 1974

  110. i am born in tiger year 1974 saw this sun 25 apr is auspicious date to shift in, may i know what time is suitable? may i shift in after 12mn so i can sleep the very 1st morning on sunday

  111. Hi J Tan,

    Auspicious times for 25 April 2010:

    12am - 3am
    5pm - 7pm

    It seems that you don't have much choice.

  112. Hi Voyager8,

    I'm born in year of Monkey(1980)and my husband in year of Goat(1979). Which day and time is auspious to 安床 between 25 Apr to 10 May?

    Thank you!


  113. Hi Margaret,

    Auspicious dates to 安床 between 25 Apr to 10 May are:

    April 2010: 25, 26, 29.
    May 2010: 3, 7, 10.

  114. hi!

    Kindly advise the auspicious date and time for moving into new house. We are planning on May 14, 2010 (new moon).

    My husband (Goat),Me (Dragon), Children (Monkey, Pig and Rooster). Our nanny/baby sitter (horse)

    Your advice is really appreciated.



  115. Dear Voyager8,
    I'm Marc and Im just wondering if these auspicious dates also apply in United States.
    Im currently living here in Maryland, USA.

  116. Dear Voyager8,
    Is May 01 and 02 a good day to move in a new house for me? I was born in the year of the dog and rest of members are year rat and rabbit.
    Thanks in advance.

  117. Hi Marc,

    Yes. But the dates are based on GMT+8, so you might need to adjust the time to your region.

  118. Hi Kelvin,

    No. Since your dates are not in the table above.

  119. Hi Jonie,

    Auspicious times for 15 May 2010:

    12am - 5am
    7am - 9am
    1pm - 3pm

  120. hi voyager8!

    i appreciate your fast reply. But i was confused because you gave us May 15 for the date and it is not in the chart.

    Is May 15, 2010 auspicious date for us to move in a new house instead of May 14? May 14 is a new moon... or is it ok to have the house bless on May 14 and for us to transfer on May 15?

    We are born under dragon, goat, pig, monkey and rooster.

    Thank you so much.


  121. Hi jonie,

    Its 14 May 2010. A typo in previous reply on the date.

  122. Hi! Can you please help us what would be the auspicious date and time in May for our family to move on our new apt. My husband is horse, I am a monkey and twin girls are pig. My cousins are pig and rabbit and my cousin in law is a rat. We leave here in CA. I hope you can give me CA time. I tried researching on how to convert the day and time but I'm getting all mixed up. Thank you very much!


  123. Hi CG,

    You can make use of this online tool:

    Convert the Malaysia / Singapore / Hong Kong / Taiwan time to your local

  124. What would be the best time to move into the apt. With the MAY dates you have given for our family? Thanks again.


  125. Hi CG,

    You have to pick a date in order to get the time for that particular date.

  126. How about May 12 or May 18? Thanks


  127. Hi!
    My husband said we are schedule to sign the lease contract and move May 7 bt since its nit auspicious to move in that date... Can we just sign the lease and move in May 12? Will that work out or even the signing of lease needs to be done on specific dates?


  128. Hi there, I am born under monkey. Is there a date to avoid when moving to a new house in May 2010? Reason I ask is if I prefer a date but it is not included in the auspicious date you have listed I want to know a neutral date in May.


  129. Hi CG,

    Auspicious dates in May for signing contract: May 17, 20 or 21. Please refer to here for more information.

    Auspicious times for 18 May 2010 in GMT+0800:

    1am - 3am
    5am - 7am
    9am - 11am
    1pm - 3pm
    5pm - 7pm

  130. Hi there, i was born under dog and my husband is mom is ox and my son!other members is dragon..we are planning to transfer new house this 1st of may is it ok?

  131. Hi,

    1 May 2010 is an inauspicious date.

  132. Hi there Mr. Voyager8,

    thanks for prompt reply, if 1 May 2010 is an inauspicious date?what is the best date for us to transfer (as my first comment):
    mom & son-ox


  133. Hi may,

    Please refer to the table in the main article above.

  134. Hi Mr. Voyager8,

    more thanks!!!


  135. Hi Voyager8,

    We are choosing between May 1, 2, 3, 8, 9 & 10. I am born under Monkey and rest of the family is Boar, Dragon and Rooster.


  136. Hi! We are being ask to move out our place ASAP. We can no longer wait for the planned move in date of May 18. Will it still be auspicious for my family to move in to the new place April 29 since there is no rabbit in our immediate family. However, my cousin who lives with us now is a rabbit but I asked her not to move her anything or move with us on April 29. Will that work for our move to be auspicious?

    Is there a nuetral date she can move with us?and what time ifever?

    Also, we have no choice but to sign the contract lease on april 29 too... Which is not in the table shown as auspicious for contract signing. Is there anything else we can do to counter act if its inauspicious for contract signing?

    Thank you so much and more power!

    im monkey
    hubby is horse
    twin girls are pig
    cousin girl is rabbit
    cousin boy is pig
    cousin in law is rat

  137. Hi AL,

    Please refer to the table in the main article above.

    None of your dates is listed as auspicious.

  138. Hi CG,

    The continuous period from 30 April 2010 until 3 May 2010 is inauspicious.

    She can move in by 28 April 2010.

    In fact, 28 April 11pm until 29 April 1am is an auspicious time.

  139. Thank you very much and more power!

  140. hi,

    can i have the auspicious wedding dates for 2011? me and my hubby are born under the rat sign.. both on the month of december 1984...


  141. Hi Voyager8,
    Kindly advise the auspicious time for moving into new house. We are planning on the date 09Jul10.
    My husband (Monkey 1968),Me (Dog 1971), Children (Ox 1997, Rabbit 1999, Horse 2002). Appreciate your valuable advise. Thanks


  142. This comment has been removed by the author.

  143. Hi Voyager8

    I am having these three dates 17th, 18th and 19th May 2010. Kindly advise the auspicious date for moving in, out of the three dates above. We are born in the years of pig, rat and dog.


  144. hi there Mr. Voyager8,

    i asked you before about the date we are moving in to our new house by MAY 4,2010 we are planning to but i would like to ask what is the auspicious TIME?



  145. Hi Voyager 8

    There's the Exception column in the tables. Does that mean those born in the special lunar year must not be around?


  146. Hi Voyager8,
    I am planing to move in on the 8th of May 2010 which is not in your list of auspicious date. Can you suggest to me the auspicious times on that day? I was born in the year of the dog.

  147. Hi,

    Need some time to come out with the table for 2011.

    If you have a chosen date for your wedding, I can check for you.

  148. Hi Eron,

    Auspicious times for 9 July 2010:

    7am - 3pm

  149. Hi Kirstie,

    17 May 2010 is neutral for moving.

    18 May 2010 is an auspicious date for moving, except for Dog.

    19 May 2010 is an inauspicious date.

  150. Hi may,

    Auspicious times for 4 May 2010:

    3am - 5am
    7am - 9am
    1pm - 3pm
    5pm - 7pm

  151. Hi CS,

    That day would be inauspicious to them.

    They can be around if they are not playing an important role, eg. the housemaster of the new house.

  152. Hi Kelvin,

    Auspicious times for 8 May 2010:

    5am - 7am
    9am - 11am
    1pm - 3pm
    5pm - 7pm

  153. Hi Voyager8,

    Kindly advise the auspicious time for moving into new house. We are planning on the date 17MAY10. (IS THIS DATE GOOD?)
    My husband (RABBIT 1975),Me (HORSE 1978), Children (MONKEY 2005). Appreciate your valuable advise. Thanks

  154. Hi Voyager8

    You've told me earlier that 17th May is neutral for moving. 18th May is an auspicious date, unfortunately, inauspicious for dog, my child is born in the year of dog. If I'm choosing 18th May is there any auspicious time for my child to move in? Or else, do you think I should just stick to 17th May? What does a neutral date mean? Please advise.

    Thank you.


  155. Hi Kirstie,

    17 May 2010 is not a particular auspicious date for moving. However, it is also not an inauspicious date either.

    Auspicious times for 17 May 2010:

    3am - 5am
    11am - 3pm

  156. Hi I'm planning to move house with my sister on 30th June. However, my dad, although not around, is a Snake. Would that be inauspicious for me and my sis (horse, rabbit)

  157. Hi,

    I am born in the year of the dog. And I am planning to move into my new place on 01 June. Is there an Auspicious time for that date?


  158. Hi,

    Auspicious times for 1 June 2010:

    1am - 7am
    9am - 11am
    1pm - 3pm

  159. 30-may-10 is auspicious for moving house but my family's bazi suggested otherwise 'very inauspicious'.
    Can I use '28-May-2010' instead
    2 monkeys -1968 & 1 child Rat -1996.
    Please advise.

  160. Hi,

    28 May 2010 is an inauspicious date, and especially to Monkey.

  161. Appreciate your prompt reply; I have checked from Internet bazi which shows good for that day, that's why I chose that date '28-May-10'

    May I ask, how abt '26-May-10' or '29-May-10' or even '30-May-10' ??


  162. Hi,

    30 May 2010 is an auspicious date for moving.

    Which internet website are you refering to?


  164. Hi,

    I have no comment on that.

    It's better for you to ask them.

  165. Hi,
    I am new here and would like to ask on house moving. Has anyone heard that moving house middle of the year ( June) is inauspicious? I am planning to move on 9th July which is auspicious on the chart. Please advise on the time for moving. I am born 1964 Feb 26 ( Dragon).

    Thank you

  166. Hi,

    Auspicious times for 9 July 2010:

    7am - 3pm

  167. Hi,

    Mymy here,
    i would like to know what is the auspicious time of June 01, 2010 to move to a new home.... i was born 1969 rooster is my animal sign...

    thanks a lot.....

  168. Hi Mymy,

    Auspicious times for 1 June 2010:

    1am - 7am
    9am - 11am
    1pm - 3pm

  169. Hi,

    We are building our house and plan to move end of September. The dates we are looking at are: Sept. 19
    Sept. 28
    Oct. 4

    I'm born year of the rat, husband-monkey, Children & in-law are born years of dog, pig and dragon (who will be out of the country) and grandson, year of the ox.

    Would appreciate your advice on best time to move.


  170. Hi,

    Auspicious times for 19 Sept 2010:

    12am - 3am
    7am - 11am
    1pm - 3pm
    5pm - 7pm

  171. Hi,

    Bee here can i choose the date 5/6/2010 moving to new house? Myself is monkey, husband dragon & my 3 kids is rooster, dog & mouse. Pls advise us the times to move in too.

    tks & best regards

  172. Hi Chua,

    5 June 2010 should be OK for moving. It is also a good date to meet up with relatives and friends, so you can have your house warming at the same date.

    Auspicious times for 5 June 2010:

    12am - 1am
    3am - 7am
    9am - 11am
    5pm - 9pm

  173. Hi,

    This is Rona. I am moving to new apartment and i plan to do it on June 18th (Toronto time). I am a horse. Is this a good day to move? or should i move on June 19 instead.

    Thanks in advance.

  174. Hi, I will plan to move house on 30th june. Both my husband and me are in the year of rooster. May I know what are the auspicious time for moving house?

  175. Hi Rona,

    Auspicious times for 18 June 2010:

    3am - 7am
    11am - 3pm

  176. Hi,

    Auspicious times for 30 June 2010:

    1am - 7am
    11am - 3pm
    7pm - 9pm

  177. hi,
    I would like to know auspicious time and date to move in a new master bedroom. it is an extension at the right side of house falls in north west, compass. we will all sleep in this master bdroom but i put screen divider to make it into 2 rooms.we will share only one aircon.i started to build may 6, 2010 and contruction still going on up to now. I like to move in this coming july. I was born august 26, 1960(rat) husband oct. 12,1959(pig), eldest daughter june 21,1991(sheep)2nd daughter august 29,1995(pig)youngest son may 27,2003(sheep). is it true to move in to house in new moon? Please help. Iam so confused. thanks

  178. Hi,

    Yours is too specific.

    I think you need to seek consultancy from a Feng Shui master who will then visit your house and give advise.

  179. Hi,

    I am born in the year of rat, wife a dragon, kids monkey & pig. 23rd Jun 2010 seems good in you calendar. What time is ideal?

  180. Hi,

    Auspicious times for 23 June 2010:

    1am - 3am
    7am - 9am
    1pm - 3pm
    5pm - 7pm
    9pm - 11pm

  181. hi,
    I am so sorry for being too specific, please advice me auspicious time and date this june or july 2010. I am born in the year of rat, husband pig, daughter pig and sheep, son sheep. Thank you so much.

  182. Hi,

    Please refer to the table in the main article above for the dates.

  183. Hi Voyager8,
    Kindly advise the auspicious time for moving into new house. We are planning on the date 27Jun10. Me(Monkey 1968), Wife(Dog 1971), Children (Ox 1997, Rabbit 1999, Horse 2002).

    Would you be able to also advise if we officially move in on 27Jun10, but only shift in our furnitures on 28Jun10, is it ok?

    Thanks again.


  184. Hi Ron,

    Auspicious times for 27 June 2010:

    1am - 3am
    7am - 11am
    1pm - 3pm

  185. hi,

    auspicious time for june 23 and june 26, 2010

  186. Hi Voyager 8,

    Can you please tell me the difference between the owner of the house entering it for the first time with their own key and sleeping in it in their own bed? Which activity is considered moving in and which has stronger influence with regard to requiring an auspicious date/time?

    Also, does it matter at all if the owner receives the key while standing in the house or outside of it?

    Thank you kindly

  187. Hi Jenesa,

    In Tong Shu, there are 2 activities related to moving.

    One is 移徙, which mean moving from one place to another. When we moved, we no longer live/stay in the place we moved from, and we settle down in the new place we moved to.

    Second is 入宅, it is a date that you officially announced you've moved in. This is applicable to house warming, changing your address in your Identity Card, changing your correspondence address, changing your general election area, etc.

    It is very much psychological and also physical. If you think that you have moved, and you also taken action to move, then that is the date.

    It doesn't matter how you do with the key, though it could be a symbolic action to make you phychologically confirmed that you have moved.

  188. My spouse zodiac is (1974 - Tiger) and me (1983-Boar). We plan to move in on 27 June,but I notice that in the article above that day is not auspicious for Tiger zodiac. If we re-schedule on 26 June,what is the auspicious time? Plz advise.

  189. Hi Crystal,

    Auspicious times for 26 June 2010:

    9am - 3pm
    5pm - 7pm
    9pm - 11pm

  190. Hi Voyager8,

    My husband and I are both born in 1979 (goats) and would like to move on June 29th as my mother said it's a "fair" day. If June 29th is not a good day for us, we can change the date to June 30th. Please let me know what the auspicious times are on either days.

    Thank you, Cathy

  191. Hi Cathy,

    Auspicious times for 30 June 2010:

    1am - 7am
    11am - 3pm
    7pm - 9pm
