Thursday, December 30, 2010

Auspicious dates for starting new job/post/assignment in 2011

I have just posted the list of auspicious dates for opening business in 2011. And for employees, especially those in leading/managing position, here is a list of auspicious dates for starting new job/post/assignment in 2011, which is produced based on the Chinese almanac Tong Shu.

It can be applied to first day reporting to new company/department/office/position, go for the post to lead/manage a new business unit/team/project/programme. It can also be applied to assuming new job position after promotion/restructuring/relocation exercise.

Bear in mind that although the Tong Shu is a compilation of Chinese astrology and calendaring studies gathering wisdom of thousands of years, we should use it wisely and rationally, but not be too superstitious on it.

Related articles:


    1. Hi, do you have the dates for Jan & Feb 2012? I am born in the year of Monkey. Thanks!

    2. @Margaret

      Will post it in this blog in the near future.

    3. Hi,
      What are the auspicious day to start new asignment for 1st week of Feb 2012 if I am born in year of Monkey?

      Thank you.

    4. @Margaret

      There are 6 auspicious dates for starting new job/post/assignment in 2012:

      10 Jan 2012
      7 Mar 2012
      14 Mar 2012
      24 Mar 2012
      10 Sep 2012
      11 Nov 2012

    5. Thank you. As I need the day to be in first week of Feb 2012, is 2 Feb or 3 Feb a better day for starting a new assignment ?

    6. @Margaret

      Both the 2 dates are neutral to assuming new assignment.

      3 Feb 2012 is an auspicious date for signing contract.

      Both the 2 dates are auspicious to move to a new place.

    7. hi, are february 1st or 12th 2012 good days if i'm a metal monkey?

    8. @nicky

      1 February 2012 is inauspicious. 12 February 2012 is neutral.

    9. Hi Voyager8,
      Do you have the auspicious dates for 2012?

      May I know the auspicious day to start new job for Jan 2012 if I am born in year of Monkey?

      Also is 20th Jan or 30th Jan better to start new job?
      Thank you.

    10. Hi Voyager8,

      May i know if 20th Jan or 30th Jan is better to start new job if I am born in the year of monkey?

    11. hi,

      will you be posting the good/bad dates to start work in 2012 soon please?

